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Understanding ADHD Through Biological Psychology: A Case Study on Shakeel


ADHD is one of the typical neurodevelopmental disorders that involve a significant complication in the executive functions in which cases, such negotiations as attention difficulties, restlessness, and emotional dysregulation are observed. The disorder has dire effects on the intellectual performances, social interactions, and psychological well-being of children and adolescents. The United States scientific research shows that the disorder is at a percentage of 8.7, with genetic factors contributing about 76% variance in this disease. In the case of a 14-year-old boy, Shakeel, symptoms of ADHD are demonstrated: dysfunctions in critical areas associated with ADHD occurrence – neuroimaging techniques verify the frontal lobe, cerebellum area, and center ganglia limbic system. These brain regions control the intellectual, behavioral, and emotional processes influencing attention, planning, inhibition, memory completion, agent process, reward motivation, and mood.

ADHD explicates various theoretical frameworks, including genetic psycho-biological theories; the neurobiological approach aims at establishing neurological pathology as an outcome of physiological deficiencies within groups diagnosed with ADHD. Different psychological theories, including executive dysfunction, state regulation, delay aversion, and dynamic developmental approach, provide some directions for understanding the dynamics of this neurodevelopment disorder. The sustained research process must facilitate innovative, integrative models that afford combined empirical observations amidst complex environmental-developmental dynamics. An effort is made to render a more holistic understanding of the ADHD phenomenon, allowing consideration of its polygenic nature as well as dynamic interplay aspects with various environmental, socioeconomic, and developmental factors.

Prefrontal Cortex in ADHD

The Prefrontal Cortex (PFC), situated in the frontal lobe, encompasses orbital, medial, lateral, and surface regions, playing a crucial role in various high-level executive functions such as attention, working memory formation, planning, decision-making, and the regulation of emotions (Junior et al., 2023). The PFC establishes intricate control linkages that influence behavior and cognition and is highly interconnected with diverse brain regions, including the basal ganglia and Cerebellum. Neuroimaging studies in ADHD reveal structural and functional alterations in the PFC. Structural MRI studies report reduced total brain volume, cortical thickness, and surface area in ADHD, particularly affecting the PFC and its subregions (Fernandez-Ruiz et al., 2020). Changes in gene expression, such as lower striatin and DAT mRNA levels in children compared to adults with ADHD, and polymorphisms like the 7-repeat allele of DRD4, are associated with thinner PFC in ADHD, influencing well-being into adolescence and predicting clinical outcomes.

To this effect, functional MRI studies have shown reduced limbic activity and connectivity of the PFC and its circuits in ADHD, including executive functions. For instance, in a survey by Junior et al. (2023), children with ADHD demonstrated reduced response to the anterior cingulate cortex and the dorsolateral PFC during an inhibitory control task, as related to healthy control participants. Research conducted by a different group also noted that in the case of an emotional interference test, there was a deficit in functional connectivity between the ventromedial PFC and amygdala among adults with ADHD as compared to healthy controls.

These results indicate that the PFC is damaged in ADHD, and as a result, this damage causes impairments to executive functions and emotional control. The learned behavior can also help with symptoms and behaviors that Shakeel exhibits, including poor concentration, impoverished planning, and emotionality (Camp et al., 2021). For instance, Shakeel may have a PFC where the cytoarchitectonics are not going beyond the sensory brain, making him incapable of filtering out nonrelevant stimuli to maintain focus on a task and suppress his impulses. These challenges can interfere with this adolescent individual’s functioning at school, in the social setting, and even psychologically through distress, frustration as well as anxiety.

However, the works of neuroimaging studies in ADHD appear to be inconsistent and flawed. Fernandez-Ruiz et al. (2020) reported an enhanced activation or connectivity, which is opposite to that expected in the Prefrontal Cortex instead of decline as would have been anticipated because this indicates the use of adaptive mechanisms performed about alternative strains of the disease. On the other hand, most of these studies are characterized by a limited number of subjects, different diagnostic criteria, varied task demands and procedures (EMATs), and numerous possible confounders such as medication side effects, comorbidities, age, and gender. As a result, more studies are required not only to define PFC and its circuits ADHD but also to see advances in the understanding of neural indicators and mechanisms related to this disorder.

In Shakeel’s case, whose age is 14 years, has been diagnosed with ADHD, and according to neuroimaging findings, some deficits support cases. Magnetic resonance imaging cerebral blood flow quantitative scanning shows a compromise in the integrity of PFC, which is associated with the development of ADHD. Decreased volume of the brain and an altered cortical thickness in the part of frontal lobes, which cause problems with executive function systems and dysfunctional limbic system subregions, contribute to Shakeel’s executive functioning and emotional regulation difficulties. Motor imprudence can be observed in restlessness resulting from interrelatedness between the PFC, Cerebellum, and basal ganglia (Jhawar & Antshel, 2024). All the neuroimaging as an essential tool has limitations, such as small sample sizes, and the results should be interpreted carefully. Shakeel’s case highlights the complex neural disruptions defined by ADHD and draws particular attention to neuropsychology as an essential field of biological psychology, studying the disorder for its natural roots.

