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YouTube Essays

Research on Social Media Influencer’s Impact on Brands

Introduction Social media influencers refer to people who have a remarkable ability to control their followers’ opinions, behaviors, and decisions based on what they say (Evans et al., 2021). Therefore they contain many social media followers on their social accounts. Therefore, social media influencers’ role is to create content regarding specific niches, industries, or interests. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 898

Music Place and Identity: Music Scenes

The development of the internet and digital media has significantly impacted the music business and how music is produced, enjoyed, and distributed. YouTube has become more crucial as streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music have grown in popularity for helping artists gain exposure and connect with fans. In particular, the 21st century’s most well-known ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 757
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The Worldwide Popularity of Latin Music

Latin music has grabbed people’s attention in the recent past including marketers who continue using it to popularize TV shows, commercial programs, and movies. It is characterized by unique rhythm and use of glamorous instruments and is played to celebrate rituals and ceremonies. The popularity of Latin music genres has hit the roof and is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 642

Essay on Company Rebranding

Rebranding involves the process of changing the corporate image of a firm. Rebranding is a market strategy that ensures that an already established brand is given a new name, symbol, or structure to come up with a different identity in the market from the other competitors. Successful businesses have a great connection with their customers, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1382

Advertising, Media and Branding

Crowdsourcing of  YouTube with advantages and disadvantages YouTube is the most widely used video-sharing website on the planet. It has evolved into an essential tool in the development of brand communication and advertising strategies. This is because they are able to produce audiovisual content that is highly relevant. The content can be shared, commented on, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Content Analysis (Qualitative Methods in Social Research)

Introduction The qualitative method is one of the data collection and analysis approaches used in psychological research. The approach is common in psychological studies because social scientists can understand how individuals feel, think, or behave in particular situations. For example, psychologists use qualitative methods to help tell how patients experience their treatment process. The collected ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2282
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