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Social Sciences Essays

The Idea of Reparations for Slavery in the USA

The Concept of Reparations Reparation is one of the most commonly used terms in the justice system. It is a concept that is used when wrongs have been done before. It refers to the act of trying to amend the wrongful acts done to a person or a community by making better laws that favor ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1730

Literature Review Critiquing “The Consequences of Being Labelled Looked-After: Exploring the Educational Experiences of Looked-After Children and Young People in Wales”

Educational Theory and Policy The educational attainment of looked after children and young people (LACYP) in Wales is significantly below average: Mannay et al. (2017) report that in 2015, 18% of LACYP achieved 5 GCSEs grade A*-C compared to 58% of students who hadn’t been in care. Mannay et al. (2017) outline educational measures taken ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1605
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The History of Immigration Policy and ICE

The article examines the abolition of ICE based on its reformation that sought to criminalize, deny the humanity, detain, and make immigrants suffer. The activists want the agency to shut down as it violates human rights. Besides, the anti-immigration administration radicalized the agency that encouraged excessive force, violence, and illicit methods to arrest individuals (Nelson). ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1362

How Helpful or Unhelpful Is Piaget’s Theory Within Today’s Learning Contexts?

World-renowned Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget’s name is synonymous with child development and also closely linked to education and educational pedagogy. His work is among the top five authors cited within the fields mentioned. While his theories have contributed to those fields in unmistakeable ways (for example, his focus on natural play versus structured play), there ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1132

Explore and Evaluate How Economic, Cultural and Social Factors Can Affect Children and Young People’s Life Chances

Introduction This assignment aims to establish how a variety of factors (economic, cultural and social) govern the quality of young people’s life chances. The essay looks at a multitude of factors: economic (housing conditions and poverty), cultural (ethnicity and religion) and social (peer pressure and social class) and assess the impact they have on determining ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3613

Expert Witness Testimony

What qualifies a witness as an expert? A witness is qualified to be an expert by the knowledge, education, experience, skills and training they possess. The governance of expert witnesses comes from the hands of federal and state rules. This governance depends on two where the case is placed; whether in the state court or ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 948

Excessive Police Force and Misconduct and How To Reduce It

Abstract The Congress passed the law misconduct statute in the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1994 as a response to countrywide debate concerning violation of use of police force after the brutal killing of Rodney King in 1991. The statute authorized the Justice Department to investigate and press charges against specific police ... Read More
Pages: 29       Words: 7952

Learning vs Teaching, or Why Tutors Should Educate Themselves

Since the turn of the century, education reforms have been an important topic of discussion. Because society is constantly changing, there is an urgent need to create ways to serve students better to enhance the learning process. The economy, information technology, cultural diversity, and the environment influence today’s educational system. All these factors significantly contribute ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2305

The Influence of Family Dynamics on Family Members With Eating Disorders

Introduction Eating disorders are behaviors characterized by severe and constant disturbances in eating habits associated with individual thoughts and emotions. For instance, Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia is characterized self-evaluation using body shape and weight. These conditions affect the physical, psychological and social functions of an individual and their families. Besides, eating disorders acts as an ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2636

Discuss Why Counseling Is a Process, Not an Event

Introduction An event is a happening whose results can be traced back to one occurrence. On the other hand, a process is an occurrence whose results are associated with cumulative long-term effects. Therefore, the Counseling process refers to a planned, structured dialogue between a counselor and a client. It is a cooperative process that utilizes ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2462

Difference Between Charter School and LAUSD

Charter schools in Los Angeles are tuition-free public schools that a charter has formed. A charter in this regard is a philosophy of operating agreements of sorts written by the community for which the institution will serve (DeBray et al., 2014). Charter schools are public institutions but are unique to that effect since they are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1520

Depression in Women

People who suffer from various mental health issues are more likely to suffer from depression, especially severe depressive disorder. Depression ranks third in terms of global illness burden when suicide and stroke deaths induced by depression are included. Society may be reducing women’s roles as housewives and mothers, and it has been argued. Meanwhile, women ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 835

Culture-Related Issues That Impact International Students’ and Immigrants’ Life in Washington DC

INTRODUCTION Students tend to travel to other countries that offer better educational options. For example, the united states of America offer students a better option for school work. This will translate to experience through the places they study and exposure to different cultures and destinations. Usually, when students go to different places, they tend to ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5304

Criminology Assignment: Intervention Techniques, Disproportionate Minority Contact, Race-Based Policies, Delinquency

1. Effective Intervention Techniques On Youth Affected By Family Violence As an international social challenge, family violence builds up to dangerous consequences engulfing parents, victims of violence as well as children. Due to family violence, a significant number of children undergo negative consequences distinguished by the social issue. These consequences include but are not limited ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3533

The Theories of Juvenile Delinquency and Its Causes

The Meaning Of Theories and Why They are Important To Understanding Juvenile Delinquency The theories in juvenile delinquency are concepts that experts form to help explain why children or adolescents behave in a particular way. The theories also help people understand what might contribute to certain behaviors of young people in society (Siegel & Welsh, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1665
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