Cerebellum and ADHD

It is a central nervous system structure at the posterior cranial fossa, behind the occipital and temporal lobes. Several names, such as the pineal body and Cerebellum, refer to this brain area. Two hemispheres form it. These are joined together through vermis, a narrow midline portion connecting the two halves. The cerebella possesses a wrinkled exterior named the cerebellar cortex; most of the mannerlessness in the cerebella is found here (Cundari et al., 2023). Beneath the cortex lies white matter and supports four cerebellar nuclei, which send messages to other regions of the brain anatomy. The cerebellar can be subdivided in the anatomical sense into three lobes-both anterior and posterior as well as flocculonodular and functionally divided into the cerebrocerebellar, spinocerebellar, and vestibulocerebellum.

The Cerebellum is part of a complex neurological process; the body can only function through coordination, balance, time perception, learning, andowing. Its motor projections can send signals to essential structures such as the primary motor cortex, cranial nerve tract, and spinal cord, receiving sensory feedback from the spine, spinal cord brainstem, and cerebral cortical areas. The latter’s function is associated with fine motor movements, adjusting to mistakes or errors made during sensory processes based on output prediction and anticipation (Bakhshi et al., 204). Moreover, it is associated with attention control, memory function, language facilities, and specific emotions. The intricate network of the Cerebellum makes clear its diversity in both motor and cognitive skills, which exhibits this organ’s importance for several aspects of sensory and motor controls.

According to neuroimaging studies, the Cerebellum is also involved in ADHD as it has different structural and functional elements. Cundari et al. (2023) found the total brain volume through structural MRI studies to be diminished, cortical thickness reduced, and surface area decreased for ADHD patients by more measures in the Cerebellum than in its subregions. These features are described by the increased occurrence of these trends in children and adolescents compared to adults, which represents a delay in the Cerebellum maturing in patients with ADHD. In addition, various gene polymorphisms, including the DRD4 7 repeat allele, have correlated cerebellum thickness in individuals diagnosed with ADHD. It is important to note that this thickness even undergoes normalization during adolescence and can predict favorable responses to treatment.

The functional MRI studies included the motor and cognitive regions where decreased activation and connectivity of the Cerebellum were observed, especially when performing such tasks. For instance, Bakhshi et al. (2022) report that at rest-ADHD children displayed less activation in the right Cerebellum during a finger-tapping task compared to the control group. Another study noted that adult ADHD patients had decreased functional connectivity between the Cerebellum and prefrontal cortex under a working memory task when contrasted with normal controls. From these results, it can be concluded that the Cerebellum is affected by ADHD, and its defects are reflected as motor- and cognition deficits. These deficits may account for specific symptoms and behaviors observed in Shakeel, such as finger-wiggling movements, fidgetiness, lack of balance causing unsteady gait, and slow learning. For instance, a malfunctioning cerebellum may affect Shakeel by restricting his capacity to regulate movement coordination, postural adjustment, synchronization of behaviors, or even learning. Additionally, these challenges leading to the type of functioning involving functional social and physical skills can make him feel wrong and ashamed.

However, the limitations and inconsistencies in neuroimaging studies are also stated. For instance, ADHD function neuroimaging studies have shown increased rather than decreased cerebellar activation or connectivity as a possible compensatory mechanism in the etiology of this disorder or even a different subtype of it (Bakhshi et al., 2022). In addition, most neuroimaging studies cannot have an estimate that is high due to small sample sizes and also uncertain diagnostic criteria used alongside other variable features such as drug use, comorbidity, age, and gender. Thus, further studies aiming at determining the cerebellum developmental abnormalities and ADHD circuits are needed to identify robust neuronal signatures associated with this disorder.

Shakeel, 14 years old, has ADHD disease, and his clinical presentation is consistent with the pathological neuroimaging findings that report some damage to the Cerebellum. Structural changes in the Cerebellum, an integral part of motor coordination, balance, and cognition, are evident in ADHD, covering total brain volume and the degree to which its cortical thickness can be altered. The thin cerebellar theory of thinner disorder is associated with genetic variants in the form of DRD47-repeat allele with ADHD influencing clinical outcomes (Camp et al., 2021). It has also been shown that functional MRI studies confirm diminished activation and interconnectivity during those motor cognitive tasks: impaired motor skills and restlessness. Poor learning evidence could also result from the cerebellar deficits affecting his physical and academic development. Nevertheless, inconsistent findings from the neuroimaging studies support the idea that more research on the nature of cerebellar contribution to ADHD and potential neural markers needs to be explored. In addition, integrating neuroscientific knowledge improves our vision of the state of Shakeel, highlighting the importance of working on cerebellum function in patients with ADHD.

