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Future Tech Annotated Bibliography

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is an emerging technology that blends virtual content with the physical world, enhancing the human sensory experience. Its future potential is vast, from entertainment and gaming to education, healthcare, and even military applications. The AR market is expected to grow exponentially with the proliferation of smartphones and wearable devices in the coming years. This technology will continue to enhance how we interact with digital content and provide more immersive and engaging experiences. With the advancement of this technology, it may become integrated into our daily lives, enhancing productivity and changing how we communicate and interact.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how we live and operate. This technology has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, finance, and even entertainment. AI is expected to become even more ubiquitous, with natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning advancements. AI-powered robots will likely be introduced in factories, hospitals, and other workplaces, performing tasks once reserved for human workers. The technology will also continue to improve decision-making and problem-solving in various industries, helping humanity solve some of the world’s most complex challenges. However, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications of AI and ensure that it is developed and deployed responsibly to benefit society as a whole.

Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Home Technology

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnected network of physical devices and appliances that can communicate with each other and exchange data. IoT offers many business opportunities, which allow companies to build new business strategies and models to implement the concept (Shafique et al., 2020). Through this technology, homeowners can control and monitor their homes remotely using their smartphones or other devices, using smart devices such as thermostats, lighting systems, and security cameras. This technology offers convenience, energy efficiency, and improved safety and security. As it continues to evolve, smart homes will become even more integrated and sophisticated, with the potential to improve our quality of life in numerous ways

5G Network Technology

5G network technology promises to change the way we connect and communicate. It has high bandwidth, faster speeds, and lower latency and is expected to enable new applications such as autonomous vehicles and remote healthcare. Industries, from manufacturing and logistics to entertainment and media, will also be transformed by this technology. However, the widespread deployment of 5G infrastructure requires significant investments and regulatory changes. There are also concerns around security and privacy, which must be addressed. Despite the challenges, 5G can shape our society’s future and how we interact with technology.

Cloud Computing and Cloud Services

Cloud computing has transformed how we store, process, and access data. It has become an essential tool for businesses, governments, and individuals. The advancement of artificial intelligence, IoT, and 5G networks makes the future of cloud computing even more transformative. Cloud computing is expected to enable new use cases such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and personalized healthcare. However, as the amount of data stored in the cloud grows, so do security, privacy, and data ownership concerns. There is a need to address the challenges to ensure that the benefits of cloud computing are realized while protecting the rights of individuals and organizations.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary technology that can potentially transform various industries. This technology creates secure and transparent systems for different use cases, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and finance. We expect widespread adoption of blockchain technology in various industries in the future, as it can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve security. Despite some challenges, blockchain technology will continue to be a disruptive force, changing how we conduct business and communicate in the digital age.

Quantum Computing

Quantum technology is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to transform various industries. Quantum computing and quantum communication are among the most exciting applications of this technology, which use quantum bits to perform computations and create secure communication channels. In the future, we expect to see quantum technology continue to develop and be applied in new and exciting ways. With the potential for drug discovery, climate modeling, and more breakthroughs, quantum technology can revolutionize our understanding of the world and how we interact with it.

Autonomous Vehicles and Drones

Autonomous vehicles and drones are technologies that are transforming the way we think about transportation and logistics. These vehicles use sensors and advanced algorithms to move and drive without human intervention, while drones can be used for various operations, including package delivery, surveying, and monitoring. In the future, these technologies will become more widespread and integrated into various industries, such as logistics, agriculture, and emergency services. Autonomous vehicles and drones have the potential to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety, making them a promising technology for the future. However, there are also challenges, such as regulation and safety concerns.

Biometric Authentication Technology

Biometric authentication technology uses unique physical attributes, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans, to authenticate a user’s identity. This technology can improve security and convenience for various operations, such as mobile devices, financial transactions, and access control systems. Since physical characteristics are much harder to fake or copy, this technology can also provide a higher level of security than traditional password-based systems. In the future, we expect to see wider adoption of biometric authentication technology as it continues to enhance and become more convenient. However, there are also concerns regarding privacy and the potential misuse of biometric data, which must be addressed as technology advances.

Edge Computing and Edge Device

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the end-users or edge devices. As more devices, such as smartphones and IoT devices, are generating massive amounts of data that need to be processed in real-time, this technology has become increasingly important. It also allows for faster data processing and reduces the need for data to be transmitted to centralized cloud data centers. Edge devices, such as gateways and routers, act as intermediaries between the devices and the cloud, providing local computing power and storage. In the future, we can expect edge computing and edge devices to become even more prevalent as the demand for real-time processing and low latency continues to grow.


Attaran, M. (2021). The impact of 5G on the evolution of intelligent automation and industry digitization. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.

Azuma, R. T. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355–385.

Bhutta, M. N. M., Khwaja, A. A., Nadeem, A., Ahmad, H. F., Khan, M. K., Hanif, M., Song, H., Alshamari, M., & Cao, Y. (2021). A Survey on Blockchain Technology: Evolution, Architecture, and Security. IEEE Access, 1–1.

Chen, J., & Ran, X. (2019). Deep Learning With Edge Computing: A Review. Proceedings of the IEEE, 107(8), 1655–1674.

Leahy, S. M., Holland, C., & Ward, F. (2019). The digital frontier: Envisioning future technologies impact on the classroom. Futures, 113, 102422.

Lynn, T., Fox, G., Gourinovitch, A., & Rosati, P. (2020). Understanding the Determinants and Future Challenges of Cloud Computing Adoption for High-Performance Computing. Future Internet, 12(8), 135.

Medicine, N. A. of S., Engineering, and, Sciences, D. on E. and P., Board, I. C. S., Board, C. S. and T., & Computing, C. on T. A. of the F. and I. of Q. (2019). Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects. In Google Books. National Academies Press.

Ryu, R., Yeom, S., Kim, S.-H., & Herbert, D. (2021). Continuous Multimodal Biometric Authentication Schemes: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access, 9, 34541–34557.

Shafique, K., Khawaja, B. A., Sabir, F., Qazi, S., & Mustaqim, M. (2020). Internet of Things (IoT) for Next-Generation Smart Systems: A Review of Current Challenges, Future Trends and Prospects for Emerging 5G-IoT Scenarios. IEEE Access, 8, 23022–23040.

Tarif, A. M., Rahman, M. N., & Sajid, N. (2018). Drones. The future of autonomous delivery? In Google Books. GRIN Verlag.

Zhang, C., & Lu, Y. (2021). Study on Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art and Future Prospects. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 23, 100224.


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