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Managing Organizational Power and Politics

Managing organizational power and political issues is the process of exploring the elements of impact, navigation, and authority in an organization. Power and politics are the two primary fundamental pillars where the organization’s decision and movement rests (Adebayo and Samour, 2023). Although they differ from different organizations in terms of implementation and manifestation, they play a crucial role in deciding the structure and the success rate of the organization (Davis, 2020). Effective management of power and politics in organizations is critical for the achievement and sustainability of the organization. It requires a profound comprehension of force elements and moral contemplations, the production of procedures for compelling power to the board, and the making of a straightforward and dependable culture.

Firstly, while overseeing hierarchical power and legislative issues, one should understand the necessities of power dynamics. This truly means that in an organization, one should investigate and comprehend the sources and types of power, the manners by which the formal authority is disseminated, and how that influences individuals’ way of behaving in the company (Heifetz, 2020). In understanding power dynamics, one should be in a position to analyze how the informal and formal structures contribute to power distribution, which will assist in the allocation of essential resources effectively (Roura, 2021). Understanding power dynamics will help the firm investigate the impact of individual and group power, determining which voices should be heard more than others in the decision-making process.

Secondly, while managing organizational power and politics, one should consider ethical considerations in power play. While practicing power and politics, all the employees should comply with and exercise them within the organization’s ethical standards, which will help prevent the abuse or exploitation of power (Buchanan & Badham, 2020). The organization should outline the responsibilities and roles of leaders in the organization in enhancing an ethical environment where all the stakeholders will be required to abide by them. While managing organizational power and politics, one should propose strategies that will help regulate power abuses and promote ethical use and a positive influence of power in an organization.

While managing organizational power and politics, one should consider strategies for effective power management. Through the understanding of different types of politics and power, one can use this to their advantage in creating effective strategies to manage them (Buchanan & Badham, 2020). Some of the techniques that one can use are leading by example, communicating effectively, and sharing power (Newman & Ford, 2021). Effective power management can be achieved through balanced approaches and distribution of power through understanding the role of organizational culture that shapes power dynamics. Additionally, in order to enhance a healthy work environment, practical tools for managing power and politics should be provided.

While managing organizational power and politics, one should consider creating and building a culture of transparency and trust. Emphasizing a culture of trust and openness where customers, employees, and other stakeholders are guaranteed a meaningful insight that provides confidence and transparency with senior leaders and an environment that offers honest and direct feedback is created. To create an organizational culture that enhances transparency and trust, one should foster communication strategies that strengthen transparency and evaluate the negative impact of lack of transparency in the organization.

In conclusion, overseeing organizational power and political issues is a pivotal and crucial part of an association to flourish and have the option to contend effectively with different associations in the business. Figuring out the complexities of power dynamics, moral and ethical considerations, taking into account various procedures for successful effective power management, and recognizing the significance of trust and transparency in an association is critical in the process of managing organizational power and politics. The capacity to oversee power and governmental issues turns into a part of the administration, molding the establishment for a versatile and strong work environment.


Buchanan, D., & Badham, R. (2020). Power, politics, and organizational change. Sage.

Davis, J. L. (2020). How artifacts afford: The power and politics of everyday things. MIT Press.

Heifetz, R. A. (2020). Mobilizing for adaptive work. In Making policy happen (pp. 234-246). Routledge.

Newman, S. A., & Ford, R. C. (2021). Five steps to leading your team in the virtual COVID-19 workplace. Organizational Dynamics50(1), 100802.

Roura, M. (2021). The social ecology of power in participatory health research. Qualitative Health Research31(4), 778-788.


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