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Social Justice in Healthcare

Three personal values vital to you and why you value them

Three personal values vital to me are courage, adaptability, and self-respect. Courage is essential as it helps me take risks to tackle different situations and make principled decisions. Adaptability enables me to embrace new experiences, be flexible to diverse aspects of life, and adjust to different circumstances. Self-respect is crucial as it enables me to engage in healthy relationships, keeping in mind my values and standards even in the face of external pressures.

I value courage, adaptability, and self-respect over other values because they help me navigate effectively in personal and professional environments. They also help me navigate challenges and embrace growth from diverse perspectives. Additionally, the values enlighten me in fostering connections with others and maintaining healthy relationships. Moreover, I value them more since they encourage me to embrace change, learn from experience, and live within my boundaries.

Greatest social justice need in the community you live in

The greatest social justice need in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community is equality. The LGBTQ needs equal employment opportunities with inclusivity and addressing issues of harassment. They also need equal access to social services such as healthcare services and public accommodation. Additionally, they need equal legal protection and access to equal rights like other citizens.

I know that equality among the LGBTQ is essential because, in most instances, they are denied access to social services and employment opportunities due to the identification of their gender. Equality is important because it assures fairness and justice to all people despite their gender identity. It also supports crucial physical and mental health aspects due to equal access to health care services. Moreover, it addresses the issues of discrimination and fosters a discrimination-free environment.

A critical social justice need related to your future career

Diversity and inclusion are a critical social justice need for my future nursing career. Diversity and inclusion in the profession involve working with staff from diverse backgrounds regardless of gender or background differences. Also, it includes serving patients equally and maintaining effective communication to meet patients’ needs. Diversity and inclusion allow the decision-making process to involve all the staff in developing the best strategies to improve work services.

Social justice issues might impact nursing by establishing trust and effective communication to meet patients’ needs. Also, it might address factors influencing health and wellness, creating effective care plans. Issues such as inclusivity create a collaborative work environment and improve teamwork. Inclusive decision-making contributes to a more inclusive organizational and professional culture.

Non-profit sites that relate to equality among the LGBTQ community

Stonewall Columbus is a non-profit site that fights for the equality of the LGBTQ community in central Ohio and across states. It serves a population of about 45,000 people to resource every year. The mission of Stonewall Columbus is to ensure the inclusion of the LGBTTQ community in political and social aspects. It serves the community through programs and listing local products and services from LGBTQ platforms.

TransOhio organization also fights for the equality of the LGBTQ community in Ohio. It serves up to 1.4 million people, especially young people. The mission of the TransOhio organization is to ensure equality in health, education, and support services among the transgender and ally communities. It serves the community through social networking to build friendships and youth and support programs to discuss challenges and support young individuals navigating gender identity.

How nursing code of ethics intersect with nursing ethical standards

The nursing code of ethics intersects with ethical standards as it outlines the nursing profession’s values and principles. It offers guidance on how to handle different situations within the profession. It further elaborates on the principles that need to be applied in different contexts. It also guides nurses on decision-making procedures requiring patients’ consent before carrying out activities such as medication options.

The nursing code also highlights professional values like transparency, confidentiality, and integrity. It encourages collaboration and inclusion with patients and other staff members to ensure the delivery of quality services. It encourages nurses to be competent in their work and include diversity in the work areas despite cultural, background, race, or ethical differences. The nursing code of ethics encourages accountability of actions, as mistakes due to carelessness have consequences.


Daum, C. W. (2020). Social equity, homonormativity, and equality: An intersectional critique of the administration of marriage equality and opportunities for LGBTQ social justice. Administrative Theory & Praxis42(2), 115-132.

Santisi, G., Lodi, E., Magnano, P., Zarbo, R., & Zammitti, A. (2020). Relationship between psychological capital and quality of life: The role of courage. Sustainability12(13), 5238.

Stanford, F. C. (2020). The importance of diversity and inclusion in the healthcare workforce. Journal of the National Medical Association112(3), 247-249.

Stonewall Columbus. (2021). Stonewall Columbus is [Review of Stonewall Columbus is]. In YouTube.

TransOhio. Ohio’s only statewide Trans-led organization.


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