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Political Sciene Essays

Exploring the Ontological and Epistemological Foundation of the Positivist Approach to Politics

Introduction This paper explores positivist political philosophy’s ontological and epistemological foundations while emphasizing behavior analysis. According to the positivist line of theory, information is only truly acquired through exposure and an understanding of the relationships and traits of natural occurrences, even when this includes occasionally inaccurate knowledge. Thus, the only basis for all conclusive knowledge ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2235

West Responsible for the Ukraine Crisis, Provoked Putin

Introduction The Ukrainian crisis has been a critical geopolitical event of the twenty-first century, defined by Russia’s unlawful annexation of Crimea and continued attempts to destabilize Ukraine. Although many in the West blame Russia for the crisis, many academics and professionals contend that the West, notably the United States and its European allies, must accept ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2829
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Introduction Since the study of politics began, the argument over how to conceive and organise regimes into separate categories has been ongoing. Some authors, such as Przeworski et al., Gandhi, and Svolik, have used dichotomous conceptualisations of democracy in recent years. In contrast, others, such as Levitsky, Way, and Schedler, have argued for the inclusion ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2289

Information Leakage and National Security

The recent growth in technology has given hackers and other online criminals opportunities to breach the securities of various organizations, including the national security. For many years, interfering with individual data has been treated as a minor offense since the federal and state prosecutors have failed to consider it a serious crime. For that reason, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2004
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