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Speech Analysis on Rhetorical


This paper will provide the application of various modes of persuasion. One must apply intelligent techniques to convince and connect with the audience in politics. This article will provide a rhetorical analysis of former President Donald Trump’s Instagram ad, using the pathos, logos, ethos, and rhetorical distance aspects.

Overview of the Ad

The Trump ad, which can be viewed using the supplied Instagram link, involves images and clips highlighting significant events throughout Donald Trump’s administration. It utilizes audiovisual elements and pictures to indicate the current administration’s incapacitation and champion the former administration’s policies. The post criticizes Joe Biden’s mental and physical capacity to operate and administrate presidential functions for the benefit of Americans. “The biggest hoax in American history was Joe Biden coming out of hospice and getting elected into the White House.” It demonstrates President Joe Biden’s administration’s shortcomings, which have negatively impacted the lives of Americans. The ad demonstrates economic and social issues that the Biden administration still needs to develop favourable and constructive policies to ensure they benefit Americans. The ad drums support for Trump criticizes President Biden’s economic policies and portrays poor governance structures in the current administration. For instance, incomes surged during President Trump’s administration and decreased under the current administration of President Biden. Mortgage rates were low during the Trump administration at 3% and have skyrocketed under the Biden administration at 8%. In addition, personal and retirement investments were high under Trump and have reduced under the Biden administration. New investments have been reduced in the current administration compared to the Trump administration. Donald Trump champions for his leadership and candidature for the upcoming presidential elections.

Rhetorical Analysis

Ethos concerns the credibility and trustworthiness of the source or presenter conveying the information. It is a concept related to self-presentation that describes how a speaker’s perceived qualities are persuasive when they appear in speech (Jasinski, 229). According to Aristotle (1991), it is only natural to praise oneself, criticize one’s competitor, and drive home the arguments after demonstrating the clear integrity and dishonesty of the other person. Donald Trump applies the ethos aspect in the ad that forms the Instagram ad’s core objectives, highlighting the achievements and favourable economic policies during his administration. He demonstrates it through evidence showcasing differences between his and President Biden’s administrations. Trump has as much legitimacy and authority as the previous US President, especially among his fans. From the perspective of his audience, Trump’s ethos is strengthened by the advertisement, which emphasizes his leadership position and presents him as an influential, determined person. The previous President, Donald Trump, can back up his assertions of the post through texts and imagery that highlight the strengths of his administration. He has indicated favourable economic conditions and realistic social amenities that Americans enjoyed during his leadership. The presenter is not unfair in his presentations since he applies facts to dismiss the current administration and promote his “Make America Great Again” ideologies and better its economy for the citizens’ benefit.

On the other hand, pathos is the appeal to emotions to evoke particular emotions or sentiments in the viewer. Donald Trump applies pathos in the Instagram ad when he reveals crucial details that influence individual sentiments and viewpoints on the issues. He mentions that the current administration has reduced personal income and retirement investments. He compares it to Biden’s administration and opines that the economy was better during his tenure, and Americans enjoyed various associated benefits. Through textual data and emotionally charged visuals, the advertisement employs pathos. One of the emotionally charged visuals presents a mockery picture of President Joe Biden, exposing the susceptible physical inabilities that can designate inefficiencies in government administration. It shows footage of Trump meeting with fans, giving speeches, and performing symbolic actions like raising the flag of the United States. The pictures associated with the post show Donald Trump in front of a crowd, and his campaign “Make America Great Again” is surrounded by several American flags. The intention behind such images is to make people feel nostalgic, loyal, and patriotic—especially those who back Trump.

In addition, the audience is moved to action or conviction by a logical appeal when a claim, supporting data, or justification is strategically employed. The idea the writer wishes to see come to pass is called a claim. Utilizing facts, reasoning, and logic to persuade an audience is known as logos. The word logic originated from logos, which is logical attraction and is typically used to characterize data and facts that bolster the speaker’s position. In the application to former president Donald Trump’s Instagram ad, Trump uses statistical facts and logic to influence reasoning among the viewers. For instance, he mentions that incomes during his administration were higher than President Biden’s. He also shows that mortgage rates were lower during his administration by 3%.

Meanwhile, in President Biden’s administration, mortgage rates have skyrocketed to 8%. In addition, Trump mentions that personal and retirement investments were high under his administration and have reduced under the Biden administration. The advertisement primarily uses pathos, emotional appeal, and ethos, or Trump’s credibility. Still, it uses logos or text overlays to emphasize essential policy proposals or accomplishments during Trump’s presidency. Through the ad, Trump mentions high investments, low mortgage interest rates, and discretionary income that favoured his administration. Depending on such facts can convince and persuade a voter to consider Donald Trump’s candidature and reelection. The commercial aims to persuade viewers of Trump’s efficacy as a leader and the advantages of his policies by showcasing these achievements. Donald Trump urges his viewers to reject President Joe Biden’s administration, reelection, and support for the forthcoming presidential polls.

Lastly, the perceived level of separation between the speaker and the listener is known as rhetorical distance. When bridging the windy gap, Trump was superior to previous presidents and accomplished far more. Rhetorical distance in the ad is comparatively minimal, especially among Trump’s fans. Trump uses the ad to arouse emotions and develop a sense of connection with his supporters. He shows moments of individual engagement with his supporters, provides better government operating proposals, and criticizes President Obama’s and President Biden’s administrations. He utilizes statistical evidence to support his assertions and elicit consideration for the upcoming presidential elections. According to rhetorical sentiments presented by Donald Trump’s proposals, he seeks to provide improved services to the people that his predecessor, President Obama and the current President, Joe Biden. For example, former President Donald Trump wanted to abolish Obamacare to develop a better and more comprehensive alternative for the Americans’ benefit. Trump criticizes Joe Biden’s sleepy behaviours, which challenge his physical agility and capacity to channel his energy to better the lives of Americans. Unlike President Joe Biden, Donald Trump appears alert and full of energy to serve the nation. By decreasing the rhetorical distance, Trump’s commercial seeks to create a shared identity and purpose by strengthening the emotional connection between Trump and his target demographic.


The Trump advertisement skillfully uses pathos, ethos, logos, and rhetorical tactics to connect with its intended demographic and reaffirm essential themes related to Trump’s leadership. Using the Instagram ad, Trump has effectively applied them by demonstrating his achievements and providing details that develop logical reasoning and emotional appeal to his audience.


Aristotle, R. (1991). Translated by W. Rhys Roberts. The Complete Works.

Jasinski, J. (2001). Sourcebook on rhetoric (Vol. 4). Sage Publications.


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