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Balancing Human Element and Technology

Executive Summary

This report explores and discusses the increasing importance of managing the human element and technology in organizations that are becoming more technology-driven. The report highlights the significance of effectively managing both aspects and their implications for organizational success. The report explores various theories and concepts about managing the human element and technology. These include employee motivation, job satisfaction, participatory decision-making, organizational culture, change management, leadership, empowerment, and communication theories. It also discusses technology selection, integration, optimization, cybersecurity, technological advancements, and innovation. The conclusion emphasizes the significance of managing the human element and technology in technology-driven organizations. It reiterates the need for a balanced approach that considers employee needs, motivation, and engagement while effectively utilizing technology. The theories and concepts discussed in the report provide a foundation for understanding and implementing successful management strategies in the evolving technological landscape.

The Importance of Balancing the Human Element and Technology in Technology-Driven Organizations: A Comparative Analysis of the Scientific and Humanistic Views of Management


This report introduces the management of the human element and technology in organizations that are becoming more technology-driven. It explores the importance of effectively managing both aspects and their implications for organizational success. The report will be structured as follows: First, it will answer the question by presenting the author’s viewpoint on the importance of managing the human element and technology. It will be followed by exploring relevant theories, such as the Scientific and Humanistic views of management, to provide a theoretical foundation for the discussion.

Furthermore, the report will delve into theories and concepts from the management field that are relevant to managing the human element and technology. It will include employee motivation, job satisfaction, participatory decision-making, organizational culture, change management, leadership, empowerment, and communication theories. It will summarize the theories and concepts discussed to support this viewpoint and provide recommendations for organizations seeking to navigate the technology-driven landscape while prioritizing their employees’ well-being and engagement.

Response to Question

The report provides a solution to the question of whether, in a technology-driven organization, human management or technology management will be paramount. The answer presented to us argued that both management aspects should be considered equally. Technology plays a significant role in promoting efficiency and innovation (Yigit and Kanbach, 2023), and its sole management will mean neglecting personnel who utilize technology to realize organizational objectives. Therefore, neglecting the human element in management will lead to negative consequences, including decreased motivation which impairs productivity.

The Scientific view of management, popularized by Frederick Taylor, emphasizes efficiency, standardization, and control in pursuing productivity. This approach often views employees as replaceable parts of a machine, focusing primarily on optimizing processes and minimizing their decision-making autonomy (Taylor, 2004). However, this perspective must acknowledge the importance of individual needs, motivation, and creativity in driving organizational success.

In contrast, the Humanistic view of management recognizes the value of the human element in organizations. It emphasizes creating a positive work environment, fostering employee engagement, and considering individual needs and aspirations (Coelho, 2022). This approach aligns with the understanding that motivated and satisfied employees are more likely to adapt to and effectively utilize technology to drive organizational outcomes. To thrive in a technology-driven landscape, organizations must adopt a balanced approach that integrates the management of the human element and technology.


The argument presented in this report is supported by including the Scientific view of management and the Humanistic view of management. The Scientific view of management, pioneered by Frederick Taylor in the early 20th century, focuses on maximizing efficiency and productivity through scientific analysis and optimizing work processes (Taylor, 2004). It emphasizes standardization, specialization, and a hierarchical command structure. This perspective treats employees as interchangeable components in a machine-like system, primarily focusing on minimizing their discretion and decision-making.

On the other hand, the Humanistic view of management emerged as a response to the limitations of the Scientific view. It involves the integration of the human perspective into the technology-driven organization (Coelho, 2022). These two theories provide contrasting perspectives on how organizations should manage the human element. While the Scientific view prioritizes efficiency and control, the Humanistic view emphasizes individual employees’ value and impact on organizational success.

Employee Motivation

One particularly relevant theory is the theory of employee motivation. According to renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow, individuals have a hierarchy to be met to feel motivated (Guillen, 2021). The employee motivation theory suggests that organizations should not focus solely on technological advancements but consider the employee’s needs, such as job security and a sense of belonging (Coelho, 2022). Organizations can create a positive environment if they focus on creating a supportive environment that motivates the employees to utilize technology efficiently to realize the organization’s goals.

Furthermore, organizational culture plays a significant role in managing the human element and technology. When the culture fostered by the organization is positive and inclusive, the employee’s well-being and growth development will be supported. It will, in turn, make the employees feel empowered to utilize and leverage technology which ensures higher levels of technology and engagement as motivation is encouraged (Hussein et al., 2019). From a technology management perspective, concepts such as technology integration and optimization are crucial. Technology integration is the seamless incorporation of technology into existing organizational processes. It encourages the productivity and profitability of mechanized processes (Yigit and Kanbach, 2023). It involves understanding the specific needs and challenges of the organization and selecting and implementing appropriate technologies. Additionally, technology optimization focuses on continuously evaluating and improving the use of technology to maximize its benefits and impact on organizational outcomes.

Employee Engagement

One theory that contributes to this discussion is the theory of employee engagement. Employee engagement as a theory generally means that the employees’ commitment, passion, and enthusiasm for their responsibilities are highly fostered. Employees with high commitment to their work are more likely to utilize the existing technology and seek innovative solutions, contributing to the organization’s success (Guillen, 2021). This theory suggests that organizations focus on creating an environment that fosters employee engagement. The organization could use various strategies to recognize and reward the employee’s contributions, provide opportunities for growth and development, and foster open communication.

