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Managerial Decision Making

Utztwown’s police department is in poor shape due to poor leadership by the former police chief. Therefore, the department needs to turn around to ensure that it effectively provides services to the community. As the new chief of police for this police department, my first priority is providing effective leadership to help turn the department around in the right direction by ensuring that the department delivers its mandate effectively. My leadership style will be transformational, which focuses on inspiring and motivating employees to deliver their duties effectively (Reza, 2019). I will implement several actions and policies to ensure the department works for the community. First, I will work with officers in the department to identify clear goals and objectives that align with the community’s needs. This will help to ensure that the department’s efforts are directed toward improving public safety. Second, I will ensure that all officers receive training in areas such as de-escalation techniques, cultural awareness, and bias-free policing. This will help ensure officers are better equipped to serve the community effectively. My decision-making process will be collaborative and data-driven. I would work closely with my team to gather and analyze data to inform policy decisions.

However, the position of a new police chief requires the creation of a balance in handling the mayor, the city council, and the media, hence the need for a strategic approach. As the new police chief, some of the methods I will use to create the balance will include building relationships with the mayor and city council. I will seek to understand their concerns and priorities and work to find common ground where possible. I will also establish regular communication channels with the two parties to keep them informed of my policies and decisions. In addition, I will embrace transparency in my decision-making and policies. This will include embracing openness and honesty with the media about the changes and progress I am making to improve the department. This will help to rebuild trust with the community and the media (Pološki Vokić et al., 2021). Lastly, I will focus on achieving results that improve public safety and the quality of life for residents, which will help to gain the confidence of the mayor, city council, media, and the community.

Hostile Work Environment

The police department is characterized by a hostile work environment. As the new police chief, I will take several steps to address this problem. First, I will conduct a needs assessment. Such an assessment helps to identify the causes of the hostile work environment, including any organizational or cultural factors that aggravate the problem (He et al., 2019). The assessment will entail surveys and interviews with current and former employees to gather their perspectives and insights on the department’s work environment and how to improve the work environment for improved employee performance. Second, I will formulate a plan of action based on the needs assessment findings. This plan will include specific steps to improve the culture and climate of the department and strategies for attracting and retaining high-quality officers, such as eliminating discrimination against officers from minority populations.

Third, I will use a transformational leadership style to change the department’s culture, starting with the leadership team. This will involve establishing clear expectations for ethical behavior, promoting transparency and accountability, and ensuring that all employees are treated with respect and fairness. I will also encourage officers and other employees to embrace communication and collaboration across the department for improved work outcomes (Yang et al., 2022). Fourth, I will strengthen the department’s recruitment efforts, targeting high-quality candidates from diverse backgrounds. This would involve establishing partnerships with local colleges and streamlining the hiring process to make it more efficient and candidate-friendly. This step will significantly improve the department’s functioning and outlook. I will establish a task force or working group to oversee the implementation of these steps to foster progress. I will also ensure to conduct regular check-ins and analyze feedback from the community to gain insights on necessary adjustments.

Addressing the Stigma

College-educated individuals do not consider working for the department due to the stigma associated with working in an undisciplined environment. I will address this problem in several ways. First, I will conduct a branding and perception assessment. This will help identify the factors contributing to the negative stigma associated with employment in the department. It will also entail gathering feedback from current and former officers, community members, and other stakeholders. Identifying the factors contributing to the stigma is critical in formulating effective policies to address the problem (Van Laar et al., 2019). Second, I will develop a comprehensive recruitment strategy. This step will be based on the branding and perception assessment findings. I will develop a comprehensive recruitment strategy to attract college-educated individuals to the department by conducting targeted marketing campaigns, outreach to local colleges and universities, and incentives for college-educated officers.

Third, I will establish professional development programs in the department for enhanced professional development for all officers. The programs will provide opportunities for officers to gain new knowledge on their work and also gain new skills (Abdullah, 2020). In addition, the programs will help instill discipline in the department’s culture, thus attracting college-educated individuals to work in the department. This would include partnerships with local colleges and universities and training and certification programs. I will apply a collaborative and inclusive leadership style in this context which will entail seeking input and feedback from the officers and other employees working in the department. I will also create a team to oversee the implementation of these strategies. Implementing these strategies will help me to address the stigma that engulfs the idea of working in this police department, hence allowing college-educated individuals to work in the department.

Addressing High Levels of Sick and Annual Leave

The department is also plagued by high levels of sick and annual leave, likely resulting from extracurricular activities such as barhopping, parties, and moonlighting. As the new police chief, I will address this problem by implementing a multi-pronged approach that involves addressing the immediate issue of excessive leave usage and the underlying causes. First, I will conduct an analysis of sick and annual leave usage to determine the extent of the problem and identify any patterns or trends. This analysis will include a review of officers’ time and attendance records and interviews with officers and supervisors (Yuan et al., 2015). I will then use the findings of the analysis to establish clear policies and procedures for sick and annual leave usage, including specific guidelines for requesting and approving leave and the consequences for misuse of leave.

