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Christianity Essays

Calling Write-Up Ch. 5 and 6.

Tradition is an expression usually attached to a global outlook when it comes to the formation of religion, customs, and beliefs. Many communities are run and built on traditional norms. Most constitutional laws and amendments are drawn from conventional beliefs. In these beliefs is, where such terms as ‘vocation’ are found, Christians describe vocation as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 716

The Doctrine of the Trinity Is a Proper Understanding of God

The doctrine of the Trinity has presented various dimensions that impact individuals’ ability to understand God according to multiple occurrences and revelations in their lives and environments. Despite controversies characterizing the doctrine of Trinity concerning its exploration of the roles of the supernatural beings and Holy Spirit in guiding human existence, the concept is crucial ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1153
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Research Paper With a Funeral Home Director

Introduction When someone loses a loved one, it is the most challenging time in their life. If the individual were the family’s sole provider, the situation would worsen. Everyone in the family is left wondering where they will get help. When a spouse dies, the mourning process is intense. (John 16:22)[1] encourages Christians to mourn sometimes, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2030

Final Integration Project Assignment: Christianity and Leadership

Throughout my spiritual journey and personal growth, I have admired becoming a great leader in whatever capacity that God shall allow me to serve. A leader is one who can lead, command or organize others to realize the set goals. An admirable leader is one with confidence, serves with integrity, and is accountable in his ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 638

McGrath’s Book Summary and Reflection

Chapter 1 Summary According to McGrath (2015 pp. 4), Christians believe it is essential to place their faith in Jesus besides emulating his teachings. Jesus of Nazareth is a crucial figure in Christianity and Christians perceive him as a source of hope. Currently, people perceive Jesus as a familiar force that they constantly quote during ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Religion and Theology

Analysis In the Mathew scripture, Jesus was encouraging his disciples to go forth and spread the word of God. He was encouraging them to inform, remind, and persuade people of the word of God and his commandments. He gave them the green light to spread the gospel, baptizing people and encouraging them to obey God’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 664

Paper on the Leadership Themes of the Old Testament in the Bible

Introduction The contemporary person’s mind is etched with leadership since literature on the subject is available in every bookshop. The reader’s intellect is left looking for the fundamental truth of leadership talent and knowledge amid this avalanche of information (Pettus, 2016). How is it possible for the information source to be so distinct yet varied? ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1516

Christian Worldview in Strategic HR and Employment Law

#1 Keller implies that individual must harmonize their motive for functioning with God’s intention for his human beings on this planet when he says work is centered on the two aspects of “cultivation” as well as “service” (Keller, 2012). Christian company management and staff should take part in initiatives that enhance employee happiness and encourages ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1550

Why Would God Allow Existence of Evil?

Life is a balance. It is a balance of the various activities that humans tend to do each single day. It is also a balance of the good and bad deeds. The bad deeds, known as evil are the actions, words, thoughts that reflect on absence of goodness. Throughout human history, the existence of evil ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1491

The Unique Dynamic Adoption and the Implication for Nurse Practitioners

Adoption is a practice that involves relationship and complete placement, especially for children who may not be having any connection with their biological family members. In most cases, this practice of adoption is voluntary to many adoptees across the world. These adopted children and adults form another group of people who, in one way, are ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1112

Reformation in Europe

Protestantism was a radical religious movement that spread over in the 1500s in Europe, sparked by publishing a document containing 95 ideas about Christianity by Martin Luther, a monk and lecturer. The necessity to cleanse the church and the view that the Bible should be the exclusive authority of the church, rather than traditions and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 631

Europe As the Realm of Latin Christendom

Christianity religion first emerged in Rome, Italy, which is part of the European continent. Consequently, different versions of the faith arose, upholding distinctively divergent sets of beliefs and religious practices. Some were centered around the cities of Rome: the western community dubbed western/Latin Christendom, and the Constantinople on the eastern parts dubbed the Eastern Christendom. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 609

A Research Paper on the Book of Second Peter in the Bible

Among the New Testament canonical epistles, 2 Peter is widely regarded as the most difficult. The epistle’s complicated problems are extremely difficult to grasp with clarity. More people pondered, prayed for, and discussed this letter than any other in the New Testament. Because of the personal parallels to Peter’s life, the book clearly intends for ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1211
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