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Effect of Cloud Computing Technology on Management Accounting, Decision-Making, and Operations Management


The power of experiential learning emphasizes the breadth of its reach, including work-based learning (WBL), ships, and work placements which may be part of a work-integrated learning program such as co-operate. Workers can hone their reflective skills to critically appraise what has been experienced through practice (Vărzaru, 2022, p. 2256). A reflection essay is a piece of writing in which the author examines their own experiences, ideas, and feelings. The power of experiential learning emphasizes the breadth of its reach, including work-based learning (WBL), ships, and work placements which may be part of a work-integrated learning program such as co-operate. Workers can hone their reflective skills to appraise what has been experienced through practice critically. 2015 (Helyer). A reflection essay is a piece of writing in which the author examines their own experiences, ideas, and feelings. This structure will help clearly and concisely convey my reflections logically and coherently.

My group was assigned the topic, “Effect of Cloud Computing technology on management accounting, decision-making, and operations management.” This report will examine my performance during the group project and offer recommendations for improving my performance. It will also contain a thoughtful review of the entire process, including the planning, designing, and presentation phases. We settled on Disney Plus and Netflix as our two host organizations.

Reflection on Contribution to the Research Project and Host Organization


My group was given the topic of how cloud computing technology affects decision-making. My team members and I got together to discuss how to divide the team’s chores; mine was to examine the literature review I conducted by looking up past studies (Vărzaru, 2022, p. 2257). Although it was challenging to select a host organization because we could not find enough research-related articles and data, Netflix and Disney Plus were generally agreed upon. Secondary information from the chosen businesses was employed to obtain sufficient knowledge about how cloud computing technology has impacted and aided them. Netflix and Disney Plus Streaming are entertainment firms. Hence they were chosen (Shi and Ding, 2022, p. 713). My team chose these two companies because they have successfully migrated to cloud computing technology

My group consisted of a great team of people, and we decided to conduct research as a team. We had several face-face meetings. After having our physical session in school, we had discussions on Microsoft teams and WhatsApp messenger as a communication tools. Emails were also used to communicate messages with each other. (Appendix A).

During my research, my team member and I looked at the strategies adopted by companies because of the digital disruption forcing companies to rethink. We aim to understand what cloud computing and digital ways of working means for a business and how a business can successfully implement Cloud Computing Technology, weighing its pros and cons and yet embracing cloud computing technology. The objective was t determine the effect of Cloud computing on management accounting, decision-making, and operations management in Organizations that have successfully migrated (Shi and Ding, 2022, p. 713). To examine how businesses can leverage Cloud Computing to improve the standard of operation and provide recommendations on the success factors of Cloud Computing deployment.

For the project presentation, we were to show our progress report to our tutor, and all individual research was sent to me to combine. I had a physical meeting with my team members to overview and make amendments where needed before the presentation. I handled the literature review and part of the introduction. It initially took much work to find substantial materials to support the research. However, after much persistence and extensive research, I found some articles and journals on google scholar. It was intense for me in the weeks as I had a pending course, making me not have all the necessary concentration. However, this was resolved in the coming weeks, and because of this, I prompted myself to concentrate on my project. I saved all the documents on Microsoft word. Other team members submitted their quota, and I combined all documents in one Microsoft word document.

So what?

I am incredibly interested in researching cloud computing technology, as my first degree was in computer science. Cloud computing is an emerging business model that provides shared access to computer infrastructure, software, and services (Saini and Khandelwal, 2019, p. 34). Cloud computing is now a standard way of operating for most companies, and organizations that do not leverage it will be left behind (Malik and Rashid, 2018, p. 23). The benefits of cloud computing include scalability, cost-effectiveness, increased mobility, and a focus on core competencies. Cloud computing supports digital transformation through automation, analytics, and innovation (Hayes, 2021, p. 19). The most significant driver for adopting cloud computing is the disruption of traditional IT service delivery models (Saini and Khandelwal, 2019, p. 10). Businesses are partnering with providers to utilize the latest security, management, and collaboration tools, which help facilitate the adoption of cloud-based solutions.

After observation doing our group project, I realize that Cloud computing technology has the potential to fundamentally change the relationship between the enterprise and its service providers. However, cloud computing impacted organizations’ operations management, decision-making, and management accounting during the COVID-19 and post-pandemic (Rahimli, 2013, p. 24). Cloud computing is the end-to-end process of delivering services and software as a service.

Now what?

I acknowledge that after showing our project to our tutor, it needed to be more concise and Evidence-based research. I suggested to my team member that we do more comprehensive research. I looked into the areas I need to work on. I volunteered to review the Limitations of the Study, which shows the journey of Netflix switching to cloud computing that started in August 2008 when they experienced significant database corruption for three days and were unable to ship DVDs to customers (Qi et al., 2022, p. 8). They finally switched to cloud computing in 2011, making them top the streaming entertainment sector. Subscribers increased, and over time they made a profit of $12.68bn from 2011 – 2021. I gathered more information on Netflix than Disney plus because of their long existence.

