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Protestant Essays

Critiques of the Church of England by Protestant “Dissenters” Between 1570 and 1715

 Thesis: Protestant “Dissenters” from 1570 to 1715 offered several critiques of the Church of England based on their disagreements with its doctrines, ceremonies, and governance structures. Dissenters opposed the church’s use of the Book of Common Prayer, bishopric, and refusal to allow religious freedom to nonconformists. Critiques focused on the church’s Catholic customs and lack ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1086

A Comparison Between Catholics and Protestant Religion

The number of people who worship the Catholic religion is nearly 1.2 billion more than other religion globally. Basically, in the world, there are more Roman Catholic Christians combined than Hindus, Buddhists, though the Muslims of Sunni and Shii are many. Catholic is a Christian Church with influential force, especially in the history of Western ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1902
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