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Social Sciences Essays

The Psychological Trauma of Combat Treatment

Introduction Combat service members and veterans frequently carry the unseen scars of psychological battles they have fought, facing difficulties that go well beyond the battlefield. The effects of war can take many different forms, ranging from the quiet struggles with mental health to the eerie aftereffects of trauma. Finding efficient treatment choices becomes a ray ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3763

Supervision Recommendations for Sex Offenders

Jeanette, 16-year-old, female Probation/Supervision Stipulations Based on the type of crime Jeanette committed and the vulnerability of her victim, Jeanette’s probation should be high in supervision. Definite stipulations should include not having contact with minors unless supervised, including not babysitting or, for any reason, ever being responsible for the care of a child without parental ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832
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Microsoft vs. Mike Rowe Soft: An Analysis of Cybersquatting and First Amendment Rights

A legal case Microsoft vs. Soft is Mike Rowe, a compelling example of the complexities surrounding cybersquatting and trademark law. Microsoft sued an 18-year-old named Mike Rowe, who called his site for software development side hustle This was Microsoft’s argument, based on the fact that Rowe’s domain name sounded exactly like their famous trademark ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 598

Critical Analysis of the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021–2030

Introduction The Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030 is an exhaustive system intended to reinforce Australia’s remaining in the global instructive field, advance worldwide associations, and profit by variety. This analysis will critically examine this policy’s discourse, implications, and underlying assumptions using relevant theoretical frameworks as a guide. This analysis will employ a similarly critical ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2600

Civil Rights Movement and Black Freedom Struggles That Changed the Lives of African Americans Between 1954 to the Present

Introduction: From 1954 until the present, much of what has been written about African-American history concerns this era known as the Civil Rights Movement and Black Freedom Struggles. Rising in response to racial segregation and systemic discrimination, these movements demanded justice, equal rights, and power for the African-American community. Legal triumphs, ethical expressions, and present-day ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1553

Challenges Facing the Success of SDGs in SSA

Introduction As part of its efforts towards developing a global sustainable future world by 2030, the UN set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aspirations aimed at prospering within environmental limits and ensuring that nobody is left out are common objectives of people worldwide in support of a perfect globe. Nevertheless, with a seven-year deadline ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3467

Application and Modification of Castles and Kosack’s Analysis of Contemporary Switzerland

In the middle of the 20th century, the research on migrant labor by Castles and Kosack laid the groundwork for defining the dynamics of immigrants in Western European countries like West Germany, France, and Switzerland(Castles & Kosack, 1972). It is important to consider the industrial reserve army, labor aristocracy, and the socioeconomic implications of immigrant ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3641

A Proposal on Implementing Trauma Informed Practices in High-Needs Schools

In a high-needs school, social workers play a critical role in helping students with different needs. The work they perform within such school systems can cause them to become fatigued or experience burnout. Their exposure to students going through trauma and the lack of proper mechanisms to address trauma for such workers make the work ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1597

120 Final Policy Paper

Executive Summary Refugees are people who have moved from their country to another country or have been displaced from within the country due to cases of violence, war, conflict, or natural calamities and disasters. These refugees include men, women, and children who face difficulty settling in the new locations. Women and girls are the most ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3990

Long-Term Care and Pharmaceuticals

US Pharmaceutical Industry I do believe that US pharmaceutical companies take too long to produce new medications, drugs, and vaccines. According to Hemphill (2019), brand-name pharmaceutical enters into pay-for-delay agreements with generic pharmaceutical manufacturers to eliminate competition. They, therefore, negotiate specific entry dates, which may take months or years longer than they would without the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1186

How Does Active Social Media Use Impact Psychological Well-Being Such As Self- Esteem and Depression During Adolescence

Abstract The psychological effects of active social media usage on adolescents’ self-esteem and depression symptoms are the main focus of this study. It clarifies various aspects and dimensions, such as difficulties related to privacy and ethical considerations, gender and culture, screen time and content types, peer pressure and parental guidance, and the possible advantages of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3738

Cons of Social Media on Nursing Professionalism

Introduction Social media was established as a communication platform and has come a long way since its foundations. Many people in America and around the globe use the platform to connect, interact, share news, and disseminate information. Social media provides a good platform for health workers, especially nurses, to share health information and connect with ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1222

Are Humans Driven by Aggressive Instincts or Naturally Good?

Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers, the giants of psychology, proposed different theories on human nature. According to Freud, human nature includes inbuilt primitive murderous urges which drive behavior. On the other side, Roger believed in the assumption of human beings’ inherently innate goodness as an indication of an intrinsic capacity for favorable evolvement and progress. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1330

The Direct Health Impacts Like Disease Outbreaks That Anti-Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Have Caused

Introduction The anti-vaccine conspiracy theory has been a controversial issue among scholars on its effects on public health in the current society. Such implanted false ideas remain among some groups in society, prompting questions on the psycho-social aspects engendering conspiracy thinking. The essay explores the health implications of anti-vaccine concerns, the consequences of epidemic spread, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1887

Case Report: Service Delivery

Presenting Issue and Case Overview At age 33, Carman is a Hispanic female who ran from her abusive husband and looked for help. She is seen suffering from apparent but somewhat healing wounds as a result of domestic violence perpetrated by her drunken husband, with whom she lives together, along with their nine-year-old son. Ultimately, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1251
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