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Mental Health Disorders


This review concentrates on mental health issues that have an impact on ethical values and cultural diversity. It assesses the body of knowledge on mental health issues, specifically in light of cultural diversity and moral viewpoints. It looks at two sources that discuss cultural diversity and two ethical views in the literature, after which it makes inferences about the issue from the literature. Finally, it suggests resolving this issue. The literature study evaluates two sources that discuss cultural diversity and two ethical viewpoints. The first source looks at how different cultures’ cultural backgrounds affect the prevalence and signs of mental health issues. It emphasizes the significance of comprehending cultural influences to more accurately diagnose, treat, and prevent mental health illnesses. The ethical issues of providing care for people with mental health illnesses are covered in the second source. The need to consider the rights, autonomy, and dignity of persons impacted by mental health illnesses is emphasized.

The study then uses the literature to form inferences about the issue. The frequency, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health illnesses vary across cultures and populations. It also concludes that more ethical thought must be given to persons receiving care for mental health conditions. The review paper concludes with a suggestion for how to resolve the issue. More effort should be put into comprehending the cultural variables that impact these conditions to diagnose, treat, and prevent mental health issues more accurately.

Keywords: Mental health disorders, cultural diversity, ethical perspectives, access to care, treatment, stigma, discrimination, awareness, resources.


Mental health disorders are a serious and growing problem in society. Mental health disorders can manifest in various ways, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. They can profoundly impact individuals, families, and communities and lead to increased risk of physical and psychological problems, social isolation, and economic hardship. To effectively address this issue, it is necessary to consider the role of cultural diversity and ethical perspectives. This study will examine the existing literature on mental health disorders within the context of cultural diversity and ethical perspectives. It will evaluate two sources that address cultural diversity and two ethical perspectives in the existing literature. It will then conclude the problem based on the literature and propose a solution. The proposed solution will be based on the literature reviewed. It will address the disparities in the prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health disorders across different cultures and populations. Greater emphasis should be placed on understanding the cultural factors that influence mental health disorders to diagnose better, treat, and prevent them. Healthcare providers should be aware of ethical considerations when caring for those affected by mental health disorders.

Literature Review

The recent pandemic of COVID-19 has posed numerous ethical considerations for psychologists. One of the most important of these is the potential for mental health disorders to emerge due to the current climate. Chenneville and Schwartz-Mette (2020) examine the ethical implications of managing mental health disorders during the pandemic, particularly concerning the confidentiality of the client-therapist relationship and the duty of care. They discuss the importance of maintaining confidentiality while providing a safe, supportive environment for clients during this difficult time. They also emphasize the need for enhanced screening and assessment of mental health disorders, which can be complicated due to the current restrictions on face-to-face contact. Another study similar to Chenneville and Schwartz-Mette is the study by Agazzi et al. (2021) examining how COVID-19 has impacted the training of health service psychology interns in a medical school. Agazzi et al. (2021)’s findings are generally consistent with Chenneville and Schwartz-(2020) Mette’s findings, which emphasize the value of providing culturally competent care, working with other professionals, and utilizing telehealth services to increase access to mental healthcare during the pandemic (Agazzi et al., 2021). Both studies emphasize the value of providing practitioners with self-care as well as the necessity for improved mental health condition screening and assessment. The main distinction between the two studies is that Chenneville and Schwartz-Mette (2020) concentrate on broad ethical issues for psychologists, whereas Agazzi et al. (2021) concentrate especially on adjusting to medical school internships.

The growing use of online psychotherapy has raised concerns about the ethical implications of such treatment. Stoll, Müller, & Trachsel (2020) offer an overview of the ethical issues related to online psychotherapy, focusing on mental health disorders. The authors conducted a narrative review of the literature, examining the ethical challenges posed by online psychotherapy from the perspectives of both the provider and the patient. They found that online psychotherapy can provide advantages, such as greater accessibility and convenience for patients (Stoll et al.,2020). At the same time, the lack of face-to-face contact can lead to privacy and confidentiality concerns and difficulties in accurately assessing the patient’s condition and suitability for the treatment. The authors discuss the potential ethical implications of these issues and the need for clear guidelines to ensure that providers are adhering to ethical principles in their practice. The authors conclude that while online psychotherapy can be a helpful tool, it is vital to ensure that ethical considerations are taken into account when providing such treatment.

Similarly, mental health disorders have been a growing concern in the global community, particularly regarding refugees and other displaced populations, such as the Rohingya people of Myanmar. A systematic literature review conducted by Tay et al. (2019) explored the culture, mental health, and psychosocial wellbeing of Rohingya refugees. The review included quantitative and qualitative studies published in English between 2011 and 2018 and found multiple factors affecting mental health among the Rohingya population. These include traumatic experiences associated with displacement, lack of access to mental health services, discrimination and violence, and limited social support networks (Tay et al.,2019). The review also highlighted the importance of tailoring mental health interventions to the cultural context of the Rohingya people and providing access to services to address mental health issues effectively. It concluded that addressing the mental health of Rohingya refugees is essential for their overall well-being and that further research is needed to explore the impact of culture on mental health interventions. This literature review highlights the importance of considering cultural factors when addressing mental health disorders and the need for increased access to mental health services for vulnerable populations.

Another study similar to Tay et al. (2019) is Tikhonov et al. (2019), examining the connection between bicultural identity and American identity and positive mental health in US racial and ethnic minority immigrants. According to Tikhonov et al. (2019), racial and ethnic minority immigrants who can successfully integrate into a US culture and maintain a strong sense of their own cultural identity have higher levels of positive mental health outcomes (Tikhonov et al.,2019). The study found that those who had a stronger connection to their cultural and American identities experienced more outstanding mental health outcomes, suggesting that the ability to foster harmony between both identities was beneficial. These findings provide evidence that bicultural identity harmony is essential for positive mental health outcomes in the context of racial and ethnic minority immigrants. This review highlights the importance of helping immigrants navigate the complexities of maintaining both their cultural and American identities to foster better mental health outcomes.


In conclusion, this literature review has explored the impact of cultural diversity and ethical perspectives on mental health disorders. It has evaluated two sources that discuss cultural diversity and two ethical perspectives in the literature and has concluded the issue from the literature. The review has concluded that the frequency, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health illnesses vary significantly across cultures and populations. Furthermore, it has concluded that more fantastic ethical thought must be given to persons receiving care for mental health conditions. In order to more accurately diagnose, treat, and prevent mental health issues, more effort should be put into comprehending the cultural variables that impact these conditions. Additionally, healthcare providers should be aware of ethical considerations when caring for persons affected by mental health disorders.


Agazzi, H., Najmabadi, S., Flood, J., Cimorelli, D., & Chenneville, T. (2021). COVID-19 adaptations for health service psychology internship training in a medical school. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 1-12.

Chenneville, T., & Schwartz-Mette, R. (2020). Ethical considerations for psychologists in the time of COVID-19. American Psychologist, 75(5), 644.)

Stoll, J., Müller, J. A., & Trachsel, M. (2020). Ethical issues in online psychotherapy: A narrative review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 993.

Tay, A. K., Riley, A., Islam, R., Welton-Mitchell, C., Duchesne, B., Waters, V., … & Ventevogel, P. (2019). A systematic review of the culture, mental health, and psychosocial well-being of Rohingya refugees. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 28(5), 489-494.


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