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The Triple Catalyst Model: Case of Netflix

Executive Summary

A prime example of the strength of vision and consumer insight is Netflix’s transformation from a faltering DVD rental business to a massive global streaming behemoth. This change demonstrates the value of the Triple Catalyst model, which highlights insight, vision, and foresight’s role in fostering innovation and successful strategy. Netflix’s success has been primarily attributed to its strong market knowledge and vision. Netflix emphasis on distinctive content and technology has allowed them to keep a competitive edge and get over challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. Netflix has transformed from a decent company to a great one with a membership base of over two hundred million people and a market worth over forty billion dollars. Their metamorphosis motivates other businesses to employ the Triple Catalyst framework to adjust, create, and thrive in a dynamic commercial environment.

Continuous innovation and adaptation remain vital for businesses to compete in the fiercely competitive and ever-changing commercial environment. Competition in a business environment is expected. However, weaker companies are always knocked out of the market if they don’t act well. Businesses now risk slipping behind their rivals if they don’t adapt to the significant changes brought about by the advent of technology and internet platforms. Netflix is one business that has effectively adjusted to the changing business environment.

The Triple Catalyst Model

The Triple Catalyst model is a framework for fostering innovation and attaining strategic success in businesses. It highlights the significance of three essential components:

Insight: A thorough grasp of the current state of affairs, including the organization’s advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and dangers, is called insight (SWOT analysis). A comprehensive “what is” image requires extensive investigation, data analysis, and feedback collection.

Foresight: Predicting future trends, possible obstacles, and opportunities is known as foresight. It promotes seeing beyond the present situation and investigating “what could be” with instruments like scenario planning and upcoming research.

Vision: The definition of a distinct and aspirational future state for the organization—a compelling “what should be”—is the focus of vision. It outlines the goals, values, and intended effects of the organization.

Triple Catalyst Model

Diagram A: Triple Catalyst Model

In Mackay’s opinion, these three components work as catalysts for one another. Gaining insight into the present allows you to see possible futures or foresight, which helps shape a more favorable organizational vision. The following decisions and actions impact the present and determine the future. Businesses may take advantage of several important uses for the Triple Catalyst concept. Strategic planning is a crucial application that helps businesses develop creative and workable plans to solve current issues and position them for future success. The approach is also helpful for developing leaders because it equips them with the knowledge and perspective needed to manage challenging circumstances, make wise choices, and inspire others to work toward a common goal. The Triple Catalyst model may also be used in project management since it aids in completing projects by assisting managers in comprehending the context of the work, foreseeing possibilities and hazards, and leading their team toward success. Lastly, the model is also helpful in managing organizational change by providing a framework for successfully managing change through analyzing the present situation, a vision of the ideal future, and bringing everyone together behind a single objective.

Netflix Company

In the early years of Netflix’s operation, the company rented DVDs with the customers receiving the movies at their doorstep. It was quite expensive and time-consuming, with the risks being larger. Advancement of technology resulted in the development of streaming services, with the internet becoming popular, resulting in Netflix deciding to welcome the change and starting their streaming services (Shattuc, 2020). Their success can be related to the Triple Catalyst model, which can be used to examine how Netflix went from being a DVD rental company to a large-scale streaming platform and how their focus on customer understanding and vision was crucial to their success.

Netflix’s Shift to a Streaming Leader: Vision and Customer Awareness Case

Over the last two decades, Netflix has experienced advanced and successful changes, which has made it an intriguing corporation. Initially, Netflix aimed to become a leading DVD rental business globally with services, including movies delivered to the customer’s residence (Au-Yong-Oliveira et al., 2020). However, the future of DVD rental businesses was questionable with the advent of Internet video streaming. Netflix’s management swiftly modified its strategy and chose to concentrate on offering online content after seeing the potential of streaming services (Au-Yong-Oliveira et al., 2020). They recognized a chance to lead a new, quickly expanding market and maintain their relevance in the business.


Netflix became a streaming behemoth because of its vision and awareness of the shifting market conditions. According to Au-Yong-Oliveira et al. (2020), Netflix saw a shift in customer behavior towards online streaming throughout the early 2000s, coinciding with the drop in the popularity of DVDs. They also saw how the internet might be used to send material straight to consumers, doing away with the necessity for actual DVDs. Due to this discovery, the corporation decided to add an online streaming platform to its list of services.

