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English Essays

The Incarcerated Self and Society

Summarize the myth of Atalanta as presented by Du Bois. Du Bois employs Atalanta’s Greek legend to symbolize Atlanta and the American South during post-Civil War times in his essay “On the Wings of Atalanta.” Ultimately, Hippomenes emerges victorious over Atalanta by ingeniously tossing three golden apples as a distraction during their race. Atalanta stopped ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 723

My Personal Experiences as a Writer

During my years as a high school student, books, novels, and magazines formed an important part of my life. Whenever I had stress or anxiety, I used to read a lot because it helped me relax by calming my mind from tension. However, I never believed I could become a good writer who could compose ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 746
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Literal Analysis of Alice Walker’s Everyday Use

Alice Walker’s Everyday Use is an intriguing story about Dee, Maggie, and Mama’s heritage. Walker gives a detailed experience of the family plus their divergent ideas on why they perceive their culture differently. The excerpt from Everyday Use depicts the fight over the grandmother’s quilt and the distinct view of heritage. Dee, who has recently come in touch with ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1003

English Language as a Medium of Instruction in Primary and Secondary Schools in Outer and Expanding Circle Countries.

The development of English as a medium of instruction in primary and secondary schools in outer and expanding circle countries can be traced back to British colonization. During the colonial era, the British Empire played a significant role in spreading English worldwide. As a result, many countries in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean adopted English ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1829

Implementing a Creative Writing Course at Qatar University

INTRODUCTION Qatar University needs to introduce the proposed creative writing course for students in the Department of English Literature to address this important academic gap. The main objective of this initiative is to provide students with an opportunity to express themselves creatively through writing and explore their interests, which can lead them to become better ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 807

Communicating in the English Language

Abstract This research paper examines how the use of English as a language in America has both positive and negative implications for people who are not native English speakers. On the one hand, it is used to bridge different communities within the United States and create relationships through communication, leading to mutual understanding. Additionally, access ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1738

Improving Vocabulary Development: A Data-Driven Reading Lesson Plan

PART A: Analysis of data We will look at Data Set A in this study since it is concerned with Stage 1 Vocabulary growth. The information in this set relates to the English syllabus result ENE-PHOKW-01, which concerns the capacity of students to decode and encode words when reading and writing texts using single-letter grapheme-phoneme ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1500

Adolescent Literacy in English

The Current Status of Adolescent Literacy The present state of literacy among adolescents is a significant concern within education. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), approximately one-third of eighth-grade students in the United States are not performing at the expected reading level for their grade. This alarming statistic highlights the pressing necessity ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1204

Enhancing English Speaking Confidence and Fluency Among TESOL Learners in China

Abstract The study aims to investigate the factors that impact confidence and fluency in English speaking among TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) in China. The research seeks to find the chief issues these learners encounter besides exploring likely plans to stress their confidence and oral influence (Cheung, 2023). The study uses a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3251

Improvement in Writing Skills

I have been working hard to improve my writing skills during this semester’s course. My efforts have been greatly rewarded according to the level of my writing skills at the beginning of the semester compared to now. My writing skills significantly improved when I explored the areas where I had issues with s at the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 762

“Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko and Equiano Narratives on Slaves”

Introduction The citation from Charlotte Susmann emphasizes the vital part that literary representations performed in the British people’s decision to reconsider the morality of slavery.[1] Literature gave readers a platform for critical reflection on the system of slavery because of its ability to stir readers’ emotions and upend social standards. Literary works influenced public opinion by ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1930

Change in Sound System

Sound change in linguistics indicates sound speech shifts to become different over the years. Sound change is among the oldest traditions in linguistics. Sound change is an important area of linguistics, and it has been like that throughout the history of linguistics. Sound change has played an important part in phonology as compared to other ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1666

Advanced Composition: Essay Formatting, Poetic Rules, and Sentence Structures

Chapter One: Introduction Background Advanced composition in professional and academic writing includes many significant decisions in making clear and compelling composed correspondence. Observing various central guidelines is significant in delivering great scholarly or professional compositions. The paper herein will seek the rules within the advanced composition, the systematic necessities that occupy the current field, and ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3492

Analyzing a Public Speaker

Organization I virtually attended a public speaking event on the most famous public speaking platform, TED. The video’s title is “How to speak so that people want to listen,” and it was delivered by the famous Julian Treasure. Its organization can be divided into an introduction, a middle, and a conclusion. The speaker starts with ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 697

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

African Americans in the United States speak a dialect of English known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE), which is regarded as an important element of their cultural identity (Wolfram et al., 209). It can also be seen as the American English spoken by many African Americans and is also known as African American English, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1620
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Essays On English

An essay on English might seem like an incredibly broad and even vague topic, but within it, there’s a vast array of subjects to be mined. The language is the most spoken in the world. Far more than one billion people speak it and learn it all the time. This makes it extremely relevant as a topic because it’s also one of the most highly sought after languages for potential employees to be competent in.

English as a broader topic of study can encompass an even wider subject pool. Many students have gone to high school and taken “English” courses that cover the whole of the English language, from writing and reading to properly speaking and comprehending the nuances of the language and how it’s used. This could include book reports, debates to ensure you grasp the language, and learning how to properly and persuasively write.

For many of us, English classes are the first place we learn to write an essay, making English a topic somewhat meta (another concept covered in English classes). This huge range of topics and the way they’re interwoven through our daily lives makes English a highly relevant topic.

How to write an essay in English

Essays in English will most often fall within the classic essay structure of one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The most important thing to remember when writing an essay in English is that your topic is also your medium, so you need to do everything you can to make it a spotless example of your topic.

Ways you can do this include:

• Expand your vocabulary. Use a thesaurus and a dictionary. The thesaurus will give you synonyms, and the dictionary will help ensure you’re correctly using the words.
• Write with clarity and organization.
• Reread three times: once for flow, once for grammar, and once for clarity.

What can you talk about in an essay on English

There is a wide selection of topics you can cover. Some of them may include:

• The prevalence of the English language in our world.
• The difference between grammar and punctuation and how to identify it in the wild.
• The difference between metaphor and simile- Beyond “like.”

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view about the English language and create your own masterpiece!

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