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Cloud Computing Essays

Modern Technology in Education Process

Modern technology is vital in today’s life, for it improves the efficiency of activities and eases processes compared to traditional technology. Additionally, it enables people to deal with everyday changing activities since it is convenient. For example, it enhances communication through and information access through mobile phones. Also, it saves time since people can access ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 697

Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Institutions

Abstract The new coronavirus caused the COVID-19 pandemic, and many businesses and organizations in the UK urged their staff to work from home as a precautionary step to lessen virus transmission. On the contrary hand, workers who work from home face a variety of security hazards. The quick worldwide deployment of COVID-19 has increased the ... Read More
Pages: 33       Words: 8975
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Challenges and Proposed Solutions in Digital Forensics

Introduction The creation and consumption of information services are changing due to cloud computing. Technology has evolved to include a paradigm of numerous stakeholders, geographical independence, an elastic on-demand supply of computational power, and cloud computing. Internet, servers, processing, storage applications, and services are examples of resources. Through cloud computing, customers can provision and expand ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 984

Managing Information Systems Case Study

Question 1 Challenges cloud computing is facing. The delivery of various hardware and software services via the internet and distant servers is known as cloud computing. Security is a significant problem in cloud computing because one cannot see the precise place where their data is being stored or processed. The hazards that can develop throughout ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1451

Cloud Computing for Enterprises

Abstract The advent of technology has been beneficial in numerous ways to humans. The internet advancement has seen the rise of cloud computing innovation, enabling people and corporations to store and retrieve critical data resources remotely from the cloud network. This has come along with vast merits and also triggered some considerable limitations. This research ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2358

Cloud Security and Privacy

Introduction The wave of digitization has never ceased since it began. The increasing adoption of computers has changed how societies run in key aspects. With the ubiquitous nature of smartphones, the internet has become virtually indispensable in the everyday functioning of people. Staying online has historically depended upon remote servers. The need for servers has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1576

Essay on Cloud Computing

Introduction Cloud computing is a technique whereby computing resources or services such as data storage, physical or virtual servers, databases, software, networking services, and networking tools are accessible and available over the internet. A cloud service provider manages these services. Cloud computing provides the capability of data being stored, managed, and processed in a remote ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1339

Securing the Cloud

Introduction Information technology has advanced over the years, and organizations use it to improve their production and service delivery systems. Among the developments made in smart technologies is cloud computing. Cloud computing assists in reducing the cost of purchasing, installing, and maintenance of software and hardware. It improves efficiency in accessing resources because of its ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1512

Supervised Learning Approach in Cloud Computing

Abstract Supervised Machine Learning is a machine learning technique that helps in capturing the knowledge regarding input/output relationships that are present in the training set, also known as a specified set of pairs of the training sample. Due to the fact that the output data is utilized to monitor labels throughout the training sample operation, these ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6412

Essay on Cloud Computing

Cloud computing encompasses the conveyance of different services through the Internet, which is necessitated by technological improvements realized in recent years. Cloud computing is a technology, which utilizes the Internet to manage and store data on remote servers (Jadeja & Modi, 2012). Individuals can access the different types of data stored via the Internet, such ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1276

Technologies and Architectures That Provide the Foundation for Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an emerging model of IT that provides on-demand web access to a joint pool of configurable computing means (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be speedily provisioned and unconstrained with slight management power or service provider interface. The cloud model allows users to access services using web-based tools rather ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1317

Cloud Forensics: Overview of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a term that refers to the process of storing and accessing data online. Cloud computing is what makes it possible for us to access personal computers, tablets, and smartphones, as well as data storage space through the internet. The idea of cloud computing was first introduced in the twentieth century by Nicholas ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1851
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