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Cross-Management Portfolio

Executive Summary:

This study looks at the effectiveness of leadership practices at Viasat. This business values good leadership and seeks to develop and put into practice leadership methods that are in line with its goals and values. The interconnections between leadership and organizational success are discussed, as well as the effects of various leadership philosophies and practices on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and total business performance. Effective leaders must have a deep awareness of power dynamics in order to make moral decisions that are successful and beneficial to the business as a whole. Leadership, control, and decision-making have a substantial impact on an organization’s performance.

The paper also outlines learning goals, such as critically assessing and applying theories and concepts of organizational behavior, discussing the traits of effective management and leadership, examining the efficacy of leadership, and developing managerial and leadership skills in various organizational settings. Ultimately, the study comes to the conclusion that good leadership practices are essential for any company’s success, and Viasat’s dedication to these standards has been a key factor in the company’s success.


Each company, including Viasat, must have effective leadership if it is to succeed. By examining important subjects such as leadership and organizational performance, leadership styles and theories, and leadership, authority, and decision-making, this research seeks to assess the efficacy of Viasat’s leadership practices.

According to Gross. (2019), The notions of leadership and organizational effectiveness are interwoven. Employee productivity, contentment, and organizational performance all rise when effective leaders provide them with advice, inspiration, and direction. Viasat understands the value of strong leadership and works to create and put into practice leadership strategies that are consistent with its objectives and core values.

Employee motivation, job happiness, and organizational outcomes are all impacted differently by various leadership philosophies and practices. Successful Viasat executives are aware of the benefits and drawbacks of many leadership philosophies and choose a strategy that fits with the company’s values and objectives. Leaders may increase productivity, employee happiness, and overall corporate performance by doing this.

As opined by Tran., (2021), The success of an organization is significantly influenced by elements including leadership, control, and decision-making. The amount of authority that leaders have has an impact on how they make decisions. For leaders to make moral and successful choices that benefit the organization as a whole, they must have a thorough understanding of power dynamics.

For Viasat to succeed, it is essential to evaluate the efficiency of its leadership techniques. Leaders may create and put into practice successful leadership practices that are consistent with the company’s objectives and core values by comprehending the importance of leadership and organizational effectiveness, styles of leadership and theories, and management, power, and decision-making. This report discusses learning objectives like critically evaluating and applying organizational behavior concepts and theories, debating the qualities of effective leadership and management, critically analyzing the effectiveness of leadership, and developing managerial and leadership abilities in various organizational settings.

2: Evaluation of Topic 1: Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

Organizational success is critically influenced by good leadership, and Viasat isn’t any different. The success of the organization depends on its leaders’ capacity to encourage and inspire their workforce, establish clear objectives and goals, and foster a positive work environment. According to Tiry et al. (2021), The leadership team of Viasat has put in place a number of methods to guarantee organizational success, including encouraging an innovative culture, advancing inclusion and diversity, and spending money on staff training and development programs. In order to enhance its leadership techniques and better match its objectives with the demands of the business, the organization also routinely requests input from stakeholders and workers.

2.1 The Role of Leadership in Organizational Effectiveness

As opined by Demir, A. and Budur. (2019), By giving employees direction, advice, and incentive towards accomplishing shared goals, leadership plays a crucial part in organizational performance. The leadership team of Viasat has embraced a transformational leadership approach that places a strong emphasis on collaboration, empowerment, and innovation. This strategy has assisted the business in staying one step ahead of its rivals by building a culture of innovation and encouraging staff members to take chances and try out novel ideas. By setting difficult goals for them, offering resources and assistance, and praising their successes, transformational leaders inspire and drive their teams to reach their greatest potential. The leadership team of Viasat has effectively applied this leadership style by promoting employee participation in decision-making, giving them chances for professional growth, and praising their accomplishments.

2.2 Measuring Organizational Effectiveness

For the organization to better meet the requirements of its stakeholders and find areas for development, it is essential to measure its effectiveness. Viasat measures organizational effectiveness using a balanced scorecard strategy that takes into account viewpoints from the financial, customer, internal factor, and growth and development spheres. Using this strategy enables the business to pinpoint its areas for development and match its objectives to the demands of its constituents.

Measures like revenue and profit, productivity, and investment returns are part of the financial viewpoint (Camilleri, 2021). The customer viewpoint calculates retention, loyalty, and satisfaction rates for customers. The efficiency and efficacy of internal operations, such as product creation and service delivery, are measured from the standpoint of internal processes. Employee engagement, developing skills, and retention are measured from the learning and growth viewpoint.

