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Pediatric/Geriatric Assessment and Vaccination Teaching Plan


Immunization is a cornerstone in pediatric healthcare as it offers protection against the spectrum of infectious illness. In this assignment, our focus is on Emily, a lively four-year-old with an excellent medical history; hence, the objective in line with her case is to ensure that there is an assessment and address her immunization needs. This also constitutes the need to evaluate the CDC’s recommended schedule by developing a targeted teaching plan for Emily and the family. Besides, Emily’s parents will also be taken through an in-depth look into the efficacy of the vaccine and discuss the disease prevented by these vaccines through identifying the critical patient information with the help of a holistic approach to delivery and teaching plan evaluation.

Patient selection

Emily, a four-year-old, is an exemplary candidate for this assessment because her age aligns with the recommended childhood immunization schedule. Besides, her parents’ involvement in healthcare decision-making provides an ideal educational intervention setting. This means that understanding the unique features of pediatric patients helps tailor an effective teaching plan.

Review of the vaccine schedule

The CDC’s vaccine schedule serves the purpose of ensuring that there is a good roadmap for Emily’s upcoming wellness visits. The critical vaccines that are of much focus include the MMR, which includes measles, mumps, and rubella, notwithstanding the DTaP, which provides for diphtheria, Tetanus pertussis, and varicella (Garcia et al., 2022). The inclusivity of the vaccine is to ensure that there is comprehended protection during her development stage, hence offering a defensive means for her body.

Teaching plan development

Objectives: The development of the teaching plan ensures that Emily’s parents not only comprehend the significance of the MMR, DTaP, and Varicella vaccines but also ensure that they are confident in their decisions to proceed with the recommended immunization.

Methods: The methods that will be used entail a multifaceted approach that incorporates the use of visual aids and informative pamphlets as well as dedicated questions and answer sessions; hence, the use of this variety will help cater to diverse learning styles and ensure that there is maximal engagement (Ghosh et al., 2023).

Focus areas:

Highlighting diseases:

The teaching plan emphasizes the severity of the illness prevented by the vaccines and stresses the patient impact that the disease might have on the child.

Timely administration:

The emphasis will also be placed on ensuring timely vaccine administration based on the recommended schedule to ensure that the child has herd immunity and community protection.

Research vaccine efficacy

A deeper exploration into the efficacy of the MMR, DTaP, and Varicella vaccines is imperative; thus, understanding the scientific basis of these vaccines fosters a more informed decision with the parents. This can be reached by addressing and initiating confidence in the vaccination process. For instance, according to Liu, 2023, it can be noted that there is a ninety-nine percent estimate of the efficacy of the MMR when based on the measles vaccination and over ninety-five percent prevention of the mumps. This also goes hand in hand with the prevention of rubella after a single dose.

Disease and vaccine discussions

In regards to the MMR vaccines, a comprehensive discussion will revolve around the illnesses prevented by the MM, illustrating its potential effects on measles, mumps, and rubella, underscoring the vaccines’ significance.

When based on the DTaP, it is noted that parents will be educated on the severity of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis with a high focus on pertussis in infants through the help of real-life situations, which will aid in driving the message home (Garcia et al., 2022).

The varicella vaccine teaching plan will be based on the impact of chickenpox severity and the significance of preventing such outcomes through timely vaccinations.

Patient information and discussion

Parents will be provided with detailed information about the MMR series and vaccine doses, including clarifying any concerns and related side effects. On the other hand, the DTaP VACCINE will entail a thorough discussion on the resurgence of pertussis and the role the DTaP plays in risk mitigation. In line with this vaccine, parents will be encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification (LIU, 2023). On the varicella vaccine, a focus will be based on the need to prevent severe chicken pox invasion in the school environment where contagions are more likely; hence, parents will be informed about the safety profiles in line with the Varicella vaccines

Teaching delivery

The delivery of these teachings will go hand in hand with visual aids such as infographics and charts to communicate disease prevalence before and after introducing the vaccines as this will enhance understanding. The pamphlets will also be helpful to summarize the key points, such as the benefits of vaccination, side effects, and the critical role of timely vaccination, hence serving as a take-home resource for continued reference (Ghosh et al., 2023). A question-and-answer session will help encourage the parent to ask questions and express their concerns, ensuring they feel heard and actively participate in decision-making.

Evaluation of effectiveness

Ineffectiveness evaluation, there will be a follow-up survey administration to parents approximately one month of vaccines in order to assess retention, measure confidence, and address any concerns for Emily (Azzari et al., 2020). Besides, continuous monitoring and feedback will be encouraged through an ongoing partnership with the healthcare providers and the parents, fostering collaboration and ensuring that the parents remain informed and engaged in the child’s healthcare journey.


Azzari, C., Baldo, V., Giuffrida, S., Gani, R., O’Brien, E., Alimenti, C., … & Wolfson, L. J. (2020). The cost-effectiveness of universal varicella vaccination in Italy: a model-based assessment of vaccination strategies. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 273-283.

García-Toledano, E., López-Parra, E., Cebrián-Martínez, A., & Palomares-Ruiz, A. (2022, January). The Need for Health Education and Vaccination—Importance of Teacher Training and Family Involvement. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 110). MDPI.

Ghosh, A., Lalsare, A., Chirmule, N., Khare, N., Kalakuntla, P., Zarkar, R., … & Sheth, S. (2023, January). Teaching vaccine development in schools: Learnings from a survey and curriculum design for a course. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 7, p. 935683). Frontiers.

Liu, X., Li, Q., Du, X., Zhao, X., & Yin, Z. (2022). Vaccine Coverage and Effectiveness in a School-Based Varicella Outbreak in Jinan Prefecture, Shandong Province. Vaccines, 10(8), 1225.


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