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The Role of Technology in Human Resources Management

Human resources management is a critical function in any organization. It involves recruiting, training, and retaining employees, managing employee benefits, and ensuring compliance with labour laws and regulations. Technology has played a vital role in human resources management in recent years. Technology has transformed HRM processes and enabled organizations to streamline operations and improve employee engagement. According to a survey by Deloitte, more than 70% of companies are investing in HR technology to enhance their HR operations. The global HR technology market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2021 to 2028, reaching a value of USD 38.17 billion by 2028 (Chaudhary,2020). This paper will explore the various ways technology is used in HR management, including recruitment, performance management, and employee engagement. It will also examine the benefits and potential drawbacks of these technologies and their impact on the role of HR professionals.

Ways in which technology is used in HR management


One of the most significant ways technology is used in HR management is recruitment. Online job boards, social media platforms, and applicant tracking systems have become essential tools for HR professionals in attracting and identifying potential candidates. For example, social media platforms such as LinkedIn allow employers to search for candidates based on specific criteria, such as job title or location. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are software applications that help organizations manage recruitment by automating various tasks such as resume screening and candidate communication. These technologies have significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process, allowing HR professionals to identify qualified candidates quickly and easily.

Performance Management:

Performance management is another area in which technology is used extensively. Many organizations use performance management software to track and monitor employee performance yearly (Davidescu et al.,2020). These systems provide HR professionals with real-time data and analytics that can help identify improvement areas and employee development opportunities. Performance management software can also facilitate regular feedback and communication between managers and employees, enhancing the overall employee experience.

Employee Engagement:

Technology is also being used to improve employee engagement, which has become a critical focus for many organizations. Tools such as employee engagement surveys, pulse surveys, and feedback platforms allow HR professionals to collect data and insights on employee satisfaction, morale, and engagement levels. This information can be used to develop strategies to improve employee engagement and retention. Additionally, many organizations use mobile apps and online platforms to provide employees with easy access to resources, such as training materials, benefits information, and company news, improving communication and collaboration.

Benefits of technology in HR management:

The integration of technology in HR management has brought numerous benefits to organizations. Technology has revolutionized how HR professionals work, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives, make informed decisions and improve the overall employee experience. In this article, we will delve deeper into the benefits of technology in HR management.

Improved efficiency

One of the primary benefits of technology in HR management is improved efficiency. HR professionals can now automate administrative tasks, such as resume screening and candidate communication, freeing up time for more strategic initiatives. Automation can also improve the speed and accuracy of hiring decisions, resulting in a more efficient recruitment process. This, in turn, can reduce time-to-hire and improve the candidate experience.

Better accuracy

Technology has improved the accuracy of data management and analysis in HR management. Data accuracy is essential in HR management because it enables informed decision-making. HR professionals can use data to understand employee performance and engagement levels, identify trends and make strategic decisions. By using technology, HR professionals can ensure that the data is accurate, up-to-date and accessible when needed.

Cost savings

Another benefit of technology in HR management is cost savings. Automation can help organizations save costs by reducing the need for manual labour and streamlining HR processes. For instance, automating the recruitment process can reduce HR professionals need to screen resumes manually, schedule interviews, and communicate with candidates. Additionally, technology can help identify areas for cost savings and improve ROI.

Real-time data

Technology provides real-time data and analytics, allowing HR professionals to monitor and track employee performance and engagement levels throughout the year. This real-time data can help HR professionals identify issues and opportunities quickly and take corrective action as needed. For instance, HR professionals can use real-time data to identify employees who may be at risk of leaving the company and take proactive measures to retain them.

Improved decision-making

Technology provides HR professionals with better data analysis and insights, enabling them to make informed decisions about recruitment, performance management, and employee engagement. Data-driven decision-making is essential in HR management because it helps HR professionals make objective decisions based on facts rather than assumptions (Singh et al.,2020). Using technology, HR professionals can analyze data more efficiently and accurately, enabling them to make better decisions.

Enhanced employee experience

Technology can enhance employee experience by providing easy access to information, improving communication, and streamlining HR processes. For instance, HR professionals can use technology to create employee self-service portals, allowing employees to access their personal information, pay stubs, and benefits information anytime. This can help improve employee satisfaction and reduce the workload for HR professionals. Technology can also improve communication between employees and HR professionals, providing a faster and more efficient way to address employee concerns and feedback.

Potential drawbacks of technology in HR management:

While the integration of technology in HR management offers numerous benefits, there are also potential drawbacks that HR professionals must be mindful of. The following are some of the critical risks associated with technology in HR management:

Bias: One of the most significant risks associated with technology in HR management is bias. While algorithms used in recruitment and performance management can save time and resources, they may also be inherently biased against certain groups of candidates. For example, algorithms used in resume screening may exclude candidates based on specific criteria, such as education level or zip code, that have little to do with job performance. Additionally, algorithms that rely on historical data may perpetuate systemic biases and discriminate against marginalized groups. To mitigate the risk of bias in technology-based HR processes, HR professionals must be aware of potential biases and work to reduce their impact. They may do this by reviewing and updating algorithms regularly, creating diverse and inclusive hiring teams, and using a combination of technology and human judgment in recruitment and performance management processes.

