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Negotiation Techniques and Strategies


Negotiation techniques are known as the systematic and organized methods that people or organizations use to reach advantageous agreements when competing interests are at play. These strategies are created based on a comprehensive evaluation of the negotiation situation, such as the objectives and interests of the involved parties, their influence and bargaining position, and the alternatives available. These strategies may include a combination of approaches, such as compromising, aggressiveness, cooperation, and collaboration. Effective negotiation techniques harmonize the interests of everyone involved in achieving the intended result. The ability of a negotiator to affect the result of a negotiation in various ways, such as skill, resources, authority, or psychological pressure, is referred to as having power in negotiations (Zhang et al., 2021). It is a sort of power that a negotiator holds over the opposing party, significantly impacting how the negotiation goes and turns out. Negotiators must be mindful of their power sources and dynamics to utilize their power correctly.


The writers Scott A. F. Tannenbaum and Joel K. Fish’s paper “Negotiating with Power: The Effects of Power on Bargaining Outcomes” focuses on the idea of power concerning negotiation. Tannenbaum holds a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Fish is a leading authority on power and influence. Together, the writers have extensive backgrounds in negotiation and organizational behaviour. To better understand how power affects negotiation results, this article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of possessing power. According to the authors, power can significantly impact the negotiating process and determine whether the negotiation is successful or unsuccessful (Rajavel & Thangarathanam, 2021). They also examine the numerous types of power available, such as legitimate, expert, reward, referent, and coercive power, and how each kind of power can affect negotiations differently.

The authors draw on existing literature and previous research to support their findings, highlighting the importance of understanding the role of power in negotiations. The article concludes by offering practical suggestions for negotiators, including the need to understand the power dynamics in negotiations, to be aware of one’s own sources of power, and to develop strategies to mitigate the negative effects of power. Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the concept of power as it relates to negotiation and offers practical advice for those looking to improve their negotiation skills (Rajavel & Thangarathanam, 2021). The authors’ credentials and extensive research in the field give weight to their opinions and findings, making this article a valuable resource for those interested in the topic.


The significance of dynamic personality and emotional intelligence qualities in the negotiation process is highlighted in this article. The study results show that those with greater levels of emotional intelligence are much more likely to employ cooperative negotiation techniques and reach amicable agreements (Gates, 2022). It is consistent with negotiation’s guiding principles, which highly value resolving conflicts to benefit all parties.

The study also emphasizes how crucial it is to comprehend how personality variables affect negotiating. People can modify their negotiation strategy to increase the likelihood of attaining mutually beneficial outcomes by being aware of the personality factors linked to the employment of particular negotiation methods. The study’s conclusions apply to corporations and organizations (Gates, 2022). Organizations can improve their chances of obtaining mutually beneficial results in negotiations by hiring people with high emotional intelligence and offering staff training and development programs that support the development of their negotiation skills and emotional intelligence.

The importance of power in negotiations is skillfully brought out in the paper by Tannenbaum and Fish. It offers insightful information for negotiators by giving a thorough overview of the many types of power and how they affect negotiations. The author’s research shows that power can significantly affect how a negotiation turns out and that, as a result, it must be considered while creating negotiation techniques. One of the article’s main conclusions is that to leverage their power in negotiations effectively, negotiators must be aware of both their energy sources and the negotiation’s power dynamics. Those with expert control, for instance, may use their knowledge and abilities to affect the outcome of a negotiation (Gates, 2022). In contrast, those with legitimate authority may use their position to impose terms. The authors also stress the need for developing mitigation techniques for the adverse effects of power, such as the potential for inciting hatred or mistrust between the individuals involved.


It is a complicated and multifaceted concept that necessitates a nuanced understanding to leverage power properly in negotiations. The article points out that many fuel types can influence a negotiation, including knowledge, status, resources, and psychological pressure. To effectively use their control and get the desired result, negotiators must be aware of their sources of power and the power dynamics in the negotiation. The risks of wielding power in talks must also be considered, including fostering a hostile or uncooperative environment or deteriorating relations between the parties (Zhang et al., 2021). Overall, understanding the role of power in negotiations and how it can be effectively used can greatly impact the success of a negotiation.


Zhang, Z. X., Liu, L. A., & Ma, L. (2021). Negotiation beliefs: comparing Americans and the Chinese. International Business Review30(5), 101849.,5&hl=en

Rajavel, R., & Thangarathanam, M. (2021). Agent-based automated dynamic SLA negotiation framework in the cloud using the stochastic optimization approach. Applied Soft Computing101, 107040.,5&hl=en

Gates, S. (2022). The negotiation book: Your definitive guide to successful negotiating. John Wiley & Sons.,5&hl=en


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