I did not complete the literature review on time as I had to do extensive research, but eventually, I could get enough definite articles and journals. The feedback from our tutor is that we have to talk about each host organization separately and also put up a tabular form showing how their advantages outweigh each other; because of this, I was prompted to complete my part on time and also prepare myself for the next meeting with my team members. In the future, I will be more proactive in my approach and ensure my input is well-proofread before sending it to my team member. In this regard, Cloud computing provides many benefits to organizations, including scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness (Lenart, 2011). However, it also comes with specific challenges, such as Security concerns: While cloud computing solutions provide some level of security, selecting a service provider that meets your security requirements is essential (Appendix B). Organizations must identify the benefits and challenges associated with cloud computing to ensure success and take steps to overcome them.

Reflection on Personal and Professional Benefits Gained During the Module, Including New Skills and Knowledge Acquired


I have demonstrated teamwork skills while studying for this module by being on time, reliable, prepared, and dedicated to my team. I put myself in the position of listening to others’ perspectives and was also able to manage constructive conflict among my team members. There was much disagreement about when to have meetings because different team members’ schedules conflicted, but I was able to prioritize my team and ensure flexibility. I also brought my professionalism and communication skills to work by respecting others’ opinions and ensuring messages were delivered clearly and concisely. Since I needed more creativity, I asked my teammates and tutor questions and used the internet for a more comprehensive search. This experience forced me to think more critically than I previously had, establish goals, and adhere to deadlines. Due to this lesson, I now have a deeper understanding of the principles and practices required to operate ethically and successfully as a professional in my area.

I am determined to keep learning and developing in these areas as my work develops, and these principles and practices will be essential to my success there. This has helped me become more adept at time management. I have learnt how crucial it is to be proactive and show initiative. I must be proactive in looking for opportunities to learn and improve and take the initiative to solve problems and handle issues as they arise if I want to be effective in my work (Welsh et al., 2010). This is being proactive in looking for extra training and development possibilities and ways to help my team and organization succeed.

So what?

As a part of a team made up of individuals with varying opinions and perspectives, I have learned how to listen intently and provide my team members with accurate criticism. Additionally, I have grown confident in delivering our project to my instructor. As I observed how my contributions to the team might impact productivity and performance, I became more conscious of the significance of accountability. As a result, I made careful to do any homework provided to me as soon as possible. These proved to me that they were skilled and able to collaborate with others. I suggested methods we might coordinate ourselves after the second week, when my team was disorganized, by designating who would be in charge of meetings on a rotating basis until the twelfth week. This demonstrated my capability for team management and leadership. My teammates welcomed a novel idea I implemented, which involved adding data to the project.

I also concurred with my teammate’s suggestions on how to deal with the project’s challenges, such as by rearranging our work. I realized my potential because of this. I realized how crucial confidence was to my learning when I looked back on the time I spent studying for this session. Initially, I hesitated to speak up during class debates because I frequently questioned whether I understood the raised issues. However, as I put more time into learning, my confidence improved. One strategy I employed to increase my confidence was actively looking for criticism (Skinner & Pitzer, 2012). I set realistic goals for myself. Instead of trying to handle everything at once, I focused on understanding one concept at a time. As a result, I had more control over my education and could rejoice in my minor successes along the way (McKernan, 2013). I discovered that a critical factor in boosting my confidence was surrounding myself with encouraging and sympathetic group members.

I also sent reminders on WhatsApp messenger for our team meetings’ scheduled times. I did this by sending emails. I remain committed to finishing the module with my team’s aim in mind (Behfar et al., 2008). After some thought, it is preferable to distribute tasks to team members who have the necessary competence rather than using more conventional methods like volunteering or based on convenience.

Now what?

On reflection, I needed to be more proactive in the early week of the group meeting. In the future, I will ensure I act swiftly in executing tasks that involve the team. I have learned not to work at my own pace. I will work at the team deadlines. This is significant because, in the future, as an operations Manager, I must seek and listen to the opinions of both lower and upper management in decision-making and achieving organizational goals. I will change my approach to team management by ensuring deadlines are set for days ahead to maintain the timeline. My communication skills will differ as I will pass messages clearly, timely, and accurately to avoid confusion.