Dehumanization: Using technology can also dehumanize the recruitment process, which can negatively impact the candidate experience. The use of chatbots, for example, may make candidates feel like they are communicating with a machine rather than a human, leading to a lack of trust and engagement. HR professionals must find ways to balance technology with a human touch to ensure a positive experience for candidates. For example, they may personalize communications with candidates, provide timely feedback, and offer in-person or video interview opportunities.

Security Risks: Another potential drawback of technology in HR management is security risks. With the increased use of technology, HR departments store sensitive employee data electronically, which can be vulnerable to data breaches or hacking. HR professionals must ensure that they have proper security measures in place to protect sensitive employee data. These measures may include limiting access to confidential information, using strong passwords, and implementing multi-factor authentication.

Skill Gaps: Integrating technology in HR management requires different skills and knowledge than traditional HR roles. HR professionals must be prepared to adapt to these changes and acquire the necessary skills to use technology effectively. However, this may be a challenge for some HR professionals who may not have the required technical expertise or may resist change. To mitigate the risk of skill gaps, organizations should invest in training and development programs to help their HR professionals acquire the necessary skills to effectively use technology (Tambe et al.,2019). Additionally, HR professionals can work with IT departments to develop a technology roadmap outlining the organization’s technological needs and goals.

Cost: While technology in HR management can save time and resources in the long run, implementing new technology can be costly for organizations. HR professionals must carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of implementing new technology and ensure that the investment is worth the expense. They should also consider maintenance costs and the need for ongoing updates and support.

Overreliance on technology: Overreliance on technology can be a potential drawback in HR management. HR professionals must ensure that they strike a balance between automation and personal interaction. Overreliance on technology may result in a lack of human connection and understanding, leading to lower engagement and retention rates.

Lack of customization: Technology solutions may not be customizable to meet each organization’s unique needs. HR professionals must ensure technology solutions are tailored to their needs and objectives.

Lack of personal touch: Technology may limit the ability of HR professionals to provide personalized attention and support to employees. HR professionals must find ways to leverage technology while maintaining a personal touch to foster employee engagement and satisfaction.

Impact on the Role of HR Professionals:

The role of HR professionals has undergone significant changes in recent years with the increased use of technology in HR management. The impact of technology has been particularly evident in the automation of administrative tasks, such as payroll processing and benefits management. This has freed HR professionals to focus on more strategic aspects of their job, such as using data analytics to inform decision-making, developing recruitment and retention strategies, and enhancing the overall employee experience.

One of the most significant impacts of technology on HR professionals has been the shift toward data-driven decision-making. With the help of various HR management software and tools, HR professionals can now collect and analyze vast amounts of data on employee performance, engagement, and retention rates. This data can then be used to identify patterns and trends, which can be used to make informed decisions on issues such as compensation, performance management, and talent development.

In addition to data analysis, HR professionals’ role has expanded to include strategic planning. HR professionals are now expected to have a deep understanding of the business and the industry in which they operate and the skills to develop and execute strategies that align with the company’s goals and objectives. This requires a more comprehensive understanding of the business than what was traditionally required of HR professionals.

Another area where technology has significantly impacted the role of HR professionals is recruitment and retention. With the rise of online job boards, social media, and other digital tools, HR professionals can reach a much broader pool of candidates. This has made it easier to identify and attract top talent from across the globe. At the same time, technology has also made tracking employee engagement and satisfaction easier, which can help HR professionals identify areas for improvement and take action to address them.

Technology has also had an impact on the way that HR professionals communicate with employees. With the rise of remote work, HR professionals must find new ways to engage with unphysically present employees. This has led to the adoption of new communication tools, such as video conferencing and instant messaging platforms, which can help maintain communication and collaboration between team members, regardless of their physical location.

As a result of these changes, the role of HR professionals has become more complex and requires a different set of skills than what was traditionally required. In addition to traditional HR skills such as employee relations and benefits management, HR professionals must now understand data analysis, strategic planning, and communication. This has increased demand for professionals with a background in business administration, analytics, and other related fields.

In conclusion, technology has transformed human resource management processes, enabling organizations to streamline operations, improve employee engagement and productivity, and achieve cost savings. Technology tools such as online job boards, social media platforms, applicant tracking systems, performance management software, employee engagement surveys, and mobile apps provide HR professionals with real-time data, analytics, and insights to make informed decisions. However, integrating technology in HR management also poses potential drawbacks such as bias, security risks, skill gaps, overreliance on technology, lack of customization, and the lack of a personal touch. HR professionals must balance technology with human interaction to ensure a positive experience for candidates and employees while leveraging technology to drive strategic initiatives. The role of HR professionals has evolved towards strategic planning, data analysis, and communication, requiring a different set of skills. Technology has revolutionized HR management, making it more efficient, accurate, and strategic.


Chaudhary, R. (2020). Green human resource management and employee behaviour: an empirical analysis. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(2), 630–641.

Davidescu, A. A., Apostu, S. A., Paul, A., & Casuneanu, I. (2020). Work flexibility, job satisfaction, and job performance among Romanian employees—Implications for sustainable human resource management. Sustainability, 12(15), 6086.

Singh, S. K., Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., & Graziano, D. (2020). Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management. Technological forecasting and social change, 150, 119762.

Tambe, P., Cappelli, P., & Yakubovich, V. (2019). Artificial intelligence in human resources management: Challenges and a path forward. California Management Review, 61(4), 15-42.


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