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Social Sciences Essays

Navigating the Political Landscape for Healthcare Reform

Nursing professionals, who serve on the front lines of healthcare, are not only responsible for patient care but also for health care policy. The realization that there is a symbiotic nature between the political process and the practice of nursing is an important element in advancing nurses to become advocates. This assignment focuses on the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1539
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How a Phenomenological Researcher and Discursive Psychologist Would Research the Topic of Unpaid Care

A phenomenological researcher investigating unpaid caring for friends and family in the UK would take a perspective focused on understanding the lived experience of unpaid carers. The research question guiding this phenomenological inquiry could be: “What are the core lived experiences of those providing unpaid care for friends and family and how do they understand ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1116

Early Experiences in Cognitive and Socioemotional Development

Introduction  Early parental involvement has been known to have diverse positive impacts on not only the early socio-emotional development of a child but also those benefits that have been shown to prevail even in adulthood. Drawing illustrations from the article “The Longitudinal Process of Early Parent Involvement on Student Achievement: A Path Analysis,” this essay ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1294

Combating Drugs and Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Approach

Introduction Today, the problem of drug addiction and substance abuse has become a global phenomenon affecting people and entire communities around the world. This is because, knowing the profound urgency of the treatment in total, this proposal for a framework ensures proactively that the infants do not catch an example of drug use and abuse, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1692

The Aging Brain

During different life phases, the brain undergoes changes that strongly influence the functions of the whole brain and whole brain. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the brain at two different ages: at 2 and 65 years old. By the age of 2 years, the brain is rapidly growing through the formation of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 774

Self-Help Groups in Counselling

The massive problems of modern living, such as social upheaval, economic instability, and increased drug use among youths, have uncovered the indispensable function of counseling in fostering mental health and supporting individuals through challenges. The increased importance of emotional resilience has expanded counseling, with self-help groups increasingly gaining popularity. There are various self-help groups designed ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 640

Personal Reflection on Gender Dysphoria

Introduction Gender dysphoria is a psychological condition among individuals with a male, female, or non-binary identity who experience psychological and emotional incongruence with the gender assigned to them based on their biological sex at birth. In this essay, I will reflect on my personal experience of gender dysphoria and analyze how nature and nurture contributed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1579

Pediatric Psychology: A Historical Review

Introduction Pediatric psychology, the specialty field within psychology dedicated to treating children and adolescents, focuses on the mental, emotional, and behavioral needs of children and adolescents. Over time, this discipline has come a long way, and some theories and techniques have been merged from different domains of psychology and other academic subjects (Canter et al., ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 999

Navigating Cultural Norms and Expectations: The Impact of Diverse Family Structures on Disability Acceptance and Support

Introduction Individuals who suffer from disabilities are plagued with different problems within society as they are rarely supported and accepted as a result of the expectations and norms of a culture. Disability is taken as a sign of weakness, and differently-abled individuals are shunned, yet with some assistance, they have proven to be self-reliant, thus ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1591

From Principles to Practice: Ethics in Nursing and DNP Projects

Ethics of nursing guides the health provider in all manners of decisions, usually complex, to protect the interest of their patients. Ethical considerations remain paramount in the contextual analysis of Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) projects. One of the dimensions that captivate the area of nursing ethics is the ethical dilemmas of resource allocation in ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2879

Free College Critique

Introduction The idea of making college accessible has gained much attention recently, with its supporters considering it as a remedy to reducing the number of people getting access to university education. It relates to the number of students enrolling, as it is appealing to people who want to start a career but do not expect ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1129

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (1926-2004) was a psychiatrist and author who was a major figure in thanatology – the study of death and dying. She is best known for articulating the Five Stages of Grief model that presents the emotional responses a person undergoes after a death or any other disaster (Deaderick et al., 2023). The ground-breaking ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1015

Exploring Life Through a Sociological Lens

Introduction Involving myself in socioautobiography—a systematic and structured investigation of personal experiences using a sociological perspective (Blee et al., 2023)—is how I begin to investigate my life from a sociological angle. This reflective attempt is a process to connect my daily routine and the overarching sociocultural patterns that are determining those. I aim to demystify ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 909

Criminal Justice Reform

The topic of reforming the criminal justice system has become a focal point in recent times, with the United States facing challenges related to institutional discrimination, extensive imprisonment, law enforcement misconduct, and other moral dilemmas within the system. Advocates for reform are pushing for adjustments to policies and procedures in order to establish a more ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1080
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