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Catholics Essays

Religion’s Influence on Science in the Medieval Era

Introduction During the Medieval Era, religion significantly influenced scientific investigation, as evidenced by historical records. McGrath reports that the Catholic Church was crucial in promoting scientific research during this period, with many prominent scientists being devoted Catholics (2020). However, Kieckhefer notes that the Church’s stance on science was not always consistent, and there were periods ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1338

The Martyrdom of Father San Vitores and the Catholic Church’s Efforts To Convert the Indigenous Peoples of Guam

The Catholic Church sent Spanish Jesuit Father Diego Luis de Sanvítores to evangelize Guam in the Marianas. He was born in Spain in 1580 and joined the Jesuits. Sanvítores landed in Guam in 1668, changing the islands. Sanvítores was a Catholic who wanted to convert Guam’s locals.[1]. He founded churches, schools, and monasteries around the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2607
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Assignment: The Dignity of the Human Person

Under catholic teachings, every human being is created in the likeness of God. This is the bedrock that makes human beings creatures that are dignified since every person is a reflection of God’s image. Every person is entitled to be treated in a manner that upholds human dignity. Just as rights and freedoms are upheld ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 716

The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi

Francis, the Saint, was born in 1181 in Italy to a very wealthy cloth merchant. He was a man who used to drink and party with friends and was imprisoned close to a year in his twenty’s for participating in a war between Perugia and Assisi. While in prison, Francis started receiving visions from God. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1318

Care for Environment

The following essay provides an overview of the environment and how people may help to protect it. It also examines Catholic teaching on the environment and Jesus’ teaching on the environment, with pertinent references from the Bible. The term “environment” refers to the natural surroundings and areas where people reside. However, human activities endanger the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1156

A Comparison Between Catholics and Protestant Religion

The number of people who worship the Catholic religion is nearly 1.2 billion more than other religion globally. Basically, in the world, there are more Roman Catholic Christians combined than Hindus, Buddhists, though the Muslims of Sunni and Shii are many. Catholic is a Christian Church with influential force, especially in the history of Western ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1902
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