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Cloud Computing Essays

Optimizing Internet Content Delivery

In the dynamic environment of the internet, Akamai Technologies features considerably in optimizing content delivery and dealing with internet traffic and user expectations that keep increasing. Founded in 1998 by MIT professor Tom Leighton and his graduate student Daniel Lewin, Akamai perfected the idea of edge computing to speed up internet traffic. Akamai Intelligent Edge ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869

A Survey on Software as a Service

Introduction In this study, we look at the implications of Software as a Service (SaaS) and how it might help businesses utilize the benefits of cloud computing. Enterprises increasingly invest in SaaS and incorporate this cloud computing service delivery model into their IT services. SaaS-based applications are a subset of cloud computing that prioritizes the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1278
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Cloud Essential Case Study

Introduction Organizations are depending more and more on cloud computing in the age of digital transformation to take advantage of its flexibility, scalability, and affordability. But as more data moves to the cloud, security worries become critical. This essay explores the complex topic of cloud security from three essential angles: privacy, big data, and data ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 629

Parallel Computing in Healthcare Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been in use among several industries, including aerospace and automotive industries, long before it was adopted in healthcare manufacturing. Its adoption in healthcare manufacturing has witnessed several challenges, including timeliness, amount of resource use, and customization challenges, not forgetting the respective challenges seen in fabricating medical devices and printing tissue organs. ... Read More
Pages: 36       Words: 9824

Data Center to the Cloud

Introduction Data centers form the backbone of a modern organization, where they store and process the company’s valuable data and associated applications. The requirement for powerful data centers for executives has become central in the ongoing digitization environment. In that capacity, many organizations are deciding to create some distance from their conventional On-premise arrangements and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1417

Exploring IT Trends in Digital Transformation: Case Study Analysis of Shopify Inc. and D-Wave Systems Inc.

Abstract The most recent IT developments are examined in depth and how they could affect organizational initiatives for digital transformation (DT). Four significant IT trends are the subject of the study, which also looks at how they are being implemented in two particular businesses, Shopify Inc. and D-Wave Systems Inc. The analysis gives a thorough ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4136

Amazon: Web Service, Cloud Computing and Digital Media

Introduction Amazon Company is an American multinational technological enterprise focusing on artificial intelligence, e-commerce, digital streaming, online advertisement, and cloud computing. Amazon is considered one of the Big Five American technology companies, together with Meta, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. The company, which was started in 1994 initially as an online library, has expanded to various ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1304

Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

Executive summary This report covers the topic of Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing. The report is divided into two tasks. The first one includes the importance of cloud computing from a business perspective. It also includes the development of Cloud computing, the concept and application of cloud computing in a business, and how ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2623

It Trends in Digital Transformation

Abstract Digital transformation” (DT) is an organization-wide adoption of cutting-edge IT that improves both internal processes and customer service quality. Businesses need to adopt new technologies and adjust their strategies to keep up with the fast pace of change. This research aims to examine the potential impact of current IT breakthroughs on DT initiatives at ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2901

Trends in Digital Transformation

Abstract There have been several studies on the digital trends in digital transformation and how these trends affect various industries in the world. This fact has prompted our study into various trends in digital transformation, like IoT, AR, cloud computing, and big data analytics, which are the most commonly used ones. We will also look ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3616

Emergent Problems of Software Testing in the Context of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is causing disruptive shifts and revolutions in the information technology and business intelligence sectors. It involves delivering computing services including intelligence, storage, networking and analytics over the internet to facilitate innovation, flexible access to computing resources and reduction of the upfront costs of owning and maintaining IT infrastructure. Cloud computing underpins several IT ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3564

Use of Enterprise Systems

Introduction: Today’s businesses rely heavily on enterprise systems to manage complex business processes across a wide range of functional areas. Business process automation and integration solutions aim to improve communication and efficiency in the workplace (Renaldo, 2022). In this paper, we will outline our proposals for XYZ Inc.’s IT information strategy, focusing on the company’s ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1161

Cloud Computing As the Future

Definition and Overview of Cloud Computing The present technologies present cloud computing to improve organizational performance. The technology involves the transmission of software, storage, and processing capability via the Internet (Rashid et al., 2019). It enables consumers on-demand access to resources without requiring local servers or physical infrastructure. Cloud computing’s importance and relevance in the ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2820

Causal Loop Diagram

PART 1 PART 2 Diagram Discussion My causal loop diagram aims to illustrate the application of Homomorphic Encryption (HE) in Cloud computing technology. “In cloud computing, fully homomorphic encryption is commonly touted as the holy grail of cloud security” (Gentry, 2009). The existence of periodic modifications with HE allows us to be aware of the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1555

Smart Technology in Business

Smart technology’s role in business is rapidly evolving in some ways that are exciting. Smart tech is used to make buildings safer and better environmental conditions regulations that help in boosting employees’ comfort, productivity levels, and well-being. There are more and more benefits that people in the business world are experiencing. The current businesses need ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1541
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