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Elevating Performance: A Comprehensive Improvement Plan for Suzan at Organization ABC


Effective performance management is a crucial driver of organizational effectiveness in today’s professional arena. This paper presents an elaborated and highly customized performance improvement plan designed to address Susan’s complicated issues as a respected employee of Organization ABC. By artfully interlacing elements of observation, communication, feedback, resource provision, and reinforcement, this plan aims to propel Suzan toward great heights of excellence and productivity within the organizational system.

Observation and Documentation

In order to efficiently deal with Suzan’s performance issues, a systematic observation and documentation framework has to be created. Daily contacts with colleagues, customers, and suppliers will be followed by this system daily. Inserting such interactions by means of a standard form or checklist will guarantee that notes are descriptive and unambiguous. Additionally, getting feedback from the team members on their engagements with Suzan will manifest crucial hints about how she has been doing. The situations in which Suzan does not deliver messages from the customers and the vendors are not skillful on the phone or demonstrates inappropriate behaviours, such as a raised tone of voice or temper, will be extracted as concrete evidence of her performance problems.


The main argument for more detailed observations and documentation is that they give much-needed evidence of Suzan’s performance problems in an objective way. By systematically observing Suzan’s social interactions with colleagues, customers and vendors, we can collect concrete information about her communication skills, phone manners and emotional control. This very clear evidence not only confirms that she has problems but also offers a basis for developing a programme of targeted interventions that fit her particular needs. Specifically, this document can be used as a point of reference for giving feedback supported by observable actions rather than personal perceptions (Aguinis). By recognizing the patterns in behaviour over time, we will have a better understanding of the core issues that Suzan is facing and come up with solutions to overcome them. In the end, the intricate process of observing and documenting resulted in the basic stone of Suzan’s self-improvement and became a powerful base for her advancement within the organization.

In addition, precise observation and recording allow us to monitor Suzan’s progress and ensure that actions taken result in more than just theory. We will use a system of recording to measure the effectiveness of interventions and change our approach accordingly, depending on Suzan’s behaviours. This tracking system displays Suzan’s pledge to improvement as well as her actions. Besides, the documentation acts as a historical standpoint of Suzan’s journey, through which we can appreciate successes and point out areas that should be improved. Through extended observation and documentation, targeted interventions can be done in the short term. Also, Suzan’s long-term growth and development in the organization as an important resource are supported.


Regular updates are necessary to keep Suzan up-to-date about her performance situation and to avail opportunities for early intervention and correction. Holding weekly one-on-one meetings with Suzan allows us to provide a summary of her performance and reflect on any recent occurrences or observations. Bringing each meeting to a start by reviewing previous feedback and discussing specific behaviour patterns and their effect on team dynamics and organizational goals will generate clarity and direction in our discussions (Aguinis). Clarity and detailed feedback, coupled with advice on how to improve Suzan’s communication skills and manage her emotions, will equip her with the necessary tools to achieve tangible progress.


Suzan’s performance improvement journey relies on regular updates as they help her remain updated on her performance status and provide a chance for timely intervention and redirection. By holding weekly one-on-one meetings with her supervisor, Suzan will have a structured forum to discuss her progress, raise any new issues, and receive input on relevant areas of improvement. These updates are milestones on Susan’s path of performance improvement, through which her supervisor is able to track her progress closely and intervene if there is a need. Moreover, frequent updates encourage Susan and her supervisor to communicate with each other openly, leading to the development of a relationship based on trust and openness.

Feedback that is concrete and can be implemented is crucial to guide Suzan’s growth in the correct direction. Suzan’s supervisor will adopt an SBI feedback model that uses details and case studies to provide Suzan’s evaluative feedback that expands independent judgment and promotes understanding of goals. This feedback, too, does emphasize Suzan’s strengths but also provides areas for improvement that will steer her towards positive change. Through the provision of clear direction and actionable recommendations, Suzan’s supervisor equips her with the knowledge and tools for addressing her performance shortcomings and improving her communication effectiveness. Eventually, straightforward and implementable feedback becomes a roadmap for Suzan’s development, pointing her toward attaining her full potential in the organization.


Effective feedback is key to the performance improvement movement. During our one-on-one meetings, we will provide feedback, both positive and constructive, focusing on Suzan’s strengths and areas of improvement. Using the SBI feedback model, we can deliver feedback in an organized map by outlining the situation, specific behaviours observed, and the effect on individuals or the team (Lamb, 2021). Prompting Suzan to reflect on her performance and come up with strategies for improvement will create ownership and accountability. We should present concrete examples of successful instances of communication along with areas of improvement to make feedback more actionable and relevant (Aguinis).

Rationale: Useful feedback evokes self-reflection, gives direction, and defines the goals for improvement. Employing the SBI feedback structure and giving examples enables us to make feedback constructive and helpful, with the aim of assisting Suzan in the journey of performance improvement.


In order to help Suzan overcome her performance gaps, we will provide access to targeted resources and opportunities for development. This may involve developing communication training programs that meet her particular needs and workshops on active listening, conflict resolution, assertiveness, and emotional intelligence. In addition to booklets, articles and online resources about communication skills and methods, she could also benefit from using these sources. Providing Suzan with a mentor or coach from within the organization who can give suitable guidance and support will enhance further growth and development chances. The application of role-plays or simulations while working with Suzan to build and improve her communication skills in a friendly environment will boost her confidence and skill level.


Stanley is given targeted resources because it is recognized that providing her with pertinent information and tools is critical in correcting her weaknesses and improving her communication. Suzan is mentored personally in terms of guidance and support through being given access to mentors, coaches, and development opportunities. Moreover, Suzan is embedded in a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization. This enhances the environment through which Suzan is able to be actively involved in her career progress, hence leading to continued improvement in her performance and consequently contributing to the success of the team and the organization.


Positive reinforcement is a significant contributor to Suzan sustaining her efforts and moving forward. Highlighting and rewarding Suzan’s accomplishments publicly within the team and the organization will encourage desired behaviours and foster an encouraging environment. Using positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise, team meeting recognition, or small rewards for milestones reached or improved communication skills demonstrated, will encourage Suzan to keep it up. Making Suzan create SMART goals for continuous evolution and assisting her in accomplishing them will help her take charge of her development path through ownership.


The idea behind incorporating positive reinforcement and establishing SMART goals is to develop a setting that supports Suzan’s development and improvement. Positive reinforcement, in addition to recognizing Suzan’s efforts, also promotes the continued display of the desired behaviours, such as better communication skills and emotional control. Acknowledging and appreciating Suzan’s improvement helps to create a favourable environment that encourages her to go on with her development path. Furthermore, SMART goals help Suzan have a clear focus and channel her efforts towards productive areas that will better her performance (Mirabella, 2022). Such an approach makes it possible to turn Suzan’s activity into an effective, goal-oriented process within the company and enables her to improve her skills and knowledge.


In summary, by implementing this detailed process that involves observation and documentation, updates, feedback, resources, and reinforcement, Suzan’s supervisor can offer a complete support system to remediate her performance inadequacies and develop her as a valued employee within the organization.


Aguinis, Herman. “Performance Management.” SAGE Publications Australia, 11 Jan. 2024, Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.

Mirabella, A. (2022). SMART oncology nursing: literacy, goals, coaching, and empowerment. Number 1/January 202249(1), 37-45.

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Lamb, E. A. (2021). Implementing a nurse leader toolkit to improve staff nursing documentation (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-School of Nursing-RBHS).


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