Viasat can pinpoint opportunities for development and match its objectives to the demands of its stakeholders by analyzing organizational performance from a variety of angles. The firm has maintained growth and remained competitive in the worldwide market thanks to this strategy.

2.3 Strategies for Achieving Organizational Effectiveness

The leadership team of Viasat has put in place a number of methods to promote organizational performance, including encouraging an innovative culture, advancing inclusion and diversity, and spending money on staff training and development programs.

As per the study by Broughel and Thierer., (2019), For a business to flourish and stay ahead of the competition, fostering an innovative culture is essential. Viasat encourages staff members to think differently and try out new ideas by giving them the tools and assistance they need. Several technologies have been created as a result of this strategy, including the ViaSat-3 satellite constellation, which will offer a worldwide high-speed internet connection.

Also essential to the functioning of an organization is promoting diversity and inclusiveness. Viasat is aware that having a diverse staff leads to fresh viewpoints and ideas, which improves innovation and decision-making. The business has put in place a number of efforts to support diversity and inclusion, including hiring people from different backgrounds and providing employee resource groups.

As opined by Narayanan et al. (2019), Another crucial tactic for enhancing organizational performance is to invest in personnel training and development initiatives. Viasat provides a range of possibilities for learning and development, including technical training, leadership development courses, and tuition assistance. Employees that participate in these programs report higher work satisfaction and productivity as a result of their greater ability to learn new things.

2.4 Soliciting Feedback to Improve Leadership Practices

According to Rousseau and ten Have., (2022), Gaining organizational effectiveness and bettering leadership techniques need soliciting input from stakeholders and workers. Viasat has put in place a number of initiatives to frequently elicit feedback from its stakeholders and workers because it understands how important it is to do so.

Viasat conducts polls frequently to get input from its staff on a range of topics, including management style, corporate culture, and general effectiveness. Also, the organization promotes employee input by holding frequent one-on-one meetings with management and making use of suggestion boxes.

The opinions expressed during these polls and meetings are utilized to pinpoint problem areas and bring about adjustments in line with the requirements of its stakeholders. For instance, if staff members voice complaints about a lack of professional development opportunities, Viasat may fund employee development and training programs to address these issues.

Viasat solicits feedback from its stakeholders, including customers, partners, and suppliers, in addition to its workforce (Tiry et al., 2021). To obtain feedback on its goods and services, the corporation periodically conducts customer satisfaction surveys. To get input on its business operations and find areas for improvement, Viasat also interacts with its partners and suppliers.

Viasat can pinpoint areas for development and put into place improvements that meet the demands of its stakeholders by asking workers and stakeholders for input. This strategy has assisted the business in enhancing organizational performance, corporate culture, and leadership practices.

3: valuation of Topic 2: Leadership Styles and Theories

Leadership theories and practices are crucial in determining how leaders behave and how their actions affect organizational outcomes. The leadership team of Viasat has put a variety of leadership philosophies—including transformational leadership, servant leadership, and contingency theory—to use in order to enhance organizational effectiveness.

3.1 Transformational Leadership

According to Wu and Lee., (2020), The focus of transformational leadership is on inspiring and encouraging team members to work together to achieve a common objective. This strategy works especially well in businesses like Viasat that prioritize creativity and innovation. Employees of transformational leaders are encouraged to think creatively, take calculated risks, and try out novel concepts. By giving workers a clear picture of the future, establishing high standards, and giving them the freedom to make decisions and take responsibility for their work, leaders inspire and motivate their workforce.

According to Waruwu et al. (2020), Companies like Viasat use their leadership team to execute transformational leadership by promoting an innovative culture. Employees are encouraged to come up with new ideas, and the organization gives them the tools and assistance they need to make those ideas a reality. By routinely seeking employee feedback and including them in decision-making processes, Viasat also fosters employee engagement and involvement. This strategy fosters a sense of worth and appreciation among staff members, which in turn boosts their drive and dedication to the company.

Viasat also makes investments in employee training and development programs to aid in the growth of staff members’ knowledge and abilities. The business understands that its most precious resource is its workforce, and it considers investing in its growth to be essential to long-term success. The training and development programs offered by Viasat are intended to assist staff members in developing both personally and professionally, which enables them to contribute more successfully to the company.

