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Technology Influence Essays

The Corruption of False Information

As the information age is all about technological innovations and their rapid dissemination, we are now worried about the influence that digital platforms have over our thinking processes. Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and Carole Cadwalladr’s “Google, Democracy, and the Truth about Internet Search” explore this delicate landscape in a way that gives ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1837

The Art of Time Allocation: Unveiling the Choices in How People Spend Their Time

Introduction The temporal money that forms the basis of our being needs to be considered with care while dispensing it. There are numerous options for making decisions on allocating time-based resources in the kaleidoscopic setting referred to as living. These decisions come from internal pursuits and external pressures such as sociology psychology, the influence of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 844
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