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Social Sciences Essays

Train or Educating Leaders

Over time, the US Army has achieved tremendous military breakthroughs. From the 1980s to the present, education and training structures have transitioned from analog to digital. More breakthroughs in military education and training are expected in the next years. At the start of a soldier’s career, schools and courses often focus on training to prepare ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 738

Therapy for Patient With Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings from low depressive moments to manic highs with increased energy (Perlis and Ostacher, 2016a). Unfortunately, the condition has no direct causes that can be pinpointed, which makes its treatment challenging. Moreover, laboratory testing using various diagnostic parameters may not be useful in the diagnosis of the disorder ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1816
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In What Ways Are the Theories of Freud and Nietzsche Similar?

The following ideas of Nietzsche are similar to those of Sigmund Freud: (a) the concept of repression; (b) the idea which persecution pushes unconscionable thoughts and feelings into the unconscious, thereby making the specific person emotionally more effective and comfortable; (c) the idea that subjugated instinctual and emotions initiatives later manifest individuals in ways that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2175

Doing Gender on Social Media

The world’s views about gender conformity and construction are increasingly evolving. Gender is not socially formed, and people do not have to believe in or embody gender norms. Unfortunately, many individuals find it difficult to accept people for who they are rather than their gender, which leads to gender stereotyping. The writers contend in the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1378

The Use of Restorative Justice Programs

Abstract The research paper is to assist in understanding the use of restorative justice programs and recommendations preferred to enhance the effectiveness of these programs. Restorative programs have proven effective in solving disputes out of court. These programs ensure that the victims and the offender communicate with each other during their encounters to ensure that ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3453

Capstone Project: The Use of Music for Mental Health Patients

Background Mental health disorders are common clinical issues among the elderly, necessitating the development of evidence-based remedies. Mental illnesses account for 6.6 percent of all disability among older individuals. Mental illnesses affect at least 15% of persons over the age of 60. Dementia and depression are the most frequent mental health issues afflict the elderly. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1887

The Solar War of Nevada – Elon Musk vs. Warren Buffet

Description of the Situation and the First Judgment Video Summary Residents of Nevada are caught in a crossfire of SolarCity & NV Energy’s struggle for the energy sector, as depicted in the video. To begin with, Elon Musk’s SolarCity is attempting to sell solar systems to Nevada residents to offer them a sustainable energy source ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1735

The Relationship Between Hunger and Framing

Introduction Framing is used by many companies to make products highly appealing to customers. The tactic captures the buyers’ weak senses to make them feel attracted to the product for prompt buying. For example, products whose price matter the most to buyers will bear positive price framing, while those whose taste matters most will utilize ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1016

The Public Perceptions on Undercover Policing vs Reality

At first look, it may appear that deceit is the primary differentiator of undercover operations and all other types of policing. However, deception is utilized in many facets of police. In order to obtain a confession from the prisoner, the investigator may lie to him. A patrol officer may persuade a hostile and barricaded criminal ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1914

Research on the Potential Relationship Between Educational Inequality and Income Inequality in Developing Countries Under COVID-19

Findings Overview Two caveats, which were discussed in more detail earlier in this chapter (section on research methodology), were imposed in order to make sense of the findings: First and foremost, it should be noted that the results represent a more optimistic estimate than is likely to be true in the majority of developing countries ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6399

The National Labor Act

Introduction The national labor act (NLRA) was formulated to encourage collective bargaining to protect workers’ complete freedom of association. The law protects workplace democracy by providing in the private – institutions workplace the right to a good working environment and the freedom to choose representatives without fear. The motion was raised by Wagner and was ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2184

The Main Reasons for the Political Tensions in Fiji and the Role Christianity Plays

Christianity should be inclusive yet elusive to many since there are fundamental aspects that drive perception. Fiji’s experience offers essential insights into discussions about political instability and appropriate ways to organize the state in international communities (Ngin, Chanrith, et al. 299). In current multiracial studies, very little attention is paid to colonial roots and policies. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2084

The Law Relating to the WTO and the Actual Sources of WTO Law

Introduction For a long time, humans have always looked for a way to exchange what they have for what they want, which was beneficial for both parties. The exchange of goods and services between people of different areas and regions leads to trade development. The mode of trade that was first adopted back then was ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3564

The Freedom of Speech and Expression

Introduction Freedom of speech refers to the extent to which the government or the laws of a country defends the rights of its citizens to express themselves freely without victimization or blackmail. It incorporates the liberty to speak your mind without fear of victimization or criticism from state organs in a manner that you deem ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1259

The Financial Future of Children Is Already Determined When They Are Born

Introduction The elite family has a wealth management advisory firm called the family office that manages the families’ wealth and financial investment decisions. Rich value their family name and legacy and, therefore, will develop measures to ensure that their dynasty name is respected and carried forward to future generations. These measures include planning for their ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1229
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