Ultimately, the success of Viasat has been greatly influenced by transformative leadership. The business has been able to keep one step ahead of its rivals and accomplish its objectives by building an environment that values innovation, encouraging employee participation and engagement, and spending money on staff training and development programs. Viasat has been successful in finding and keeping bright people who share its values and long-term goals, thanks in part to transformational leadership.

3.2 Servant Leadership

A leadership approach known as “servant leadership” places a strong emphasis on the leader’s obligation to help and serve their followers (Setiawan and Irawanto., 2020). Instead of concentrating simply on their personal interests or the interests of the company, the leader’s primary responsibility under this strategy is to assist others in realizing their potential and achieving their goals. Servant leaders appreciate empathy, cooperation, and trust and endeavor to foster a collaborative workplace that inspires workers to cooperate in pursuit of a common objective (Jackson and Lee., 2019).

The leadership team of Viasat has embraced servant leadership by fostering a climate of modesty, empathetic engagement, and service. This strategy works especially well in businesses that emphasize cooperation and collaboration, like Viasat, which competes fiercely in a challenging market. The leadership team of the organization has placed a strong emphasis on fostering an atmosphere that supports cooperation and collaboration since they understand that success depends on workers’ ability to collaborate and accomplish shared goals.

The leadership team of Viasat has engaged in staff training and development programs with an emphasis on developing trust, cultivating empathy, and enhancing communication in order to encourage servant leadership. By offering people freedom and the ability to make decisions, the organization also promotes ownership of the work by its workers. Employee commitment to the company’s objective has grown thanks to this strategy, which has also improved output and overall performance.

Overall, Viasat has found servant leadership to be a successful leadership approach since it has assisted the organization in cultivating a culture of cooperation, trust, and teamwork.

3.3 Contingency Theory

According to Benmira and Agboola., (2021), the contingency theory of leadership, the personality of the leader, the circumstances they are in, and the traits of the followers are only a few of the variables that affect effective leadership. In other words, there is no one optimum method to lead; instead, leaders must modify their approach depending on the circumstance.

The contingency theory of leadership acknowledges that there are several situational variations and that every circumstance calls for a unique leadership approach. For instance, a circumstance requiring creativity and invention may call for a more participatory and democratic leadership style, whereas a crisis situation may call for a directive and authoritative leadership style.

Leadership is situational and flexible; thus, it’s critical for leaders to evaluate the circumstances before selecting a leadership approach. In order to do this, leaders must be adaptable and open-minded, have a thorough awareness of their own leadership style, and be aware of the different contextual circumstances that may affect their performance.

Viasat is one business that has effectively used contingency theory in its leadership style. Viasat’s leadership team is aware that they must modify their leadership style to match various contexts and scenarios as a business in the complicated and dynamic telecommunications sector. Viasat, as an illustration, has had to adjust to market shifts, technical developments, and regulatory changes.

3.4 Challenges of Implementing Leadership Styles and Theories

There are some particular difficulties that come up when using leadership philosophies and styles in an organization like Viasat. A technological corporation called Viasat offers satellite communication, military, and internet services (Andersen-Dukes., 2022). Viasat could encounter the following difficulties when putting leadership styles and theories into practice:

  • The need to balance innovation and stability: Viasat competes in a dynamic market that is very unpredictable due to emerging breakthroughs and technology. Viasat may need to adopt leadership ideas that promote creativity and take calculated risks in order to stay competitive. But, the organization must also retain consistency and dependability in its offerings, which necessitates a more conservative style of management. For the leadership of Viasat, striking the correct balance between innovation and stability may be extremely difficult.
  • Adapting leadership styles to the company’s diverse workforce: The staff of Viasat is diversified and includes engineers, salesmen, and marketing specialists. Each group has its own distinct set of abilities and traits, necessitating a different style of leadership (Roberson and Perry., 2022). Viasat might not be successful in implementing a leadership style that works for everyone. It can be difficult for leaders to adjust their approach to fit the demands of each team and person.
  • Keeping up with changing customer needs: Viasat’s success as a technology corporation depends on its capacity to recognize and adapt to shifting consumer demands. Viasat’s success may depend on putting leadership theories into practice that promote engagement and customer pleasure. Nevertheless, detecting and responding to shifting client demands necessitates continual market research and a readiness to change based on input from customers, which may be difficult for leaders to acclimate to more conventional leadership styles.
  • Developing a culture of innovation and continuous improvement: Viasat works in a sector where new breakthroughs and technology are continually being developed (Shaikh et al., 2019). The business must promote an innovative and continuous improvement culture if it wants to stay competitive. This calls for leadership that promotes taking calculated risks, trying new things, and being willing to fail.

