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Education Essays

Learning vs Teaching, or Why Tutors Should Educate Themselves

Since the turn of the century, education reforms have been an important topic of discussion. Because society is constantly changing, there is an urgent need to create ways to serve students better to enhance the learning process. The economy, information technology, cultural diversity, and the environment influence today’s educational system. All these factors significantly contribute ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2305

Difference Between Charter School and LAUSD

Charter schools in Los Angeles are tuition-free public schools that a charter has formed. A charter in this regard is a philosophy of operating agreements of sorts written by the community for which the institution will serve (DeBray et al., 2014). Charter schools are public institutions but are unique to that effect since they are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1520
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Community College Versus the Four-Year University

Immediately after completing high school education, many students are constantly faced with choosing which type of college to join, especially those who have performed well. However, choosing a higher learning institution entails more than just picking which university to join. Therefore, understanding significant differences between community colleges and universities comes in handy as it gives ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1321
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