Basal Ganglia in ADHD

The basal ganglia, a complex network of nuclei deep within the brain, is instrumental in critical functions such as motor control, cognition, and emotional regulation. In the context of ADHD, the stimulation of the basal ganglia plays a pivotal role, offering a unique perspective through Shakeel’s case. Comprising structures like the striatum, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra complex, the basal ganglia forms circuits with the cerebral cortex and thalamus, primarily controlling voluntary motor motion, procedural learning, and cognitive and emotional processes (Oliva et al., 2020). Dopamine, a chief neurotransmitter crucial for basal ganglia performance, is produced by neurons in the substantia nigra, playing a vital role in motor control. This involvement contributes to movement dysregulation, particularly in ADHD-related disorders (Bahrami et al., 2023).

Neuroimaging studies focusing on the basal ganglia subregion in individuals with ADHD reveal intriguing findings, including alterations in volume and shape based on structural MRI. These studies, such as those by Bahrami et al. (2023), may elucidate the neural basis for motor dysfunctions observed in cases like Shakeel’s, encompassing symptoms like restlessness and agitation. Basal ganglia studies in ADHD often center on anatomical and physiological distortions forming the basis for symptom manifestation. Researchers employ structural MRI to observe volume and shape differences, combining it with pattern examination during various functional MRI (fMRI) tasks. For instance, Oliva et al. (2020) utilized MRI to study basal ganglia function in ADHD during a decision inhibition task. Combining scales into a questionnaire for further research on impulsivity and motor control deficits, this methodology offers insights into the neurobiological mechanisms and ADHD pathophysiology. While neuroimaging studies generally support the involvement of the basal ganglia in ADHD, contradictions exist. As highlighted by Bahrami et al. (2023), some research points to a volumetric increase in the basal ganglia in ADHD, challenging the notion of reduced volume. These discrepancies underscore the multifaceted nature of the disease and the challenges in investigating its background and development comprehensively.

This is evident in the case of Shakeel, who has ADHD, to show that basal ganglia involvement could present a more subtle understanding as he struggles with motor control, cognition, and emotion regulation. Underlying this network of cortical areas that form circuits are subcortical structures referred to as the basal ganglia, mainly comprising the striatum and substantia nigra, which in turn influence voluntary movements and cognitive-emotional integration. Motor regulation dysregulation, which is observed in ADHD, becomes much more apparent with dopamine’s involvement as a crucial ingredient in the nigrostriatal path (Jhawar & Antshel, 2024). Neuroimaging studies, one of the leading investigative workplaces, may disclose structural abnormalities in Shakeel’s basal ganglia, which could explain his motor defects as his need for fidgeting. On the other hand, we note that there is supportive and paradoxical evidence in the case of basal ganglia studies that reveal a trend of double nature of what is observed only by reading them: such versatility should be accepted precisely as the complexity of ADHD landscape emphasizing, therefore its multifaceted interpretation. The neuroscientific approach that places Shakeel’s insights about his symptoms helps us better understand how dysfunction of basal ganglia can be relevant to ADHD-related behaviors and, consequently, guides potential interventions that would focus on the presentation specifics of this case.

Limbic System in ADHD: Exploring the Amygdala

The limbic system, a complex neural network crucial for emotion regulation, mainly through memory and reward perception, houses the amygdala. This emotional epicenter in the temporal lobe contributes significantly to emotional perception and the formation of emotional memories (Connaughton et al., 2023). The amygdala, composed of distinct nuclei with roles in stimuli appraisal, emotional response activation, and modulating memory consolidation, gains relevance in ADHD discussions, notably with Shakeel’s emerging emotional disturbances. Neuroimaging studies, such as an fMRI investigation by Connaughton et al. (2023), focus on the amygdala in teens with ADHD, elucidating its activation rates during emotional face-processing tasks. This research links to Shakeel’s emotional irregularities, marked by uncontrollable tantrums.