To further my education and continuous professional and personal development, I intend to prioritize continuing education and look for opportunities to learn new things. This will likely entail me signing up for professional development courses or workshops, attending industry conferences or events, or taking part in online learning initiatives (Farrell, 2015; Zwozdiak-Myers, 2018). I seek criticism of my performance and suggestions for improvement, as this can point out areas where I can concentrate my study efforts. Instead of waiting for these possibilities to present, I actively seek new challenges and opportunities to advance my knowledge and skills. According to McAdams & Olson (2010), this may entail asking for advice from co-workers or mentors or looking for new projects or duties to help me advance and develop. I can continue to advance in my work by actively seeking new learning opportunities and taking charge of my personal and professional growth (Cottrell, 2019). By pushing myself to complete work ahead of schedule so that there is time for evaluation, criticism, correction, and constructive feedback, I aim to strengthen my ability to motivate myself. I will read books on teamwork techniques to hone my talents and prepare for a better career position.

Reflection on professional values and behaviors


As the module continued, I became more aware of the importance of being patient, dependable, and self-motivated. Indication shows that I demonstrated these skills throughout the module and treated everyone fairly as a team member. I valued all team members’ contributions and viewpoints. It was not surprising because I demonstrated the characteristics of a superb team player. I was patient with my teammates and learnt to be dependable by completing all tasks on schedule. I sent reminder emails, the remainder on Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp chat, to alert my team members of the following meeting schedule. I encouraged everyone to give it our all to produce a positive result, as this subject taught me the value of diligence, a strong work ethic, hard effort, and teamwork. This includes task delegation and idea sharing. I worked on two components of the project; I was initially overwhelmed since I could not filter the specific materials required, but with much patience and improvement in my work ethic, I could attain the desired outcome. I improved my work ethic, dependability, communication abilities, and accountability.

This lesson and the group project displayed several professional values and behaviours. To begin, by actively participating in class discussions and group activities, I displayed a solid dedication to learning and personal development. This included remaining current with class information and seeking feedback to improve my skills and knowledge. I demonstrated a powerful sense of moral responsibility, honesty, and professionalism by continually adhering to the principles. This meant ensuring that all of my work was unique and correctly credited and treating my team members with respect and professionalism. Furthermore, by actively participating in a group project and adding my skills and knowledge to the team, I displayed a great sense of teamwork and collaboration. This includes listening to others’ ideas and perspectives and seeking common ground to achieve our shared goals (Korthagen and Vasalos, 2005, p. 14). Indeed, these professional values and behaviors have been essential in helping me succeed in my studies, and I will continue with this as I move forward in my career.

So What?

During this module, I developed several abilities and gained more experience as a future operations manager. Communication skills and imaginative thinking are required for team interactions and schedule preparations. As a team member in this program, I noticed that my flexibility and accountability skills improved and that I could provide appropriate criticism to my instructor and group members. On second thought, communication skills were necessary because my team member valued the manner of communication inside the team. This prevented the escalation of conflict; I was dependable since I never missed meetings and was always on time.

I recognize the significance of dedication to learning since it is required to engage in the learning process fully. My participation in class and research work for this semester demonstrate this. I continually committed to studying throughout the module by actively participating in conversations, asking questions, and seeking out extra resources to deepen my comprehension (Wong et al., 2019, p. 12). I also stayed involved and concentrated during class sessions, taking careful notes and reviewing them regularly. In addition, I addressed the research project with zeal and persistence (National Research Council, 2012). I spent much time studying and accumulating material and aggressively sought advice and comments from my tutors and team members.

Ethical responsibility is essential to any class or research endeavor since it entails upholding principles of fairness, honesty, and respect for others. During the class and research project, I displayed a strong sense of ethical responsibility by actively attempting to learn and adhere to ethical rules and regulations and evaluating the potential consequences of my actions on others. I made sure to credit all sources in my study correctly and to avoid plagiarism, as these actions exhibit respect for the work of others and ensure the integrity of my research (Mann et al., 2020, p. 32). Additionally, I demonstrated ethical responsibility by actively seeking to understand and respect the viewpoints and experiences of my team members, including those who may have different perspectives or backgrounds than mine.

Now What?

I intend to attend leadership classes and obtain certification to assist me in applying my talents in order to stimulate continued thinking and development. I will grow as a person by becoming more creative. As a future operations manager, I will learn managerial skills and attend operations management and team-building courses to broaden my operations knowledge (Wang and Guo, 2022, p. 600). In the future, I intend to be more proactive in the team I find myself in; I have enrolled in Coursera online and Pluralsight skills.

I realized that it is critical to constantly strive to develop and increase my actions to be the best professional through self-development and reflection on my prior experiences. I will concentrate on communication (Lennie, 2007, p. 18). When communicating with colleagues, I may appear abrupt or dismissive in some situations. In the future, I intend to improve my tone and body language to effectively explain my goals and demonstrate respect for others (Cowan, 2006; Abbott, 2021). This can be accomplished by actively listening, using positive words, and making an attempt to comprehend the opinions of others.

