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Applied Doctoral Project (ADP)


The Consulting Report ADP presented in Section 4 gives concrete input to the reader to understand the various aspects of an Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) from a graduate of the DBA program (Indiana Wesleyan University, n.d). This evaluation aims to critically assess diverse dimensions of ADP, including a problem statement, driving research question, identified gaps, selected methodology, and recommendations aligned with the findings.

Problem Description and Bias

The Author handles the topic expertly in the Consulting Report ADP with a detailed approach to its general and specific aspects. Essentially, it is a multifaceted problem with the external environment and industry dynamics as its fundamental causes, meaningfully substantiated by practical findings (Indiana Wesleyan University, n.d). And the exact inherent problem within the organization is dramatized gracefully, making the story much more practical and compelling. Nevertheless, there is an obvious inclination towards what is presupposed to be the solution in the language used by the Author (Bernards, 2024). The proactive stance manifests a fixed opinion and a preference towards certain solutions, thus creating the possibility for a subtle bias. Even though the statement of the problem is engaging and compelling, one should be careful and sensitive enough to avoid any unintentional bias that could influence the next research stages, including the findings. This bias is very important for researchers to be aware of to be objective when conducting research.

Driving Research Question Alignment

The Author masterfully joins the driving DRQ with the intricate aspects of the detected problem. The DRQ is formulated predominantly from the problem’s specific statement and efficiently capsulatencapsulatesue’s who, what, when, where, why, and how (Indiana Wesleyan University, n.d). This embedding will guarantee a smooth transition from identifying the problem to the research inquiry, having a well-defined direction. DRQ’s ability to encompass core elements of the problem shows a thorough examina¬≠tion of the research context, which is the basis for the focused investigation. (Cariani, 2022). This aligned strategic approach increases the ADP’s conception, forming a definite link between the overall research purpose and the complicatedness of the problem. As a result, the DRQ becomes an orientating landmark, which keeps the research process on track and eventually leads to an in-depth and thoughtful analysis of the topic under study.

Identified Gaps in Literature Review

A literature review in ADP is the definite terrain for unraveling the key issues the research plan should address afterward. The 7-10 guiding questions have been predominantly constructed from the DRQ and, to some extent, the problem statement. They address benchmarking, best practices, and methodologies (Indiana Wesleyan University, 2023). These questions probe into the details of what is already known and leave room for guesses or solutions to the problem. The identified gaps then contribute majorly to framing the research path to achieve a focused investigation of shortfalls in literature while allowing for further study. This process aligns to bring a new perspective and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Methodology Alignment with Research Gaps

The particular approach employed within ADP comprehensively and concisely represents the determined research gaps. Per Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines, the research project is outlined to amplify subtleties revealed during the literature review (Indiana Wesleyan University, 2023). A unified approach is facilitated through the proposed methodology that addresses the elements identified as gaps, thus ensuring a focused data collection process. (Kruchkow, 2023) By informing coverage of the existing gaps, the research design increases the validity and reliability of the findings. The ADP exemplifies critical thinking, in which the applied methodology is a carefully planned means of data collection and not just a generic tool to solve a specific problem in the existing literature. This alignment is consequential in establishing a complete and functional research enterprise.

Alignment of Recommendations with Findings

An inner process that demonstrates the contemplated project’s applicability is linking the recommendations with the research results. Our proposed solutions are fully harmonized with the lessons obtained from the data analysis. The ADP’s power hinges on the fact that the recommendations are directly linked to the details disclosed in the research production (Indiana Wesleyan University, 2023). The document greatly reflects the gap between identified issues and implementative and actionable solutions, demonstrating a sequenced and consistent thought. This alignment ensures that our recommendation is not only based on empirical evidence but is also purposed to tackle the challenges expressed in the problem statement (Shoaib et al., 2023). The robustness of the ADPs is enhanced when there is cohesion between findings and recommendations, thus affirming their ability to offer theoretical insight and practical solutions applicable in real-life contexts.


Finally, the detailed ADP that is discussed furnishes an overall picture of how each part of the research procedure contributes to the whole. A critical analysis presented in the paper for details on problem articulation, formulation of the research question, identification of a gap in the literature, selection of methodology, and alignment of findings with recommendations is given here. Thus, the appraisal process goes beyond just recognizing the merits of the ADP and provides ideas on the areas that need to be expanded or improved upon.


Bernards, S. (2024, January 30). Military retention rates: How to increase the numbers. ExecutiveBiz.,recruits%20from%20joining%20the%20military.

Cariani, P. (2022). Different roles for multiple perspectives and rigorous testing in scientific theories and models: Towards more open, context-appropriate verificationism. Philosophies7(3), 54.

Kruchkow, B. (2023, April 10). Recruit or Retain: DOD’s Manpower Problem. RealClear Defense.

Shoaib, M., Packard, B., Hayes, S., & Jahan, K. (2023, August 22). How can you consider multiple perspectives when solving problems? How to Consider Multiple Perspectives in Problem-Solving.

Indiana Wesleyan University. (n.d). Military Student Enrollment and Retention

Indiana Wesleyan University. (2023). ADP Sections


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