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Business Essays

Organizational Culture Strategies

Abstract Organizational culture ensures organizational members understand how they should interact toward achieving their organizational goals. Thus, it affects several variables, such as performance and success. For this reason, organizational leaders must develop organizational cultures that make their members comfortable working (Spicer, 2020). Dysfunctional cultures may make members uncomfortable. For instance, it can lead to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1543

Operations Management: Box Divvy

Box Divvy is a social enterprise business that deals with the food community by connecting farmers directly to wholesalers. The business enterprise was formed by farmers unsatisfied with the operations of the food system. The intention was to ensure that consumers accessed quality food at extraordinary prices and compensate farmers fairly. Box Divvy has substantially ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1618
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Enterprise Risk Management: Risk, Governance and Culture

Introduction A perfect corporate authority enables the board of management of an organization to meet frequently, take control of the business and have well-defined responsibilities. It also ensures that proper risk management is taken into account. Corporate governance is one of the strengths of good companies. Corporate governance ensures appropriate decision-making through policies, processes and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2044

Online Marketing Strategies

Introduction Online marketing, also known as internet marketing, involves using interactive, intelligent, and virtual components to promote and advance business ventures and commodities on the internet. Organizations have increasingly incorporated technology in their marketing strategies to make strategic changes to client-focused marketing, integrative innovative marketing activities, and utilize digital marketing to achieve the primary marketing ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1878

Movie Theater Releases Case

Introduction The case report analyzed a hundred films released in 2016 by major studios. The top hundred films of 2016 are provided together with their opening and total gross sales, the number of theaters exhibiting them, and the number of weeks they stayed in theaters. Tabular and graphical illustrations accompany the discussion of these data. ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3765

Economics of Developing Countries

Question 2: To what extent can international aid provide an effective long-term solution to the problem of underdevelopment? Introduction Economic underdevelopment describes a condition that is characterized by increased poverty levels, low literacy levels, and low per capita income. Most countries, especially developing countries, always face the ‘underdevelopment shock’ (Astuti, Sugiyanto, and Kurnia, 2022). By ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2314

Diversification Strategy of Kimberly-Clark

Critical thinking in the diversification strategy by Kimberly-Clark is present in how the company tries to understand the market and its needs before venturing into new business ideas. The Kimberly-Clark company was open to hearing their customers’ views on what they would require them to provide (Kimberly-Clark – Innovations, n.d.). They critically looked into the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 891

Deliveroo Human Resource Evaluation Report

Deliveroo is a British food delivery company established in 2013. It operates globally, including in Singapore, where it employs over 9,000 riders and partners with over 2,500 restaurants to provide top-notch meal delivery services. This study evaluates the company’s human resource management techniques by analyzing the psychological contract and Atkinson’s Flexible Firm model. The HR ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2507

Supply Chain Challenges

Introduction This literature review examines the various supply chain challenges that organizations face today. Organizations are constantly adapting and responding to these changes with the advancement of technology, the implementation of new processes and technologies, and the increasing complexity of the global economy. The literature review will examine the different challenges and strategies organizations use ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1716

Company’s Organizational Structure

Organizational Design A company’s organizational structure or design defines the allocation of activities such as supervision, coordination, and task allocation to achieve the organization’s goals. They are vital in providing the foundation on which the standard routines and operations of the organization occur. Through an organizational design, individuals are given a different perspective or glass ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3512

Cultural Diversity Annotated Bibliography

Jerry Stanley LA 498 Liberal Arts Capstone Milestone 2 The article evaluates the impacts that the Covid-19 pandemic had on the global economy. According to the report, the pandemic affected several economic aspects. For instance, businesses had to lay off several employees because of low sales and revenue. The author further explains that the pandemic ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 907

Leadership Styles Diversity

Introduction Leadership is a crucial component of every successful organization, as it can decide the successes and failures of that corporation. The style and qualities of the leader can have a profound effect on the direction and productivity of the business and its personnel. This report will compare and contrast the leadership traits of U.S. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2032

International Marketing Plan

Issue and Purpose of the Report Dutch Bros Coffee is an American-based coffee company known for its specialty coffee drinks, smoothies, and blended beverages. With more than 320 locations in the U.S., the company is looking to expand its operations into the Japanese market. To effectively enter the Japanese market, it is important to understand ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4900

Intermodal Transportation for International and Domestic Freight Flows

Why should organizations consider intermodal transport for their international and domestic freight flows? Fleet planning issues in intermodal transport present the most significant logistical problems. Kuziev et al. (2020) define intermodal transportation as a collection of two transport modes in one transport chain without necessarily changing the goods container in which most routes are covered ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2052

Governmental, Cultural, and Subcultural Ethics and Social Responsibilities

In all countries, ethics and social responsibilities govern how an organization operates. These ethics and social responsibilities may be governmental, subcultural, or cultural. In China, governmental aspects include complying with all applicable laws and regulations, respecting the Chinese culture and traditions, and ensuring that all employees are treated fairly and equitably, regardless of nationality or ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 758
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