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Australia Essays

Policy Reforms To Ensure Continuity of Mother-Child Relationship Among Justice-Involved Mothers: Victoria, Australia

Introduction Maternal involvement in the CJS impacts not only the offending mother but also the offender’s dependents since mothers are the primary caregivers. Upon incarceration, most mothers receive little support from family or spouses, and their children experience unstable care arrangements. Short-term and long-term involvement of women in the justice system interrupts the mother-child relationship, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2504

Foundational Principles of Liberal Democracy in Australia

Legal and political equality are key tenets of liberal philosophy. Liberals advocate for equal protection under the law and reject discrimination based on sociodemographic, ethnic or political factors like race, gender, or religion. This commitment to equality extends to the concept of equal opportunity, emphasising that everyone should have a fair chance to succeed unhampered ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1727
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Evaluation of the Macroeconomic Performance of Australia Under a Rapidly Changing World Economic Environment

Executive Summary The Australian economy reported significant growth of 3% in chain volume in the current financial year; labour productivity declined by 3.7%, and the household savings ratio dropped to 4.3% from 12.6%. At the same time, the country’s national net worth increased by $1.3 trillion to $19.0 trillion in the 2022/2023 financial year (Australian ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3493

Aurizon’s (AZJ) Acquisition of One Rail Australia

Acquisitions Aurizon Holdings Limited (AZJ), an Australian railway freight firm, embarked on a significant endeavor when it acquired One Rail Australia in 2020. This acquisition aimed to fortify Aurizon’s standing within the Australian rail and logistics sector. Nonetheless, this undertaking had its share of obstacles and risks. Initially, regulatory approvals were obligatory due to the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1272

A Cross-Cultural Study of Electric Vehicle Adoption in Multinational Markets: The Case Studies of Australia and China

ABSTRACT The global automotive industry’s shift towards reducing carbon emissions and embracing electric vehicles (EVs) has made it necessary to study the factors influencing the adoption of EVs in the global market. Although there is an increasing number of studies examining these factors, limited cross-national research exists on the determinants of EV adoption between steady ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4109

How Has Australia’s Strategic Approach to Asia Evolved From the Federation to the Present?

Introduction From the rise of the Australian Federation in 1901 to the current day, Australia’s tactical approach regarding Asia has constantly developed, adjusting to varying worldwide geopolitics and an altering landscape of national safety worries. In the early phases of its Federation, Australia kept a strongly Eurocentric perspective, with a tactical focus centered on its ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2238

Retail Sector in Australia

Executive Summary This study provides a comprehensive overview of Australian retail HRM issues. The economy benefits from this industry’s 1.3 million jobs. As a result of the pandemic, many companies are struggling to survive, and workers are facing layoffs and reduced hours. This paper discusses talent acquisition and selection, workplace health and safety, employee development, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3259

Corporate Governance Failure in Australia

Introduction Huang (2021) defines cooperate governance as a system of rules, processes and practices that direct and control organizational operations. A vital goal of any cooperate governance is supporting more robust growth and a more inclusive society by building an environment of trust, accountability and transparency (Grafton, 2019). Currently, the allegory of heroic business no ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2082

Comparing A-League Football in Australia to MLS

Introduction Australia is a country where football is getting increasingly popular, and the A-League was founded in 2004. The A-League, which competes in the Asian Champions League, is Australia’s highest professional football level. It has gained prominence in recent years. The A-League is presently going through a period of expansion with the addition of expansion ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 930

The Vulnerability of Indigenous Australian Teenagers

Their local communities recognize Indigenous Australians as descended from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Compared to other Australians, they reside in distant places and makeup 2.4% of the country’s population. Indigenous Australians are more likely to have mental health issues than the broader Australian population. Their mental and social health is increasingly being recognised ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2170

Global Value Chains in Australia’s Economic Development

Abstract This report explores the concept of Global Value Chains (GVCs) and their driving forces. The report focuses on a GVC in which Australia participates, which involves using Australian inputs to produce final products/services. A figure of the GVC is presented, and the key countries that participate in it are identified. The theoretical foundations of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255

Accounting Treatment of R&D in Different Countries and Recommendation of Which Treatment Is Better Than Others

Introduction Activities that generate or enhance goods or processes are included in the accounting for research and development (Mazzi et al., 2019). The main issue for businesses is that research and development (R&D) expenses cannot be capitalized since their future benefits are unlikely to be realized (Ertuğrul, 2020). Several nations’ accounting regulations mandate that businesses ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1184

Drug Abuse Among Australian Teenagers: A Human Rights Violation

Introduction Although it is prohibited to consume illegal drugs in Australia, drug abuse is a major social, health, and legal concern affecting Australians. Alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis are the three most commonly used drugs among youths in Australia. Given that Australia has the greatest percentage of cannabis users globally, cannabis usage is a significant factor ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1877

The Impact of COVID-19 on Marriage and Divorce Rates in Australia

Introduction There is no denying that loving relationships can b difficult, complicated, and not always successful. And the rate of divorce in Australia that has varied over the last fifty years reflects this. Ever since the introduction of “No Fault Divorce” in 1975 the family law act influenced the rate of marriages and divorce trends ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1296
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Essays About Australia

Doing an essay about an entire country opens up the possibilities of what can be written about. Australia has quite a unique history, and if you go just to the aboriginal history, it is several thousands of years old! British colonization is only a small part of that history, and a couple of hundred languages are spoken on the land.

It’s quite a contrasting country whose origins came from being a penal colony for the British Empire. The British Empire believed it was far enough away from Britain, so it was the ideal location for their criminals. Eventually, that changed, and it became one of the most thriving countries in the South Pacific. It also became home to multiple new cultures, continuously being a melting pot and accepting many people across the world.

Additionally it has both an ancient land and culture that’s now covered on its coasts by modern and lavish cities. It’s known as a global tourist destination with the Sydney Opera House to The Outback to the Great Barrier Reef. It’s also a huge center for commerce and agriculture which has come a long way over the last century.

How to write an essay on Australia

Focus on what area you want to write about. Are you looking to write about its history or its development as a combination of cultures? Are you looking to showcase its economic prowess, or are you more interested in its future and relationship regionally and globally?

Either way, you need to make sure to pick a lane with your topic and make sure that you don’t deviate from the subject. Pick your essay structure and write the outline first. This will make sure you are interested in what you are writing about and have a concise and well-planned essay.

For those who are looking for specific topics on the matter take a look below:

• Australia: A Land of Contrasts
• Australia’s Role in the World
• Australia’s Challenges and Opportunities
• Australian Culture and Identity
• Australia’s Colonial History
• Australia: A Country of Immigrants
• Australia: A Popular Tourist Destination
• Australia’s Unique Wildlife
• Australia’s Aboriginal Heritage

If you are stuck or need ideas for an essay on Australia, feel free to use samples from this page to ace your paper!

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