4: Evaluation of Topic 3: Men and women in leadership roles in Viasat

According to Colovic and Williams., (2020), Companies like Viasat need to address gender diversity in leadership in order to maintain their competitiveness and foster a pleasant workplace culture. Notwithstanding recent improvements, women in leadership positions still face certain difficulties. In addition to exploring efforts and tactics that the business has put in place to encourage gender diversity in its leadership, this article will look at the difficulties that men and women in leadership roles at Viasat must overcome.

4.1: Gender Diversity in Viasat’s Leadership Roles

The executive team of Viasat is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds, with women holding major leadership positions in fields including government relations, operations, finance, and human resources. The organization has taken steps to improve the presence of women in technical areas, such as providing internships and scholarship opportunities for females interested in cybersecurity, software programming, or other tech-related fields.

The dedication of Viasat to gender diversity in leadership positions is in line with a rising corporate trend towards a more varied leadership structure, which has been linked to better organizational performance. Gender diversity in leadership is crucial from an ethical perspective, but it has also been proven to improve decision-making, innovation, and business performance in general.

Both internally among workers and externally among stakeholders, Viasat’s emphasis on gender diversity has an effect. Through a number of initiatives, such as its “Women in Technology” employee resource group, which offers networking opportunities for women within the firm, the corporation has shown its dedication to building an inclusive work environment. Also, Viasat was acknowledged as a “Corporate Champion” for gender diversity by the Women’s Forum of New York in 2020, which will definitely strengthen its standing as an open-minded and progressive business in the eyes of the general public.

Viasat is anticipated to gain from enhanced employee morale and retention, more creativity, and a better image among peers and rivals in their business if it continues to encourage gender diversity in its top ranks.

4.2: Challenges Facing Women in Leadership Roles at Viasat

As in many other businesses, Viasat presents a number of difficulties for women in leadership positions. The underrepresentation of women in positions of senior leadership is one of the main issues. Because of this, it may be challenging for women to find mentors and role models who can guide them through the challenges of leadership.

Gender prejudice and outdated attitudes in the workplace are other issues that Viasat’s female leaders must deal with. Women could be required to put in more effort to establish themselves and might not be afforded the same chances or recognition as males. It can be challenging for women to feel appreciated and respected in their positions when they are the targets of subtle or overt discrimination.

For women in senior positions at Viasat, finding work-life balance is a significant problem. It can be demanding and difficult for women to juggle their leadership roles with their personal and family obligations. Burnout may result from this, and it could be challenging for women to grow in their jobs.

Last but not least, a lack of diversity in leadership might result in a lack of variety in decision-making, which could be bad for the business as a whole. Women bring distinctive thoughts and expertise to the table, and the firm has to hear from them if it is to succeed.

Overall, Viasat’s female executives confront a number of difficulties, but with help from their coworkers and the business as a whole, they may overcome these difficulties and succeed in their positions. Viasat has to keep putting diversity and inclusion first in order to foster a work environment where all workers feel appreciated and supported.

4.3: Initiatives and Strategies to Promote Gender Diversity in Viasat’s Leadership

To encourage gender diversity in its leadership, Viasat has adopted a number of programs and tactics. The Women’s Leadership Network (WLN), a network of female workers that offers support, mentoring, and chances for professional advancement for women at Viasat, is one of the important projects. The WLN also organizes conferences and training sessions with a leadership, communication, and career-development theme.

The company’s dedication to diversity and inclusion in its recruiting and promotion procedures is another endeavor. Viasat has established goals for boosting the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in senior roles and has adopted unconscious bias training for all workers participating in the recruiting and promotion processes.

In order to foster work-life balance for all staff members, including women in senior positions, Viasat also provides flexible work schedules and parental leave policies. The organization understands how crucial it is to respect workers’ personal obligations and give them the tools they require to be successful in their jobs.

In addition, Viasat has forged alliances with other groups dedicated to advancing gender equality and diversity in the workplace. For instance, Viasat participates in the Women in Technology International (WITI) group, which gives women in technology access to tools and networking opportunities (Petrozza and Salmon., 2021).

Overall, Viasat’s programs and tactics to foster female representation in its administration show the business’s dedication to establishing an environment where all workers feel respected and supported. Viasat is assisting in removing the obstacles that stop women from advancing in their professions and reaching their full potential by offering assistance, mentorship, opportunities for professional growth, and flexible work schedules.

