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Decision Making Essays

Personality Borderline Disorder

Introduction While many individuals have borderline personality disorder (BPD), the adverse implication of BPD on brain functioning has not been exhaustively comprehended. BPD is largely associated with cognitive dysfunction in memory, social cognition, problem-solving and executive functioning. Extensive research is required to ascertain the extent of cognitive impairment in BPD because there exist inconsistencies in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1911

The Significance of Public Participation in Governance and Decision Making

Introduction The lack of public participation has led to an increase in political challenges in many countries. Hong Kong has made significant steps in enhancing public participation in policymaking. During policymaking, the government collects public views on important issues before making decisions (Malek et al., 2021). Public participation in governance and decision-making has led to ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3401
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Role of Decision-Making in Economic Growth

Introduction In today’s economy, where everyone is always worried about themselves, some organizations work to uplift the global world economy. When it comes to those organizations working as a well-oiled machine, it all depends on the art of decision-making of the company or the organization’s leader. The leader, the C.E.O. of any company, is responsible ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4290

Business Analytics Tools for Swas Inc.

Any business usually has a set of tools used to solve business problems and organization of data that enhance the business decision-making process. There are a set of business analytics tools used by SWAS Inc. to enable the management to evaluate customer data and enable proper decisions that drive business growth. Business analytics tools refer ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1749

Should the US Education System Be Changed? Should the US Investigate Aspects of the European System or the Icelandic System?

Education is an essential tool in our life. It is encompassed critical skills such as decision-making, mental dexterity, logical thinking and problem-solving. People face challenges in their personal and professional life that require key elements to solve them. The problems and challenges may vary in personal life but the design of solving depends upon how ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 937

Managerial Decision Making

Utztwown’s police department is in poor shape due to poor leadership by the former police chief. Therefore, the department needs to turn around to ensure that it effectively provides services to the community. As the new chief of police for this police department, my first priority is providing effective leadership to help turn the department ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2320

Aces Technique for Decision Making

ACES Summary Individuals and businesses can benefit from the decision-making tool known as ACES (Assumptions, Criteria, Evoked Set/Existing Options, and Strategy). The four worksheets in this method walk the user through recognizing assumptions, establishing criteria for the decision, whittling down the pool of potential solutions, and formulating a plan of action. The ACES technique is ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3352

Factors Influencing Customers’ Purchasing Decisions

Research Background Different factors usually influence customers when deciding on the right products to buy. The factors range from psychological, social, cultural, personal, and economic factors (Hanaysha, Al-Shaikh, & Alzoubi, 2021). These factors help customers categorize themselves in the right place and know how to purchase products. Further, the customers know the products they cannot ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1117

Decision-Making Techniques

Introduction Decision-making remains a daily process that every person frequently performs, making it an exciting topic among researchers. Decision-making is performed using various decision-making theories and styles. Some decision-making theories and styles include intuitive, descriptive, analytical, heuristic, normative, rational, emotional, and creative decision-making. The author will utilize heuristic, rational, intuitive, and creative decision-making styles to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1661

Investigating the Effect of Cognitive Science on Human Decision Making

Introduction Cognitive science is a field that studies the mental processes involved in perception, thinking, learning, and problem-solving. These mental processes include attention, memory, reasoning, decision-making, and language. Cognitive science has significantly impacted our understanding of human decision-making, as it provides insight into the underlying mechanisms and processes that drive our decision-making abilities. This essay ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1933

Developing Time Management and Decision Making Skills

Introduction Time management and decision-making abilities are necessary for both personal and professional life. Effective time management allows individuals to do more in a day. To choose wisely and confidently in any circumstance, decision-making is a valuable skill. This essay will define time management, explain why it is important, outline some applications, and offer suggestions ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1379

Using Climate Data to Inform Decision-Making

Introduction Climate change has become an increasingly pressing issue, with the impacts of global warming and extreme weather events being felt worldwide. This has been especially evident in the City of Toronto, where two significant intense rainfall events in the past decade have resulted in extensive flooding of public infrastructure, causing damage to transportation assets ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2931

“Hot Topics” of Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is the field of psychology that studies the mental processes of humans, such as thinking, feeling, and problem-solving. The specialization focuses on understanding how the brain works and how we use it to make decisions (Sanborn & Harris, 2019). Over the past few years, cognitive psychology has become a hot topic in the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 788

Workforce Development and Management for Technical Leaders

Summary of the Article In the study of Prikshat et al. (2019), “Work-Readiness Integrated Competence Model” (WRICM), the author emphasizes four types of expertise: technical expertise, personal effectiveness, expertise connected to one’s job, and strategic expertise. Work-related competence is a broad concept that includes skills like problem-solving, planning, and organization. Methods of Planning for Technical ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1018

Ethical Decision-Making in Psychology

Introduction Counseling is a sensitive profession that requires the counseling team to behave in a manner that upholds ethical standards toward the clients. Ethics and legal requirements dictate how the counseling sessions operate and function because they lay a good practicing foundation for the therapists. Counselors must act under professional standards and ensure appropriate behavior ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2534
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