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College Athletes Essays

College Athletes Should Be Paid for Playing in Games

College athletes are hardworking people in the country. College athletes have to work through tedious workouts and practices to be able to compete in every game throughout the year. The Supreme Court ruled that college athletes should only be offered education-related payments, not monetary ones. Therefore, college athletes are compensated with scholarships. College sports make ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1157

Race, Sex, and Gender in College Athletics

Hextrum (2021) defines sport as any institutionalized competitive activity that involves relatively rigorous and complex physical exertion and skills by participants driven by external or internal motivation. As an institution, athletics holds an essential place in society. Since the 19th century, the dominant focus on college athletics has been on males. Necessary efforts have been put ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1538
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Mental State of College Athletes Post-Graduation

Introduction The Clarendon Commission is credited for the recommendation of introducing games and sports in public schools both at an intermediary level and higher education. Games and sports were identified as a primary way to develop morality discipline and improve the mental health of students. Against this backdrop, the research question is what is the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1913
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