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Populism Essays

The Erosion of Democracy and Populism: The Role of Misinformation and Disinformation

Introduction The cornerstone of modern governance, which is democracy, is encountering unprecedented obstacles as populism rises and democratic standards decline. The universal spread of unreliable and intentionally deceitful information throughout Donald Trump’s presidency has dangerously damaged public perceptions and voting preferences in troubling ways that are difficult to remedy. This paper examines how false and ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3660

Complex Impact of Populism on Democracy in Europe

Introduction Populism is a political philosophy that sets the “common people” against a “corrupt elite” and promotes the idea that political power should come from the people. A charismatic leader who represents the “people’s will” bypasses institutional checks and balances is typical. Populism’s effects on democracy have been hotly debated in recent years. Populism may ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2233
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Populism as a Theoretical Concept

Introduction The word populism has taken center stage in modern political debates, prompting an increasing number of scholars to delve deeply into its meaning. Although there is no universal agreement on populism, many analysts see it as a “political style” used by politicians seeking to connect with various socioeconomic subgroups. Based on their various tactics ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1811

Why Populism Emerged in Finland During the European Union Crisis

Introduction Finland, a rich Nordic country, ironically experienced populism due to the European Union Crisis. This became a topic of discussion for decades as scholars tried to figure out what could be the main reason for the occurrence of such a menace to such a great country. According to the SAIS Journal of Global Affairs ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2803

Diplomacy in International Relations

Introduction Diplomacy is a secretly applied policy to bring peace among countries in conflict and set up resolutions that maintain that peaceful nature within nations. In international relations, diplomacy uses a particular strategy to minimize wars and conflict among countries, which causes paralysis in international operations like tourism, trade, foreign exchange agriculture, and national benchmarks ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1174

Erdoğan’s Discourse and Populism in Power

How Erdoğan’s discourse has changed during his period in office as an example of populism in power? Abstract Erdogan’s success in transforming Turkey from a progressive quasi-democratic dictatorship to an undemocratic one has led to him being labelled as a populist leader in power, especially in a divided society, unstable democratic culture and problematic areas. ... Read More
Pages: 34       Words: 9088

European Comparative Politics and Populism

Introduction In the year 2017, the Cambridge dictionary revealed that populism was the most searched word, and for this reason, it became the word of the year. The media’s level of attention to populism in the political phenomenon was surprising. There have been many changes that have taken place in Western democracies in the past. ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4440
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Popular Essay Topics