In addition to establishing clear policies and procedures for obtaining sick and annual leave, I will also communicate expectations to all officers and other employees regarding the appropriate use of sick and annual leave, emphasizing the importance of responsible behavior and the impact of excessive leave usage on the department’s operations. I will also promote a positive work environment that encourages healthy behavior and work-life balance to discourage indulgence in extracurricular activities that lead to excessive leave usage. This will include creating employee wellness programs, flexible scheduling, and creating opportunities for professional development, such as by offering specialized training on effective police work (Berry et al., 2020). I will closely monitor sick and annual leave usage, regularly audit time and attendance records, and take appropriate disciplinary action, such as implementing unpaid leave for employees who misuse sick and annual leave to monitor and enforce the new policies and procedures. In addition, I will promote a positive work culture that values professionalism, integrity, and responsibility to address the underlying causes of excessive leave usage. I will use a firm but fair leadership style to implement these policies in addressing the high levels of sick and annual leave.

Addressing Harmful Speech

Officers at the department routinely exercise speech which harms the department’s reputation. This could lead to a loss of public trust and confidence in the department. Therefore, I will ensure to address this problem in diverse ways, such as creating clear policies and guidelines regarding the use of social media and other forms of communication that address the need to maintain professionalism (O’Connor et al., 2016). These policies and guidelines will outline the types of speech that are unacceptable and the consequences of violating the policies. For example, officers whose speech propagates discrimination against certain populations, such as minority groups, will be subjected to unpaid leave or dismissal from the department if their conduct persists. I will also create training and education programs for all officers on the importance of maintaining professionalism and avoiding behavior that harms the department’s reputation. This training will include case studies and examples of officers who have faced disciplinary action or legal consequences for inappropriate speech or behavior on social media or in public.

I will also monitor officers’ use of social media to identify cases of harmful speech and take appropriate action when necessary, such as warning the officers against such behavior. In addition, I will encourage officers to engage in positive communication with their colleagues and the community, both online and in person, to build trust and strengthen relationships (Chen & Wei, 2020). This will include promoting positive interactions with community members, participating in community events and outreach programs, and sharing positive stories and accomplishments of the department on social media and other communication channels. Here, my leadership style will focus on the importance of professionalism and respect for the department’s reputation while also recognizing the need to balance officers’ rights to free speech with their responsibilities as public servants. I will also involve officers in the development of policies and guidelines and seek their input and feedback regularly.

Recognizing and Following Federal Policies

The department has failed to recognize and follow federal policies such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and pregnancy discrimination regulations, which could significantly affect the department’s effectiveness. As the new police chief, I will thoroughly review existing policies and procedures to identify areas where the department does not comply with federal regulations. I will then create and implement new policies and procedures that align with federal regulations. I will also create training and education programs for officers and all employees to ensure that they understand federal policies and regulations and why the departments need to recognize and follow federal policies in dispensing their mandate (Terrill & Paoline III, 2017). In addition, I will create a team that will review the department’s work and ensures that the department complies with federal regulations. In this context, my leadership style will be collaborative to ensure that the department works with the federal government to comply with federal policies.

Addressing Prejudicial Comments about Blacks

White officers in the department have been making sharing prejudicial comments about blacks in the community. I will address this problem by ensuring all officers understand that discriminatory behavior and speech are harmful and unacceptable in the department. I will emphasize the importance of treating all people respectfully and professionally, regardless of race or ethnicity. Further, I will address the underrepresentation of blacks in the department by actively recruiting qualified black candidates, including partnering with community organizations and historically black colleges and universities to encourage black individuals to apply to work in the department (Ode et al., 2021). I will also review the department’s recruitment and hiring practices to ensure that they are fair and unbiased. In addition, I will start a sensitization campaign for all officers on diversity and cultural sensitivity by creating interaction forums for all officers in the department. Such forums will also encourage black officers to address prejudicial comments about them, hence helping to address the problem.


Abdullah, A. (2020). Relationship the work culture and training programs within performance. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT)20(1), 92–101.

Berry, L., Mirabito, A. M., & Baun, W. B. (2020). What’s the hard return on employee wellness programs? (pp. 2012-2068). SSRN.

Chen, X., & Wei, S. (2020). The impact of social media use for communication and social exchange relationship on employee performance. Journal of knowledge management24(6), 1289-1314.

He, H. Y., Gerbig, M., & Kirby, S. (2019). Needs assessment for improving library support for dentistry researchers. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA107(3), 352.

O’Connor, K. W., Schmidt, G. B., & Drouin, M. (2016). Helping workers understand and follow social media policies. Business Horizons59(2), 205–211.

Ode, G. E., Bradford, L., Ross Jr, W. A., Carson, E. W., & Brooks, J. T. (2021). Achieving a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for the black orthopaedic surgeon: part 1: barriers to successful recruitment of black applicants. JBJS103(3), e9.

Pološki Vokić, N., Rimac Bilušić, M., & Najjar, D. (2021). Building organizational trust through internal communication. Corporate Communications: An International Journal26(1), 70-83.

Reza, M. H. (2019). Components of transformational leadership behavior. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinari Research5(3), 119–124.

Terrill, W., & Paoline III, E. A. (2017). Police use of less lethal force: Does administrative policy matter? Justice quarterly34(2), 193-216.

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