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Trade Policies Essays

Trade Policies and Tariffs: The Role of Domestic Political Institutions

Introduction Governments find the regulation of international trade sometimes rather a challenge and resort to different trade policies and tariffs in search of a remedy to the problem. It is indeed a fact that domestic institutions’ role in establishing trade rules is irrefutable; however, it is worth noting that these institutions do not have absolute ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249

China Challenging the Liberal International Order

After World War II, a set of principles referred to as the liberal international order set up the post-Cold War era. This order fosters freedom of trade, legal government, observation of human rights and use of world organisations for cooperation and settlement of disputes. It is a fundamental principle of democracy that elected representatives should ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1455
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Applying International Finance Principles

Introduction Italy’s monetary system has experienced substantial changes since 2002 when the country adopted the euro as its official currency. This essay examines the evolution of Italy’s monetary system and how it has affected trade, fiscal, and monetary policies. Further, it will outline the main players in Italy’s monetary system, including relevant organizations and financial ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950
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