Additionally, the concept of change management is crucial when considering the management of the human element and technology. Technology-driven organizations often undergo significant changes due to the implementation of new technologies. Change management theories and practices guide effectively managing these transitions, including addressing employee concerns, providing adequate training and support, and communicating the benefits and rationale behind the changes. Organizations can alleviate resistance and ensure a smoother transition to new technologies by effectively managing change.

Furthermore, organizational communication is vital in managing the human element and technology. Clear and transparent communication channels are essential for disseminating information related to technological changes, addressing employee concerns, and fostering a culture of open dialogue. Effective communication helps build trust and ensures employees are informed and engaged in the organization’s technology-related initiatives.

Employee Empowerment

One theory that aligns with this argument is the concept of empowerment. Empowerment involves delegating decision-making authority to employees, giving them autonomy and control over their work. In a technology-driven environment, empowering employees can enhance their ownership and responsibility toward utilizing technology effectively. Bereuter et al. (2022) argue that technology on itself cannot result in the meeting of objectives of the organizations; hence employee empowerment is paramount in efficient technology utilization. Organizations tap into their expertise, creativity, and problem-solving abilities by empowering employees, leading to increased innovation and productivity.

Another relevant theory is leadership. Effective leadership is crucial in managing both the human element and technology. To provide guidance and support, existing leaders should understand technology’s impact on the organization. Transformational leadership ensures that emphasis is placed on importance is placed on inspiring and motivating employees to adapt to technological changes, which fosters a culture of innovation and continuous learning and innovation (Vázquez-Maguirre, 2020). Furthermore, the concept of organizational learning is vital in technology-driven organizations. Organizational learning involves acquiring, interpreting, and applying knowledge to improve organizational performance. According to Zarei, Khan, and Abbassi (2022), it is common in organizations to view employees and judge them based on right or wrong and not the contribution they make, which could be altered by organizational learning. In managing the human element and technology, organizations should promote a learning culture that encourages employees to enhance their skills and knowledge related to technology continuously. It keeps employees updated with technological advancements and contributes to the organization’s competitive advantage.

Additionally, the concept of diversity and inclusion is pertinent. Technology-driven organizations benefit from diverse perspectives and experiences. Embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment allows organizations to leverage various talents and ideas. This inclusive approach enhances the management of the human element and technology by ensuring that various viewpoints are considered, leading to better decision-making and innovation. Organizations can create an environment where the human element and technology are effectively managed by incorporating theories and concepts such as empowerment, leadership, organizational learning, and diversity and inclusion (Harel, 2019). These concepts support the argument that organizations need to balance their focus on technology with the development and well-being of their employees.

Organizational Agility

One theory that aligns with this argument is the concept of organizational agility. This theory argues that organizations must be able to adapt quickly to changing and advancing technological factors and market conditions. Organizations must be flexible in managing both the human element and technology in a technology-driven landscape (Pedota and Piscitello, 2022). It includes fostering a culture of flexibility, promoting continuous learning and skill development, and empowering employees to embrace and leverage new technologies.

Additionally, teamwork and collaboration are significant in managing the human element and technology. Effective teamwork enables employees to collaborate, share knowledge and expertise, and collectively solve problems in a technology-driven environment, where technology integration often requires cross-functional collaboration; fostering a collaborative culture is essential for successful technology implementation and utilization (Cimini et al., 2021). Moreover, the concept of ethical considerations is crucial in technology-driven organizations. As technology advances, ethical concerns such as data privacy, security, and algorithmic biases become more prominent. It will ensure that the productivity and flexibility offered by using technology are maintained. (Cimini et al., 2021). Organizations must prioritize ethical practices and ensure the human element is not neglected when making technological decisions. Organizations can build trust with employees and stakeholders by considering ethical implications and creating a responsible and sustainable technology-driven environment. Furthermore, the concept of continuous improvement and innovation is essential. Technology-driven organizations must foster a culture of continuous improvement and encourage employees to innovate and explore new possibilities. By providing opportunities for experimentation and supporting a growth mindset, organizations can harness the potential of technology while nurturing the human element’s creativity and ingenuity.


As organizations become more technology-driven, it is imperative to recognize the equal importance of managing the human element and technology. Management has many factions; therefore, to successfully interrogate the same, one needs o have a scientific and a humanistic view of management. The scientific view emphasizes efficiency and control in an organization. It focuses on the management of technology, whereas the humanistic view of management focuses on the value of employees and their well-being. Human management has to be viewed from these two perspectives, which provide contrasting aspects of managing the human element. However, both perspectives have their merits and can be integrated to create a balanced approach. This report explores various theories and concepts to support the argument for managing the human element and technology. Theories such as employee motivation, participatory decision-making, and engagement of the significance of addressing employees’ needs and fostering a supportive work environment. Concepts such as organizational culture, change management, and organizational communication underscore the importance of managing the human element during technological transitions. Similarly, theories and concepts related to technology integration, optimization, and ongoing skill development emphasize the critical role of technology management.


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