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Social Sciences Essays

Mass Incarceration in the US

There are around 6.7 million persons who are subject to some form of court-ordered supervision in the US. The inability to vote has long-term or even permanent ramifications for millions of felons who have been convicted of crimes. Even though the US criminal justice system covers many crimes, many citizens have a skewed perception of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3169

Madison and Hamilton: United or Divided in the Federalist Papers?

Federalism is a concept which involves territories or states that serve under a common control system. It is a form of government where several states can maintain their integrity while sharing a centralized government system. The USA uses federalism which was introduced in the 18th century. Before then, many people felt like Congress did not ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3265
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Long Term Effects of Child Abuse on Adults

Childhood maltreatment has long-lasting effects, some that could have implications for adulthood. Researchers are concerned that early abuse may increase the risk of various psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety and depression, as people continue development through adulthood. In line with this perspective, researchers have investigated the relationship. This essay appraises the literature on the topic, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430

Life Span Development Psychology Research Paper

Social anxiety is a type of disorder also called social phobia that is an overwhelming and long-term fear of social situations. The problem is distressing and can have significant adverse effects on the child or teenager in their development stages (Evans, 2021). However, several theories have been used in helping people understand the relationship between ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1352

Legalization of Marijuana Will Reduce the Crime Rate

In the past few decades’ legalization of marijuana in various states in the United States has provoked heated debate concerning its efficiency in the reduction of crimes. Reports from states that have legalized the use of marijuana suggest that marijuana has been found to cure multiple health conditions and refreshment purposes. For example, marijuana has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1409

Influences in Early Childhood Education

Introduction Montessori and Waldorf education continue to be two of the most prominent alternative ECD (Early Childhood Education) styles in the United States and across the world. Each of these systems has a long history of promoting children’s educational independence worldwide, and each has its own unique set of characteristics. The drive of this research ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1402

Impact of Fake News on Society

False news is a dangerous source of information because it replaces information stirred up and disseminated in the media and on the internet. The vast majority of individuals do not check to verify if an article is required reading before sharing it. However, utilizing fast internet connections and online media platforms may instantly disseminate information ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 905

Human Rights Protection

Introduction Human rights are rights that belong to individuals because they are human beings. They embody essential values in society which include equality, respect, dignity, and fairness. Human rights provide a framework for protection against human abuse and thus safeguard human beings from isolation, neglect, and abuse. Essentially, human rights provide power and enable people ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1842

How Has Texting Affected the Way College Students Communicate With Their Parents

Literature Review It is necessary to offer terminology and relevant studies to effectively establish the connection between college students and text messaging and also to better comprehend the influence of texting on college student communication with parents. The impacts of texting on college students and contact with their parents have prompted this researcher to explore ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1302

Effective Teaching and Learning in Adult

Introduction Adult learning can be defined as educating adults to develop their minds and gain more skills. As people grow order, they tend to shift from dependent; thus, the way they are taught should be self-derived from the instructor-led method. They must be involved in the planning and evaluation of their teaching to engage fully. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1884

Contextualizing Distributed Leadership Within Early Childhood

Part 1 Distributed leadership is an important way of creating various methods and conditions for the system’s leadership across the early year’s sector and childcare, which helps improve large-scale practice. There is a need to understand the childcare organization and early learning that develops the education and teaching practice. An article by Heikka seeks to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1697

Client-Centered Therapy in Psychology

Abstract Global studies reveal that there has been an ignited on the best strategy to apply in rehabilitation for patients with mental problems. It was found that, in the past, the majority of psychotherapy strategies focused on behavior and psychodynamics. In the 1940’s Carl Rogers realized that some patients did not necessarily need a lot ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2381

Assess Feminist Critique of Human Rights

Feminist critique of human rights seeks to promote women’s rights in the human rights system. They claim that human rights focus on the needs and aspirations of the dominant male. The current human rights were not intended to include women as they overlook the needs of women; thus, feminists advocate for the inclusion of women’s ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2548

The Evolution of American Sentencing

The history and evolution of sentencing in America range back to the colonial period. It can be explained from several perspectives. It was a system that involved many players, the stakeholders including judges, lawyers, the congress, and the public. Sentencing can also be evaluated from the different sources of its standards and rules, which can ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2726

Proposal for a Classroom for a Teacher in a Highly Diverse School

This paper will propose a classroom for a teacher in a highly diverse school, in terms of physical appearance, attitudes, instructional practices and cultural appreciation. This paper will focus on how the classroom should look like, and how the teacher should structure the classroom in a way that makes the best use of classroom resources ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1004
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