Another area where I would like to improve is time management. As a busy professional, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines. I intend to apply tactics such as making to-do lists, setting precise daily goals, and prioritizing things based on priority to manage my workload better (Mobarak, 2019; Johns, 2009). Organizing my time wisely will serve my clients and co-workers better while avoiding last-minute rushes and falling behind on project timelines.

Aside from these specific efforts, I intend to continue learning and growing professionally. This includes remaining current on industry news and trends, looking for new possibilities for professional development, and looking for mentors and advisers who can offer direction and assistance (Carlsson‐Wall et al., 2022, p. 778). I will be better prepared to face the challenges of being a professional if I continually work to enhance my skills and knowledge (Loomis & Felt, 2021, p. 5). To boost my leadership management skills, I enrolled in an online leadership brief certification with Harvard business lesson (Harvard business school).

Personal Development Plan

My personal development


Priority (high/med/low What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives? What support/resources do I need to achieve my objectives The target date for achieving my objectives
The ability to adapt to various situations or tasks Medium Assuming additional responsibilities

Developing my expertise by replacing outdated techniques with new ones.

Providing additional instruction to reinforce learning and allowing students to explore and discover concepts for themselves. May 2023
Increase my creativity Medium Gain fresh techniques and abilities

Enrolling in classes on personal development and creativity

Developing indicators for gauging levels of creativity May 2023
Build on confidence High Take on different volunteer positions with a leadership component.

 Participate in activities that can promote the growth of personal capabilities such as asking questions and speaking in group meetings

Create comprehensive standards to delineate the expectations for personal confidence skills. Jan 2023
To promote professional integrity, positive values, and Medium Enrolling in classes about morality and self-control

Attending sessions that emphasize personal growth

Joining seminars on improving oneself

Interacting with co-workers and completing a personality assessment June 2023
To become a positive contributor to teamwork Medium Work together with my team to reach our objectives

Gain additional knowledge on how to interact with people

Engage in self-reflection and solicit candid feedback from colleagues. May 2023
Demonstrating leadership High Gaining experience by taking on a leadership role through volunteering

Studying the attributes of an effective leader by watching instructional videos.

Engage in a process of self-assessment by deliberately utilizing various leadership attributes. April 2023
Presentation skills Medium Take an online class that focuses on engaging an audience

Gain experience by volunteering for speaking engagements

Learn presentation skills by watching educational videos and participating in seminars.

Seek input from team members and solicit guidance from professionals. February 2023
Effective decision-making skills Medium Gain insight through further study

Develop decision-making abilities through courses

Assess choices and their results, by obtaining feedback from those affected May 2023
Develop the ability to think critically High Offer assistance to address issues when feasible

Engage in activities that necessitate problem solving skills

Seek advice from mentors or colleagues to evaluate existing skills. June 2023
To accomplish tasks with greater speed and precision. Medium Gain knowledge in strategic planning

Investigate effective organizational techniques

Staying organized by adhering to timetables and accessing digital resources. February 2023
Develop superior interpersonal abilities High Participate in seminars that focus on enhancing interpersonal and digital interactions

Gain knowledge on the efficient application of nonverbal cues

Seek feedback from tutors and colleagues about my communications. Utilize employee engagement to do so.

Administering surveys in the workplace

February 2023
To be able to successfully organize and utilize time High Ranking daily and weekly duties in order of importance

Signing up for a project management course

Utilizing the SMART objectives system to evaluate outcomes

Giving oneself rewards and utilizing online resources. March 2023

Reflection on Personal Development Plan

The best approach for monitoring my personal development is to complete a personal development plan. To attain my personal and professional goals, developing my knowledge and abilities must be a continuous process, I must continually develop my knowledge and abilities (Ruge et al., 2021). These are critical as I get ready to pursue my professional objectives. Making the aforementioned personal development plan allowed me the chance for learning a lot about myself and reflecting on my personal and professional experiences while participating in this internship practice. It also helped me recognize my efforts and pinpoint opportunities for development.

The feedback I got from my mentors after the presentation, my personal experiences during the module, talking with group members, and my ability to learn and perceive potential areas for growth all played a part in influencing the aims I chose for my PDP. My ideal starting point was to set goals and conduct a SWOT analysis (Wu, 2022, p. 280). Knowing my strengths and weaknesses allows me to more effectively utilize my abilities and improve my perceived weaknesses, which benefits me both personally and professionally (Ganieva et al., 2019, p. 21). Additionally, when I work on the module with my team mates, it provides me with a fantastic chance for growth and aids in my ability to recognize and minimize risky situations. The experience I acquired from studying this module will also help me be better prepared for any demands that my profession may have as I work toward achieving my professional goal (Emiliya et al., 2017, p. 17). This would ensure that while I try to achieve my goals and objectives, my progress and development are monitored. The aforementioned PDP assists in identifying and nurturing the skills, attitudes, and abilities required to advance my profession (Arishina et al., 2021).


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