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Strategic Marketing Essays

Topic: Strategic Marketing in a Global Context

Introduction In a global environment, strategic marketing is a rapidly evolving and complicated discipline that centers on developing and putting into practice marketing plans to break into foreign markets (Clarkson, 2023). Businesses are increasingly going outside of their own country to take advantage of new growth prospects and achieve a competitive advantage in today’s globally ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4967

Simulation Game: A Critical Reflection on Strategic Marketing for the Gucci Brand

Introduction By playing the Gucci simulation game, participants had the chance to apply marketing principles in the real world, make strategic choices, and assess the outcomes of those choices in a fast-paced, cutthroat corporate environment. This individual reflection examines how the learner and the group interacted during the simulation and evaluates the simulation’s value in ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4190
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Expanding Jumeirah Beach Hotel Into a New Country

Miami’s Jumeirah Beach Hotel’s Marketing Plan The Jumeirah Beach Hotel is a 5-star establishment in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, famed for its beachside setting and high standard of service. The company may reach a new demographic and generate more income by establishing a presence in Miami, Florida[1]. The Jumeirah Beach Hotel, however, needs to create ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1037

Individual Consultancy Project International Strategic Marketing

Executive Summary Тhis еxеcutivе summаry outlines thе reseаrch, аnаlysis аnd criticаl evаluаtion cоnducted by thе intеrnаtionаl strаtegic mаrketing сonsultаnt fоr Sаinsbury’s PLС tо dеtеrminе thе best сountry fоr thе сompаny tо еntеr fоr intеrnаtionаl expаnsiоn. Тhe сonsultаnt reсommended thаt Sаinsbury’s supermаrkets shоuld еntеr Portugаl, а сountry with аn estаblished economy аnd а growing retаil mаrket. ... Read More
Pages: 25       Words: 6756

Strategic Marketing at Fila

1. Introduction Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) are fundamental marketing strategies that can significantly impact organizational performance (Han & Kang, 2020). According to Kalam (2020), effective STP strategies can enable a business organization to understand its customers better and create more effective marketing campaigns to enhance profitability and growth. Managers have significant roles in their ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3002

Strategic Marketing Plan

Background Strategy refers to the means through which organizational goals and objectives are consciously, continually pursued, and achieved over time (Mittelstaedt, 2020). Therefore, organizational strategy is the patterns of decisions made by a company determining and revealing its objectives, purposes, or goals, producing the principal policies and plans for attaining these goals, defining the range ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2886

Company: Magnolia Bakery

Executive Summary The culture of Magnolia Bakery places a premium on quality, consistency, and customer service. The leadership style is collaborative and customer-focused, and the organizational structure is hierarchical. The human resource strategy focuses on recruiting and maintaining qualified personnel. The firm invests in training and development programs to ensure staff has the skills to ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4173

International Strategic Management, Markets and Resources Strategic Change Plan: Tesla Case Study

Introduction The strength of the strategies used by a firm’s administration determines its performance levels. Nevertheless, corporate strategies could frequently be modified to adjust more effectively to developments in the company’s fiscal and environmental circumstances. Strong corporate systems typically do not produce corporate competitiveness during worldwide economic downturns (Danso et al., 2019). Due to this, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

Essay on Strategic Marketing

Introduction Marketing is all about coming up with and putting into action a marketing strategy. Recent reports about the biggest problems that marketers face raise a lot of questions about marketing strategy. Since coming up with and implementing a marketing strategy is a big part of what marketers do in the real world, research that ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2345

MBA Strategic Marketing

A brand name is the most crucial element and soul essence for any business as it is the face of the product. Choosing an effective brand name will either attract more consumers or distract consumers from the product. A vital characteristic a business person should consider in selecting a brand name is distinctiveness (Voella, 2018). ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 786
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