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Air Pollution Essays

Enhancing Environmental Sustainability: A Pilot Study on Addressing Air Pollution in Suzhou City

Introduction Addressing air pollution remains a more pressing environmental governance factor. Social integration quickly changes to focus on environmental sustainability orientation. The global community is concerned with the constantly changing climatic conditions facing and disturbing normal livelihoods. Urban centers with higher emission percentages are hence instrumental in championing these campaigns. China is popular with its ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2396

Environmental Justice: Analyzing the Burden of Air Pollution Through a Cultural Text

Environmental justice, a central tenet of our course, beckons us to reconsider the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens with a lens of equity. It is a call to action against the historical backdrop of environmental racism, where marginalized communities bear the disproportionate weight of pollution and environmental hazards. This form of environmental racism describes ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1054
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Embracing Electric Cars for a Sustainable Future

The impending threat of climate change and the increasing levels of environmental pollution have prompted the world to seek sustainable solutions. Climate change has resulted in global warming, while pollution leads to various health risks, such as respiratory issues. These effects have led various manufacturing companies to develop blueprints to reduce pollution levels and manage ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1933

The Environmental Crisis in Your Closet

The global textile and garment industry, which plays a crucial role in economic growth and consumer behavior, has gained significant attention due to its environmental impact. As the sector continues to grow and operate in several countries, the negative impact on the environment is becoming more apparent (Matthews, 2015). This is particularly noticeable in Tirupur, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 982

Comprehensive Literature Review on Analyzing the Social and Economic Impact of Low Carbon Transportation: A Case Study of Electric Vehicle Adoption in Urban Areas

Introduction Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions globally. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the transport sector accounted for 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010, with road vehicles constituting 72% of transport emissions (Sims et al., 2014). To achieve climate change mitigation goals, many cities and countries ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1031

Aviation Sustainability in Airline Market Operations: A Comprehensive Study

Introduction Aviation sustainability has emerged as a vital concern in the airline industry, driven by the need to address environmental impact and societal expectations. This dissertation proposal explores the concept of aviation sustainability in the context of airline market operations. The research will investigate the current practices, challenges, and potential strategies for improving sustainability in ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2310

Effect of Fractionating Fluids, and Additives on the Effectiveness/Environmental

1 Abstract This study was purposed to examine how using different fracturing fluids and additives impacts the effectiveness and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing operations. Hydraulic fracturing is also utilized in low-permeability sediments and other subsurface formations for increased vapor extraction efficiency and remediation of contaminated sites. The process of hydraulic fracking is preceded by ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4417

Problems Caused by Urbanization Are a Necessary Evil

Between 2004 to 2022, many cities in the world experienced urbanization which has negatively affected these areas in different ways (Theodorou, 2022). The effects cut across the economy, environment, health, technology and social grounds. Urbanization has many negative effects, more so on the environment. The environment is diverse and negatively affected when people relocate from ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 782

Causes of Air Pollution, Impacts and Possible Solutions

Air pollution refers to the contamination of the environment, which occurs when harmful chemicals are released into the atmosphere. These substances are usually toxic to one’s health and are primarily notorious for causing respiratory problems in human beings. Air pollutants are grouped into two broad categories. Firstly we have primary pollutants responsible for directly polluting ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1335

Effect of Environment on Health

Introduction The environment is basic for the endurance of living. It is the obligation of nations and all individuals worldwide to deal with the environment. Remoundou and Koundouri (2009), features that the strength of the environment similarly upholds human well-being. However, with the developing human population, urbanization, and free enterprise, the strength of the environment ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1301

What Makes Electric Vehicles Sustainable?

Electric cars are sustainable due to the implementation of electricity consumption, a renewable energy resource (Tai-Ran, 2013). They do not have any emissions; hence they maintain air pollution, improving the environment’s quality. Unlike gasoline-powered vehicles, electric cars are sustainable since they are easy and smooth to drive, making them preferable due to the comfort they ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1312

Do Electric Cars Decrease Overall Emissions

Introduction Climate change and air pollution have been worsening in recent years. Transportation-related carbon emissions are the major causes of these issues. Electric cars have fewer emissions of greenhouse gases than gasoline-powered vehicles, which provides a solution to the promising challenge. According to research, electric automobiles release 50% less CO2 than gas cars—Solar, wind, and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1146

A Sustainable Option – Biofuel for the Future

Nitrogen oxides emitted from fossil fuels in automobile and truck exhaust are the leading cause of pollution. In addition to hurting the air we breathe, atmospheric nitrogen pollution harms the water and land surrounding us (US EPA, 2013). Nitrogen is released into the environment due to many human activities, including energy production, manufacturing, transportation, and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1898

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental Health

Introduction The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 targets that have been set to achieve a more sustainable world by 2030. These goals cover poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, climate change, economic growth, and peace and justice. These goals result from a worldwide collaboration of governments, businesses, and civil ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1344

Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Public Health

Climate change has been a topic of discussion for several decades now. While its impact on the environment and the economy has been widely debated, its impact on public health has often been overlooked. Climate change has far-reaching consequences for human health and well-being, so it is essential to consider it a public health issue ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1576
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Essays On Air Pollution

Those who find themselves writing about air pollution need to know that this topic opens a whole world of things to cover. Air pollution can be typically caused by something known as primary pollutants. These can be generated as a by-product of over-industrialization, and that can harm not only humans but also the environment in general.

Make sure to include these primary pollutants and search what the causes of them are. They can be carbon monoxide, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds or even lead-based pollutants to name a few.

How to write an essay about air pollution

For starters, you need to dive right in with research and not skim the surface. Some types of air pollution are caused by traffic congestion, while others can be caused by factories or even runoff from agricultural activities. It’s also key to note how to effectively combat every type of air pollution and research into areas around the world that already suffer from extensive amounts of air pollution.

Don’t wander off-topic into other areas, but stay focused on the one specific type of air pollution you’re discussing. Also, when it comes to writing about scientific-based articles such as air pollution, stick to the facts and be ready to provide resources that back up your essay.

It’s not about being argumentative or writing in a debate format; it needs to be written in a form that is neutral in emotion and focuses on factual elements only. This will help to craft a well-thought-out essay that covers a serious topic and shows the ability to stay emotionless in one’s writing style.

Topics you can cover within this subject include:

• The impact of air pollution on the environment
• The causes of air pollution
• Air pollution’s effects on human health
• Solutions to air pollution
• The role of individuals and governments in reducing air pollution

As you can see, these are all factual-based topics and don’t come off accusatory. Therefore, you do not have to pick a side and skew the reality with bias; you’re merely stating the facts.
If you need to learn how to start your essay or what structure to choose, examples on this page can help you find your own path and complete your assignment like a pro!

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