Illustrating how the Triple Catalyst Model Helped Netflix Succeed

There are several ways to apply the Triple Catalyst concept to Netflix’s transformation into a massive streaming service. Netflix’s success is linked to its clear awareness of the customers and the vision guiding its operation (Frank et al., 2023). Having these two, Netflix efficiently managed the market despite the competition. On that same note, they could forecast the market trend and adjust positively whenever necessary as related to customer tests and the advancement of technology. The management of Netflix likewise saw the potential of online streaming and acted upon it, investing in the platform’s growth.

Furthermore, Netflix’s sound investment plans for creating original content allowed it to manage competition. On the same note, the company formed a robust profit-wise alliance with big film and television production companies. It increased its global market, allowing it to contain competition in the entertainment industry. Netflix has distinguished itself from rivals by concentrating on producing original material, as seen by the highly regarded programs “House of Cards” and “Stranger Things,” which have drawn a devoted member base. Moreover, Netflix’s transformation into a massive streaming platform has yielded remarkable results. Having over two hundred million active users during the COVID-19 pandemic, Netflix’s base of subscribers continued to rise tremendously (Au-Yong-Oliveira et al., 2020). The firm has had tremendous financial success due to this change, with revenues expected to surpass twenty-five billion dollars during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Preventing Competition and Surviving Disasters

In addition to fending off rivals, the Triple Catalyst approach has helped Netflix weather crises like the COVID-19 epidemic. Netflix has maintained its competitive advantage by consistently adapting to the market and refining its vision. During the pandemic, companies across the world experienced a lot of difficulties. Despite being in the entertainment industry, Netflix was affected negatively. Traditional players, including the film industry and cable TV, were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to movie theatre closures and production delays (Kolakaluri, 2022). Nonetheless, Netflix was able to prosper despite the crisis thanks to its clear goal and knowledge of its audience.

As more individuals stayed home and looked for entertainment, Netflix saw an increase in its user base and earnings. It was able to swiftly adjust to the shifting requirements of its clients and deliver interesting content because of its emphasis on technology and personalization (Kolakaluri, 2022). In addition, it turned out to be a significant advantage as Netflix kept making original content during the pandemic while other companies were forced to close or reschedule their releases. The company remains the most streamed company in the market, hence the leader in the industry.

Going from Good to Great and Great to Exceptional

In addition to helping them thrive and endure, Netflix’s transformation into a massive streaming company has elevated them to greatness. In the early years, Netflix was a struggling DVD rental business; now, it is a significant player in the entertainment sector and a household name (Kolakaluri, 2022). Netflix possesses a competitive advantage, particularly when it comes to its ability to create new things and adapt to the challenging environment.

Making Assertions and Providing Numbers

The journey of Netflix is good, with a clear positive transition being experienced. Early in the new millennium, the business struggled to compete with established DVD rental businesses like Blockbuster. But Netflix’s stock value has surged as it transformed into a massive streaming service. Their market value was projected to be more than $40 billion in 2020 (Au-Yong-Oliveira et al., 2020). Furthermore, their user base has risen from one million subscribers two decades ago to approximately two hundred million. These figures amply illustrate Netflix’s transformation into a dominant streaming force, as well as its success.


Netflix’s outstanding target market awareness and vision have allowed it to grow from a DVD rental service to a worldwide streaming powerhouse. The Triple Catalyst model offers a framework for comprehending how businesses may effectively adjust to a business environment that is always changing. In the face of rivalry and calamities, businesses may survive and prosper by remaining informed, predicting changes, and implementing strategic activities. The success of this strategy is demonstrated by Netflix’s journey, which also encourages other businesses to keep innovating and evolving to stay ahead of the competition.


Au-Yong-Oliveira, M., Marinheiro, M., & Costa Tavares, J. A. (2020). The power of digitalization: The Netflix story. In Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 8 (pp. 590-599). Springer International Publishing.

Frank, R., Schumacher, G., & Tamm, A. (2023). Everything Becomes Digital. In Cloud Transformation: The Public Cloud Is Changing Businesses (pp. 15-43). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Kolakaluri, V. N. S. K. (2022). New modern marketing myopia: A clouded innovation and stigmatized marketing.

Shattuc, J. (2020). Netflix, Inc. and online television. A companion to television, pp. 145–164.


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