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Social Justice Essays

Queer a Jewish Practice: Purim

Purim is one of the most celebrated Jewish practices in history. In English interpretation, it can be called “Feasts of Lots.” This festival or celebration is usually done to mark and remember the survival of the Jewish people who, in the early 5th century BCE, were marked and were supposed to be killed by the Persian ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1327

A Critical Review of ‘Intersection of Ubuntu Pedagogy and Social Justice: Transforming South African Higher Education’

Introduction Qargha (2023) noted that the current model of schooling does not meet the needs of a significant portion of the world’s population and is highly vulnerable to catastrophic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This call for change in pedagogy is echoed by Souza (2023). According to Souza (2023), global warming, growing inequalities, and ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3668
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Theoretical Essay- Black Feminism Theories: Alicia Keys

The black feminist woman and object I have selected for my essay is Alicia Keys. Alicia Keys is an American singer and songwriter. Keys, a pianist with classical training, began composing music at 12. Columbia Records signed her at the young age of 15. She can be aptly described as a contemporary Renaissance woman. Because ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1780

Culture, Diversity, Social Justice, Equity, and Theory

Culture, diversity, social justice, and equity are some of the areas in contemporary society that have numerous challenges. Out of all these problems, the digital divide is the most important one, whereby there is not equal access to information and communication technology (Adams et al., 2022). The origin of this issue is both long and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1803

Sexual Orientation and the Law

Bill C-150 was introduced in 1967, which decriminalized homosexuality. It was implemented after a long argument between proposers and opposing representatives (Dillbary & Edwards, 2019). For instance, the case of Everett George reinforced different points of view on same-sex sexual activity. Considering the reasons that contributed to the legalization of homosexuality, my perspective is that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2158

Cultural Considerations When Caring for People With Care Needs That Differ From One’s Own

Ethnicity, socioeconomic class, or disability-related health inequalities are serious problems in medicine, regardless of the cause. Resolving such disability inequalities is the key to providing a fair and inclusive healthcare service. This essay delves into disability disparities, drawing insights from the article “Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities: a global scoping review on Barriers and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 652

Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Physical Education

This project aims to develop a complete way to teach based on all the different things that students have learned this term. As new physical education teachers, we must put together a teaching theory that fits the main ideas. The task stresses the importance of putting theory into practice, especially regarding fitness. Newcomers know physical ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1325

Guest Speaker Series on Social Justice and Reforms

Various speakers have been throughout the course, and different speakers touch on different issues and courses relevant to them and their communities. Even though most of the speakers and their speeches are from the past, most of the topics and issues touched on still feel very relevant and relatable in the modern world. Some of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3700

Catholicism and American Culture

The first mark of Catholicism in the colonial period of American history was found in the establishment of Maryland in 1634 to protect persecuted catholic people who sought religious freedom. Lord Baltimore, a Catholic, set up a colony for peace to prevail in which people of different religious inclinations, including Catholics, could live together. Nevertheless, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2150

School to Prison Pipeline Final

Introduction School suspensions and other forms of discipline, however, also fuel this more intricate problem by unwittingly increasing the likelihood that their children, especially minority kids, will get entangled in the criminal justice system, making it even worse. Due to this worrying trend, people are concerned about the relationship between education, race, and justice. Some ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1425

A Comprehensive Analysis of Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative’s Activism in ’Holding Ground: The Rebirth of Dudley Street

Introduction The urban center of Boston is Roxbury. This neighborhood used to be an inhabited area with a vibrant working class of immigrating Irish and Italians and faced problems because of institutional racism and urban neglect as such. Dudley Street and other surrounding neighborhoods were the heart of the habitant town called Roxbury before and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2383

Peer Feedback on the Song “Glory Days” by the Hong Rock Band.

Introduction The song “Glory Days” is often viewed in relation to Nelson Mandela and his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. This song discusses the harsh realities of the fight for equality and racism. The song’s main theme is hoping for a world not characterized by racial boundaries, as it highlights the sacrifices and struggles ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1055

Impact of the Foster Care System and Why It Should Be Abolished

Foster care policy provides the legal procedures, practices, and bases required for foster care services. Foster care is usually provided to children who can not live with their parents, whose parents have passed on, and do not have any legal guardians to take care of them. The foster care system was implemented to ensure children ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 918

Health and Wealth

The balance between health and wealth has become a significant issue in the community, particularly in a social setting of health and wealth. As we sail through different challenges in contemporary life, it is evident that our reliance on good health and financial stability significantly plays a pivotal role in influencing the quality of life ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1245

“Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys” by Victor Rios: Book Report

Introduction “Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys” by Victor Rios is a thought-stimulating book that explores and uncovers the effects of retrogressive policies on the livelihood of young Latino and Black boys in urban setups. Having lived and experienced life, Rios exposes the systemic racism and social inequalities that push vulnerable and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2228
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