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Taiwan Essays

The Impact of Japanese Colonialism on Taiwan

Tradition, cultures, and peoples at the historical turning point of the modern have molded the complex and linked tale of the formation of modern East Asia. The purpose of this essay is to examine the links that exist inside East Asia or between East Asian regions and the rest of the world, as well as ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1575

The PRC-Taiwan Crisis; Assessing Alternative Outcomes

Introduction The People’s Republic of China Taiwan is an island territory since it is physically isolated from mainland China by the Taiwan Strait. It broke away from the Republic of China (then called mainland China) in 1949 and has been an independent nation. China views Taiwan as a separatist province and has promised several times ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1914
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Assessment of the Linkage Between Economic Development and the Democratization Process in Taiwan

Introduction Democratization involves making a service available to everyone. Numerous newly industrialized Asian nations are recognized as developmental states. These states have utilized political power in their governments to shape, direct and inspire the accomplishment of explicit financial goals and are recognized for their increased economic development from the 1960s. While deliberating on the structural ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3322

Comparing U.S. Constitution to Taiwan (R.O.C) Constitution

Introduction The constitution, which is one of the essential texts in Western history, governs federalism in the United States. The constitution establishes the core institutions of government, their powers, and citizens’ fundamental rights[1]. Since its inception, it has acted as the country’s formal constitution. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the country. It ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2887
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