4.4: Benefits of Gender Diversity in Viasat’s Leadership Roles

There are several advantages for Viasat that might result from gender diversity in senior positions. First off, a diverse leadership team may provide a range of viewpoints, experiences, and concepts that can result in more original and creative solutions to company issues. Viasat can better understand and serve the demands of its varied customer base with the aid of a diversified leadership team.

Second, increased employee engagement and retention can result from gender diversity in leadership. Employees are more likely to feel appreciated and respected in their positions when they can see that their employer encourages diversity and inclusion. This may result in more satisfied employees who are more devoted to the business.

Thirdly, gender diversity in leadership positions can improve the company’s reputation. If Viasat is seen as a pioneer in advancing diversity and inclusiveness, it will be able to draw top personnel and clients that appreciate these traits. Positive word-of-mouth marketing and greater brand loyalty may also result from this.

Last but not least, female representation in leadership can boost financial results. Companies with diverse leadership teams are more likely to have above-average financial results than organizations with less varied leadership teams, according to a McKinsey & Company study. This is probably due to the fact that multicultural groups are better able to recognize and seize commercial opportunities as well as manage risk.

Overall, gender diversity in leadership positions at Viasat may help the organization in a variety of ways, including better employee engagement and retention, more creativity and innovation, improved reputation, and improved financial results. Viasat is putting itself in a position to achieve long-term success in a business environment that is changing quickly by encouraging inclusion and diversity in its leadership.

Recommendations for improvement of Viasat’s leadership effectiveness:

Each organization’s success depends on effective leadership. Thus, it is crucial for businesses to regularly assess the efficacy of their leadership and pinpoint opportunities for development. This is crucial for businesses like Viasat, which operate in a fast-evolving industry and have specific difficulties with respect to diversity and inclusion. The following suggestions are provided to enhance the leadership behavior at Viasat based on an assessment of the difficulties faced by women in leadership positions, programs and methods to promote female representation, and the advantages of gender equity in leadership roles. These suggestions include creating a thorough leadership development program, encouraging a culture of cooperation and creativity, putting performance management procedures into place, and creating a succession plan. Viasat can make sure it has a pipeline of capable executives and can survive in a highly competitive business by putting these suggestions into practice.

  • Implement diversity and inclusion training: Viasat ought to put in place training initiatives that emphasize inclusiveness and diversity in the workplace. This will support the development of an inclusive culture and aid in increasing awareness of implicit biases and stereotypes. Also, by doing this, the firm will be better able to draw in and keep varied talent, which has a number of advantages.
  • Establish a leadership development program for women: Considering the difficulties faced by women in leadership positions at Viasat, the organization ought to set up a program for strengthening women’s leadership abilities. This program may offer networking opportunities, mentoring, and coaching in addition to addressing the gender gap in leadership roles.
  • Encourage employee feedback: With frequent surveys, focus groups, and other avenues, Viasat should promote employee input. This will make it easier to spot problem areas and give important information about how well the leadership of the organization is performing. In order to solve certain problems, this input may also be utilized to create projects and training programs that are specifically targeted.
  • Develop a culture of innovation: Viasat should encourage staff members to discuss their ideas and take chances in order to promote an innovative culture. This will support creativity and guarantee that the firm maintains its competitiveness in a continually evolving business environment.
  • Implement performance management systems: To make sure that workers are held responsible for their job and are recognized for their efforts, Viasat should put in place performance management systems. By doing this, the business will be able to recruit and keep top employees while fostering an environment of excellence.

In summary, Viasat can enhance its leadership effectiveness and build a solid and long-lasting leadership pipeline by putting the aforementioned suggestions into practice. This will support the organization’s long-term performance and establish it as a market leader.


The goals and ideals of the organization must be reflected in the leadership style that executives use. It is crucial to understand that leadership is more than just issuing commands; it also calls for compassion, empathetic listening, and the capacity to encourage and inspire people. A successful leader must be conscious of their influence and use it responsibly for the good of the group and its constituents. Moreover, decision-making is a key component of leadership, and leaders must do it in a way that takes into account the interests of all parties involved.

In conclusion, Viasat has to give developing strong leadership abilities top priority in order to increase the effectiveness of the company. The business will have a pipeline of capable leaders who can uphold the company’s vision and values if it makes investments in leadership development, fosters a collaborative culture, and implements a succession plan. Viasat can accomplish its objectives and continue to be successful by using an effective leadership style that inspires and encourages workers. Good leadership must take into account not just the organization’s goals but also the welfare and growth of its members.


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