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Distribution Strategy and Recommendation Analysis


Supply chains are very complicated systems that include both internal departments and outside partners who work together to make processes like buying and customer service work well. In our connected world, it’s important for consumers, businesses, and policymakers to understand these supply lines (Koberg & Longoni, 2019). The point of this piece is to show how important it is to have good supply chain management in order to deal with complexity and improve performance. The piece being looked at is mostly about how to use strategic planning to make the supply chain’s distribution network. Frazelle (2020) suggests a way to plan the delivery networks of supply chains that focuses on long-term planning in the form of making supply chain operations run more smoothly. Another major idea is how important it is for global supply chains to use environmentally friendly methods.

Flowchart Illustrating Product Flow in the Supply Chain

Flowchart Illustrating Product Flow in the Supply Chain

The need for efficient order fulfillment remains at the center as a necessity for customers’ satisfaction and retention in the competitive landscape of today’s market (Koberg & Longoni, 2019). Slam! is a company in the manufacture of tennis balls, grappling with a challenge in attaining the delivery-time objective. Although a target was set for a reduction of delivery time from 4 days to 2 days, the current performance in this respect is far from satisfactory, which causes a decrease in customer orders by 10%. This can be overcome by a particular strategy on the part of Slam! in which delivery times are minimized while cost is kept at a moderate level. This analysis assesses the possible strategies and recommends a practical course of action for the objective of order fulfillment for Slam!

Strategies and Implementation

In this strategy of prioritization of orders for fulfillment, integration of order management, and warehouse management into one system, the company can classify customer orders using a prioritization matrix derived from customer contract type and service-level agreements, if available. With a new warehouse management system, the company can automatically flag inventory locations through automation, making the pick and pack process more efficient (Frazelle, 2020). Multiple packaging materials will help in the quick packaging of products. If Slam! stages the packaging materials properly according to product types and their corresponding orders, the processing time can be reduced. For this approach, there should be proper staging areas designed, which need to be set up with the required packaging materials, and the warehouse employees have to be trained in handling such efficiently (Koberg & Longoni, 2019).

Systematic alignment of customer contracts with shipping methods helps in ensuring the consistency and accuracy of an order. As such, the update of the order management system with fields for contractual shipping methods is to enable the automatic retrieval of this information from customer records in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and to communicate this information to the warehouse system in the pursuit of achieving efficient processing. Additionally, implementing a transportation management system ensures the timely readiness of customer orders for shipment (Frazelle, 2020). In the hybrid approach, the above strategies borrow and blend into a solution that best fits Slam’s specific needs. With the choice and blending of processes and tools from the various strategies, Slam! Could achieve synergies and optimize the efficiency of order fulfillment.

Recommended Strategy

The strategy I would recommend is the systemically aligned customer contracts with shipping methods. Systemically aligned customer contracts with shipping methods would be leading in the recommended strategies to face the challenge in order fulfillment for Slam! This, with the recommended strategy in place, means that Slam! will be better placed in ensuring its deliveries are done on a real-time basis and cost is under control.

Implementation Plan

The order management system includes a field for shipping methods in customer contracts; the integration of it into the CRM will be seamless by automatically retrieving this information at the time the order is being placed. Use the warehouse management system in a way that once the order management system has stipulated the shipping method, it becomes possible to sort and prepare orders on the basis of their shipping methods. Implement a transportation management system that coordinates with the warehouse for timely shipment readiness. Real-time tracking and scheduling of all shipments will be observed for the optimum delivery routes in order to keep transit times at a minimum (Koberg & Longoni, 2019). Training for warehouse staff on the new systems and procedures as revised to facilitate smooth implementation and adherence to new procedures.

Effectiveness of the Strategy

Systemically aligning the customer contracts with the shipping method means Slam! can decrease the time it takes to process the order and have it ready to ship. Through automated retrieval and communication of shipping method data, the warehouse acquires much-needed information to differentiate the orders and reduce the processing time (Frazelle, 2020). Most importantly, the integration with transport management helps dispatch with more outstanding timeliness and superior route planning to bring the delivery time down further.

Quicker delivery time is in accordance with customers’ expectations, and it helps to escalate their satisfaction level and loyalty. Meeting or even exceeding these delivery time objectives would, hence, be in a position to help Slam! win back the lost trust of the customers and control the decline of orders. An accurate alignment of shipping methods with contracts would leave no room for discrepancies and potential risk of delays, ultimately good for client experiences (Koberg & Longoni, 2019).

Despite rapid delivery, the strategy proposed is still capable of remaining cost-effective through optimized usage of resources and processes. Implementation of new tools and use of existing systems enable Slam! to lower the operating costs related to order fulfillment. Further, alignment with respect to contracts on customers and logistics is vital to ensure proper service levels are applied based on the contracts, thereby reducing the risks of paying for expedited shipping expenses.


The analysis clearly emphasizes that the efficient management of the supply chain significantly contributes to managing the complexities of the supply chain and improving overall performance. This clearly accentuates the need for effective strategic planning in designing distribution networks that are of great importance for streamlining the distribution network in the supply chain. Additionally, it underlines sustainable practices among global supply chains, considering continuous evaluation and adjustments required to enable us to cope with changing challenges. Through integration of these insights, stakeholders would be enabled to navigate through complexities and enhance their supply chain efficiencies. Ultimately, with consideration for strategic planning and sustainability, a resilience and competitiveness are integrated to ensure long-term success for business, consumers, and policymakers today.


Koberg, E., & Longoni, A. (2019). A systematic review of sustainable supply chain management in global supply chains. Journal of cleaner production207, 1084-1098.

Frazelle, E. (2020). Supply chain strategy: the logistics of supply chain management. McGraw-Hill.


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