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Social Sciences Essays

The Reasons of Divorces in Canada

The legal termination of a matrimonial bond by a law court is referred to as divorce. The number of divorce lawsuits has risen in recent years. The conflict theory is one of several ideas that can be used to describe this phenomenon. Mankind is often in conflict, as per conflict theory, which was initially stated by ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 935

Trade Policy as a Tool for Foreign Policy

Yes, the United States should require that other businesses do more to protect the rights of workers and the environment they operate. All of the countries that are members of their union are responsible for ensuring that all international labor and environmental standards and laws are adhered to, as well as that all international ecological ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869
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The US Constitution

Constitution is the supreme law of United States. The document became effective in 1789, and since then, it has undergone 27 amendments to meet the ever-changing needs of the people. The initial ten amendments were called the Bill of Rights, which protects individual freedom and justice and limits government powers. The other 17 amendments protected ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 731

The Risks Facing International Civilian Police

Political unrest is still evidenced in some states today, presenting an ugly picture. The United Nations (UN) mandate to restore order and a good political climate in politically unstable countries has led to International Civilian Police. The mandate aims to prevent crime, handle crime, prevent human life loss due to war, and ensure the property ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 956

The Future of Psychological Testing and Assessment

Test and Assessment Three assessments are used for assessing domestic violence victims. In this regard, psychologists use unstructured clinical judgment, actuarial decision-making, and structured professional judgment. The unstructured clinical judgment is based on clinical knowledge; however, it is considered unreliable even though it is common to assess patients. Actuarial decision-making involves mathematic risk prediction where ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1030

The Effects of Social Media on Teens

Social media has become a daily part of life for many teens in the current world. As per the 2018 Pew Research Center survey, it shows that 97% of teens use social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Facebook. Besides, this is not a surprise to note that the dependence on social media ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 968

What Is Stress?

Stress is regarded as any progress that creates physical or mental pressure in the person who is encountering it. It is a physiological response that happens when your body is needed to play out an assignment or focus (Scott, 2020). Work-related stress, also known as occupational stress, is described as an individual’s negative reaction to ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3158

Stress Management Essay

Introduction Stress at the workplace and school environment causes harm to individuals. Some of the major stressors include workplace uncertainties, technological advancements, office politics and the workloads experienced. With stress, productivity is also lowered, which negatively impacts the profit lines of organizations. Both employees and organizations need to have stress management plans to ensure stress ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 944

Sociological Factors That Influence the Formation of Families

Introduction The different experiences and aspects that we have of our culture often have influenced our ideas about family and marriage. We live in such a diverse culture where there exist every type of family and marriage. The typical American family has been depicted as a nuclear family. This type of family consists of a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3116

Social, Cultural and Historical Drivers Behind the Creation of Youth Clubs and Youth Groups

Youths are very critical as they are known as the future of societies. According to Tahir (n.d), youth are recently challenging the older political class worldwide and are forming a new political generation. By definition, youths are individuals between youth, 15- to 24-year-olds following United Nations(de-Brauw, 2019 p 2). According to Stecklov and Menashe-Oren (2019), ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1708

Social Media Influence in Politics

For the past few decades, observers of the global political environment have reported rapid, dramatic developments beginning in the second decade of the twentieth century. Most importantly, social media networks in Europe and America have had various effects on the political systems of different countries. The influence varies across and within democratic and authoritarian regimes, and is ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1345

Schizophrenia Myths and Misconceptions

For centuries, psychological disorders have been perceived and explained using myths and misconceptions. Medically, they are described as an abnormal behavioral pattern exhibited by an individual. One of the disorders that have several myths and misconceptions about is schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental complication where a person develops cognitive abilities deterioration, unusual beliefs, auditory hallucinations, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 736

Schizophrenia Disorder Education Packet

Illness Information Based on different risk factors, schizophrenia has been noted to be a severe mental illness that can affect an individual’s thinking in a significant way. Notably, mental illness has either an adverse or a positive effect on its patient’s thinking, feeling, and behavior. With the mental disease being rare, the mental illness is ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2096

Riverbend City Case StudyAnalysis

Abstract The case study presents a boy named Lu Vang who is severely affected by chemicals following a train derailment within Riverbend. Lu Vang is also accompanied by other students who have minor brain injuries but require treatment. Lu Vang has bruises, and other marks on his back from a coining therapy practice popularly carried ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1079
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