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Child Development Essays

Preverbal Trauma

Introduction Preverbal trauma, which occurs before a child has developed the ability to speak, can have significant impacts on child development. McDonald (2019) defines it as any type of traumatic experience that occurs before an individual has developed language and the ability to communicate through words. This can include experiences that occur during infancy, early ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1662

The Impact of Bullying on Children’s Development

Section One: The ‘problem’ I have been contacted by the Department for Education (DfE), responsible for child protection, education, apprenticeships, and wider skills in England. The DfE is worried about the impact of bullying on children’s educational, emotional, and social development and has charged me with investigating the extent to which bullying impacts these domains ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2373
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Social Learning Theory

The study of social learning theory (SLT) examines how social interactions might influence how children develop and modify their behavior by mimicking others. The social learning theory was developed by psychologist Albert Bandura and holds that learning occurs through imitation, imitation, and observation and is influenced by factors such as attention, motivation, dispositions, and sentiments. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1593

Effects of Divorce on Child Development

Divorce is a harrowing experience for a growing child. Breaking of marital bond affects every area of a child’s life. Children divided from one of their parents suffer trauma that affects their education, behavior, and mental health (Sondre et al., 2020). Divorce can also cause children to feel a lack of control over their lives, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 920

The Potential Impact of Parental Attitudes and Behaviors on Adolescent Self-Objectification in Relation to Sexualized Media

Section 1: Article Review In recent years, the impacts of sexualized media, including video games, on adolescent self-objectification have received considerable attention from researchers. Self-objectification refers to the process by which individuals internalize an outsider’s perspective on their body; instead of valuing their inner qualities, they see themselves as items to be judged primarily on ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2420

Teaching Pretend/Imaginary Play Skills to a 2–10-Year-Old Child With Autism

Introduction Children with autism may present challenges in playing with one another. This limits their level of interaction with one another, which is normally essential for children’s development. Interaction of children with each other during play makes it possible for them to learn from one another, and also, they can enjoy their time together. It ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1455

Theory of Gesell, Havighurst, and Paiget

Description of Gesell’s theory The Gesell theory of child development is a holistic approach to understanding the development of children. It was developed by Arnold Gesell, a psychologist, and pediatrician, in the early 1900s. The theory suggests that children develop in a predictable sequence of stages and that a particular set of physical, cognitive, and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1346

Recent Theory About Influences on Young Children’s Learning

Early childhood education and child development have long had a close relationship. Early childhood education and care require a strong understanding of child development since it helps determine the children’s instructional needs by identifying their developmental stage. One theory or collection of theories does not predominate in child development, which needs to be unified with ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 824

How Mass Media Impacts the Development of a Child

Introduction In today’s society, children of up to less than three years are being exposed to several mass media forms such as video games and television. It has become part of their daily lives, significantly influencing their emotional, mental, and physical development. Mass media has dramatically influenced a child’s behaviors and perceptions of life. A ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1708

Single Children vs. Grown Up With Siblings

Outline Thesis: Comparing and contrasting those who grow up as single children and those who grow up alongside their siblings. Introduction: Give a brief explanation of how child upbringing impacts the lives of children. In addition, looking at the impact on children who grow up without children. Summarizing the role of parents or guardians in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1390

Critical Article Review on Parental Involvement

Introduction This review examines two articles on parental relationships with children. The first piece is by Robert Selman and is titled “The Role of Parents in Children’s Psychological Development,” while the second is by Lauren Stegall and is titled “The Effect of Parental Bonding on Children’s Development.” It is impossible to overestimate the value of ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2827

Group Differences in Child Development

Background information Kayla is an only child who is a quiet and reserved elementary school student. She struggles to learn and participate in cooperative or small group learning activities with her peers, preferring to work alone. Kayla has no strong or close friendships with the other students in her class and has difficulty engaging her ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1102

The Inclusion and Learning Plan

Introduction to the child’s profile This study pays attention to a six-year-old girl, Tara, located in Sydney under the care of her parents; Tara has an intellectual disability that roots in her diagnosis of Down syndrome when she was three weeks old. Tara has taken various interventions to solve her issues; she underwent physiotherapy, occupational ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1875

Learning and Development Theories

Introduction Researchers in learning and developmental theory utilize their findings to construct theories about how children develop in educational settings. A theory is a logical abstraction regarding phenomena or the conclusions of such an abstraction. Contemplative and rational thought are frequently linked to procedures like observational study or research. On the other hand, learning is ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2815
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