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The Exploitation of College Athletes

The speech by Tim Nevius touches upon the treatment of college athletes in American universities, with a specific emphasis on Black athletes as being much more affected than their counterparts. He starts by discussing the historical background, pointing out the boom of finances in college sports following the Supreme Court case in 1984. The speech argues that colleges privilege sports over education, and hence, they also promote racial and economic injustices. Nevius, who once served as an NCAA investigator, reveals the limitations of the rules that prevent athletes from earning money on their talents and draws attention to the absence of education and health protections (Nevius, 2020). As a whole, it is a call to action that requires change to guarantee equal treatment, progressive education, and reasonable health and safety standards for all collegiate athletes.

The rhetorical situation of the speech addresses a broad audience. Nevius aims not only at the room’s participants but also a larger audience outside of the demographics (Nevius, 2020). The speech is aimed at people worried about social justice, equity, and the values of higher learning. Although the target audience’s age is not specified, what is raised suggests an attraction to a socially aware and educated group, including young adults and the older generations.

Nevius’s agenda and goal are present throughout the speech. He plans to reveal the abuse of college athletes, support their rights, and promote reforms. His purpose is defined more clearly in the last few minutes when he enumerates specific demands, such as having a meaningful education for the athletes, responsible spending by universities, strict health and safety standards, and representation of the athletes (Nevius, 2020).

The weaknesses of the media, a speech with many possibilities for including visuals, reveal themselves. Even though Nevius uses his words to show how college athletes are exploited, the absence of visual aids may prevent the viewers from understanding statistical data or seeing particular instances visually. The speech could be transformed into a magazine article or a podcast to broaden its scope and effectiveness. What else can accompany the narrative in a magazine article? Visuals, statistics, and interviews would supplement it to make it stronger. As a podcast, the speaker’s voice would provide a lot of emotions and passion to connect with the listeners emotionally.

The speech strikes a chord with the listeners about how college athletes are being used to generate billions of dollars in the industry. Reflecting on his work as an NCAA investigator, Nevius gives concrete cases of the deprivation of the opportunity for athletes to profit from their skills and those restrictions that ordinary students do not experience. The speech also points out the disparate effect on Black athletes, which contributes to a systemic racial and economic imbalance.

In conclusion, Tim Nevius’s speech is an inspiring call to arms against the abuse of college athletes. The rhetorical context, intended audience, agenda, and medium limitations are crucial elements that make a speech effective. This message is created per the ideas of fairness, social justice, and reforms in college sports. The importance of change in the exploitation of college athletes, whether delivered through face-to-face communication, magazine articles, or even a po, cast, remains a key theme.


Nevius, T. (2020, November). The exploitation of US college athletes.


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