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Carbon Dioxide Essays

Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Mitigation Measures

Introduction The threat of catastrophic climate change to humanity is growing. The emission of greenhouse gases triggers global warming into the atmosphere by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and clearing forests. With average temperatures worldwide having increased by 1.2 degrees Celsius in the previous century, climate change has become a pressing concern in ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3185

Impact of Traffic on Temperature, Carbon dioxide and Particulate Matter

Research Question To what extent does traffic affect the measuring temperature, carbon dioxide and particulate matter? Background Information Traffic is one of the main reasons why air quality is low in most countries globally. This low quality of air is due to the fact that vehicles produce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reducing air quality. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2226
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Emissions of Carbon Dioxide

Introduction Human and natural sources contribute to the release of carbon dioxide. Respiration, decomposition, and ocean discharge are some examples of natural sources. Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas is an everyday human activity, as is making cement. Both are toxic, but whereas emissions from natural sources sink back into the earth, ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4911

Electric Vehicles Will Be the Future Menace to Climate Change

With the anticipation of applying world modern mitigation measures to climate change, electric cars will not be the best substitute for fossil-fuel-driven cars. This will be like substituting current problems now with later issues in the future. Climate change is indeed a menace in the world because of its severity on how it has affected ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2024

Global warming, Hoax or Fact?

Variations in coastal conditions, including atmospheric temperatures, increasingly recurrent marine heatwaves, acidification of the oceans, and lower oxygen saturations have been witnessed, and are projected to keep worsening. Frölicher et al. (2018) relate these variations to global warming effects and highlight that it creates vulnerability for marine ecosystems. Marine life including fish and plants depend ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1301
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