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Western Civilization Essays

Impacts of the Black Death and the Renaissance on Western Civilization

Introduction Two different periods in Western history—the Black Death and the Renaissance—had a lasting influence on Western civilization. Every era has its distinctive traits, chronology, and locales. The Black Death was a deadly pandemic that started in Asia and moved quickly over Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. It mostly struck between 1347 and 1351. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 859

History of Women in Western Civilization: Prehistory to the Middle Ages Ancient Greece

The book “Athletries: The Untold History of Ancient Greek Women Athletes” explores ancient Greek women’s participation in sports. This insightful study, written by Anne C. Reese and Irini Vallera-Rickerson, aims to highlight the achievements and challenges female athletes face in a cultural landscape impacted by male-dominated sporting events. The book highlights the tenacious narratives of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1507
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Symposium by Plato

Overview of the concept and origins of Platonic love in the Symposium. In The Symposium, Plato gives the idea of platonic love, which he explains as a form of affection founded more on admiration for someone’s virtue or beauty than on arousal or yearning. Unlike sensual and sexual liaisons, platonic love is more concerned with ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3394

How Did Romans Influence Western Civilization?

Western civilization is the current norm in the Western world. The Romans, known for their military, political, and social organization, linked it and the older traditions. Established during the 8th century BCE, Rome made numerous contributions to Western civilization. Its impact stays up to date (National Social Science, n.d.). They achieved this level of social coherence ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 781

Christianity’s Contribution to Western Civilization

Introduction Throughout history, the church has been the source of important institutions such as medical care. Additionally, it has made significant contributions in different fields such as art, philosophy, religion, culture, and philosophy. It has worked towards affecting western attitudes through promoting virtues and vices in various areas. We would all agree that occasions such ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 907
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