Studies often employ functional MRI for expressive face-processing tasks to elicit amygdala responses and structural MRI for anatomical differences. Peek et al.’s (2020) MRI study, for example, explored the amygdala’s structural integrity in children with ADHD, correlating volumetric changes with emotional dysregulation. Supporting evidence reveals a connection between amygdala dysfunction and emotional regulation difficulties in ADHD, yet inconsistencies underline the disorder’s heterogeneity. They were linking back to Shakeel’s case, understanding amygdala dysfunction through neuroimaging bridges empirical science and observable behaviors, shedding light on the neurobiological basis of emotional irregularities in ADHD. Neuroimaging studies of this limbic subregion offer valuable insights into the neural mechanisms influencing emotional responses, enhancing our comprehension of Shakeel’s and others’ emotional inconsistencies in ADHD.

Shakeel’s particular story sheds light on the role of the amygdala, one of several structures in the limbic system involved in emotional abnormalities related to ADHD. Studies involving neuroimaging, particularly the fMRI study led by Peek et al., 2024 show that the amygdala plays a crucial role in emotional dysregulation and is consistent with Shakeel’s proclivity of emotionally mismanaging. The primary functions of the amygdala, such as evaluating the emotional stimuli and generating the general response, can provide a neurobiological framework to explain Shakeel’s reported emotional struggles. Various methodologies, including methods for studying moving face processing tasks to structural MRI investigations, shed light on the neurobiological substrates of emotional dysregulation in ADHD. Despite supportive evidence that relates amygdala dysfunction to behavioral irregularities, opposing conclusions, which are controversial in the field of ADHD research, require attentive consideration (Jhawar & Antshel, 2024). By use of neuroscientific understanding in Shakeel’s case, we can create a way out through which perceptions from the fantastic research may be seen on behaviors- these supplies us with a tangible connection between empirical improvement and observable behaviors, enriching our understanding of emotional dysregulation associated with ADHD.

Managing ADHD: A Biopsychological Perspective

Treatment of ADHD requires a delicate approach to specific treatment modalities, which would enable the doctor in question to understand how biological factors are exemplified and psychotherapeutic interventions (Camp et al.,2021). The emphasis on biopsychological dimensions for this elective shows the importance of clarifying viewpoints about how these multiple aspects relate to one another in creating evident policies about ADHD. Introduction of a primary neurological process, neuroplasticity made its way as a practical approach reflected by scientific evidence that dictates its effectiveness in reducing ADHD symptoms. Neurofeedback shows one such approach, which uses real-time brain activity monitoring to improve recovery rates and alleviate symptoms. This coincides with a biopsychological viewpoint focusing on the destination aspect of the brain and learning potential.

The latter, a psychological intervention entwined with biopsychological implications, will be clinical cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), designed to elicit Dostoevsky’s transformation in its subject’s brain structure and function. Cortese et al. (2021) have shown changes in prefrontal cortex activation patterns after CBT that are attributed to improving executive functions by detecting brain imbalances caused by ADHD. The very literature on the biopsychological type that involves ADHD participants substantiates the case for efficient protocols of management. Research studies using various approaches, including MRI and fMRI, provide evidence for the process investigated to determine brain changes by undertaking different interventions, such as medications containing psychostimulants.

Applying the presented insights on Shakeel’s case, the discussion describes how strategies by management technology can change brain clusters associated with ADHD. For instance, CBT strengthening the executive functions in Shakeel’s prefrontal cortex would induce neuroplastic alteration linked to enhanced cognitive capacity. Therefore, knowing the impact of neurofeedback on specific brain regions, such as how the postfrontal cortex, Cerebellum, or basal ganglia responds to neurodysregulation, requires insight and personalized intervention (Camp et al.,2021). Given these strategies in Shakeel’s case, it can be emphasized that applying specific and professional biopsychological approaches requires people with diverse treatments ready to deal with ethical problems. Identifying complex processes in implementing interventions to fit Shakeel’s clear neurobiological imprint is essential.


Thus, in conclusion, a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using the neuroscientific and biopsychological approach, as best exemplified by the case of Shakeel, opens about the intricacy nature with which ADHD is linked. Structural and functional neuroimaging studies that targeted the prefrontal cortex, Cerebellum, basal ganglia, and limbic system shed light on empirical evidence of abnormal brain structure/function contributing to differing ADHD symptoms. Shakeel’s detailed neurobiological pattern has reflected the shared intricacies in motor, thinking, emotional, and executive function.

The theory discourse on ADHD indicates the distinctive heterogeneous nature of presentations, which is highly privileged in reality – a substantial reason for ongoing research and debate. Examining ADHD management from a biopsychological viewpoint highlights interventions involving neurofeedback and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which identify their ability to promote neuroplasticity changes. Connecting these approaches to Shakeel’s case highlights the need for treatment targeting these cases, considering neurobiological profiles, and identifying specific difficulties and ethical issues. The integration of different neuroscientific evidence and biopsychological perspectives offers us critical insights into ADHD, which allow a better understanding of diagnosis and treatment for patients such as Shakeel.


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