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USA Essays

How Has COVID-19 Affected Early Education Across the United States? Were the Changes for the Better or the Worse?

Introduction Covid-19 has significantly impacted the education system in the United States, particularly in early education. Since March 2020, schools have been closed, and classes have been moved to online platforms, impacting the learning process for children. With the increasing spread of the virus, early education has been affected in terms of its delivery and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1672

Homelessness in America

Homelessness is a condition where a family or an individual does not have permanent shelter. This is a societal issue that has existed throughout human history. In America, homelessness rose during the initial phases of American colonial settlement. After the Civil War, homelessness declined, but in the 1870s, it became a national issue. During the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2259
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Global Population Assignment

Introduction The World Health Report (WHR) (2013) and the Millennium Development Goals Report (MDGR) (2015) are two critical documents that examine global health trends and highlight public health goals and objectives. These reports focus on different aspects of health, with the WHR addressing the overall state of health worldwide and the MDGR focusing on how ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1729

Roles of Healthcare Professionals

In the fee-for-service healthcare system, healthcare professionals are incentivized to perform more services, regardless of whether they are necessary. However, with the transformation to a value-based care system, healthcare professionals must adjust their roles to provide high-quality, patient-centred care. This requires focusing on outcomes and patient satisfaction rather than the service volume. Healthcare professionals must ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1977

Semester Project: George Floyd

The word “extrajudicial killing” describes the execution of a person outside of the bounds of the law. Such murders are typically committed by lone gunmen or small groups operating independently or on behalf of a larger organization (Iacobucci, 2020). In many cases, governments and other organizations resort to extrajudicial executions when they want to dodge ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1477

Federal Grants to State Governments

The federal government of the United States has been awarding the local and State governments both block and categorical grants, which are allocated yearly. The grants provided by the federal government have helped the States to finance several services such as education, healthcare, income security, infrastructure, job training, environmental protection, public safety, and social services ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1077

Domestic Terrorism in the United States

One of the domestic acts of terrorism that ever happened in the history of America dates back to 2017 when there was a mass shooting in Colorado Springs by Robert Lewis Dear. The mass shooting occurred in the planned parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, which resulted in the shooting and killing of three individuals, leaving ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 740

Chlamydia in Pennsylvania

Years of potential life lost aged 75 per 100000 people in Pennsylvania continue to increase. Approximately 7600 years are lost due to individuals’ deaths below age 75 in the 100000 population, which range between 4100 and 10700 years of life lost across the United States counties. This increased loss of potential life is caused by ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 673

Nursing and Healthcare Policy

A historical perspective of the healthcare structure, delivery system, policy, and politics provides a framework through which stakeholders can analyze values and trends in healthcare. Over the years, owing to changing population health needs, healthcare in the US has evolved from a simple structure focused on the treating of illnesses and revolving around doctors to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 665

Mass Incarceration and Its Prejudice in the US

Abstract The research was conducted to investigate the issue of mass incarceration and its prejudice in the United States of America. The main questions that guided this research touched most on the relationship between incarceration and mental health relationship between incarceration and poverty levels, among others. It was found that mass incarcerations had much impact ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3474

Lying to a Non-Commission Officer

Introduction Several studies on the behavior, ethics, and professionalism of army officers within the United States demonstrate that most lie frequently. The U.S. army officers are regular liars, and this is always done regarding both critical and simple matters. The military profession demands substantial ethical behavior, and one of these behaviors is the execution of ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5466

Impact of COVID-19 on the Knox County, Indiana Community

Introduction and statement of purpose Understanding a community’s demographics and structures is essential in designing and formulating effective community health measures. This work provides an in-depth analysis of the community health issue of COVID-19 in Knox County, Indiana. The work will focus on the health status of the community, including the major causes of death, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2136

HIV/AIDS in the Black Community

The black community is disproportionately affected by HIV /AIDs despite forming about 13% of the US population. The community accounts for over 40% of all HIV infections. Data from the US government also indicates that the African American community leads to new HIV infections. The statistics have led to the designation that HIV is a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 616

Journal Article Review Paper: Leisure Engagement During COVID-19 and Its Association With Mental Health and Wellbeing in U.S. Adults

Summary In the article, Leisure Engagement during COVID-19 and Its Association with Mental Health and Wellbeing in U.S. Adults, Shen and colleagues explore the relationship between leisure activities and the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors studied 503 American citizens to understand how the pandemic affected their leisure, mental health, and general well-being. The findings in the article ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1232
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