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National Security Essays

Future Issues in Homeland Security and Defense

Introduction Due to the devastating terrorist attacks in the year 2001, it was declared by George. W. Bush that an office of Homeland Security and Defense should be created. Furthermore, the budget for homeland security was distributed among four main policies: weapons for mass destruction, emergency response and preparedness, information analysis, and transportation and border ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 725

Russian Long-Range Aviation and Effects on U.S. Intelligence Community: 2010 – Present

The Russian Long-Range Aviation (LRA) has played a major role in calibrating the strategic measurements between Russia and the U.S. In this article, the essay covers the effect of Russian LRA operations on U.S.the Intelligence Community (I.C.) over the 2010-2020s. This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the structure of Russian LRA operations ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1203
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The Evolution of Cryptography: From Mechanical Ingenuity to Digital Complexity

Introduction Cryptography is becoming more crucial to protect communication, data integrity, and privacy in the digital age. Prehistoric people encrypted their messages with primitive ciphers. Cryptography has changed to address new challenges and use new technologies. This progress is due to breakthroughs in mathematical theory and processing capacity and the ongoing fight between secure communications ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2161

Federal Definitions of Threats, Terrorism, and Hazards

The Federal definition of threats, terrorism, and hazards is important in several disciplines, namely national security emergency management and law enforcement. Threats: Threats are, therefore, generally considered to be prospective violations of someone’s rights, such as physical assault or coercion directed against individuals, groups, and even their property in a federal respect. Various types of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1006

President’s Action Regarding Iran and Compliance With Relevant Law and the Constitution

Introduction In response to recent presidential actions following intelligence indicating a potential threat from Iran, particularly the air strike on an Iranian land-based military installation, this memorandum seeks to evaluate whether the President’s actions comply with relevant laws and the Constitution. The analysis will focus on the War Powers Resolution, Orlando v. Laird, and other ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1034

National Security Should Have the Largest Share of the Budget

Abstract This essay argues that national security should be the biggest beneficiary of a country’s budget. Reasons that back this argument revolve around the ability of a well-funded national security to protect citizens and promote economic and political stability. Nevertheless, we argue that national security is more important than other dockets, including programs that promote ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 964

Navigating Ethical Challenges in Intelligence Operations: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Making ethical decisions is essential for intelligence services since one can prevent execution problems. It involves a problematic ethics issue as the economic intelligence of Country B, a tier-1 foreign country, has to be carried out by an intelligence agency. In light of the recent errors made by the agency in providing precise information, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1724

How Does the CHIPS Act Fit Into a Larger Framework of U.S. Industrial Policy Aimed at National Security? Is It a Template for Future Legislation in Other Sectors?

The CHIPS Act represents a significant foray by the U.S. government into utilizing direct investment in industry to promote national security interests (Ip, 2023). The $53 billion allocated is intended to incentivize domestic semiconductor manufacturing and reduce reliance on imports, particularly from geopolitically vulnerable Taiwan (WSJ video, 2023). Targeted subsidies and government funding harkens back ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1257

Should Undocumented Immigrants Workers Receive a Pathway to Citizenship?

Introduction The question of whether undocumented immigrants should receive a pathway to citizenship or amnesty has continuously been a source of debate in politics, media, and between people throughout the United States. The framework of immigration policy in the United States emerged in the 1960s with the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 and has ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1833

Discussion: The River and the Wall

The River and The Wall follows an immersive adventure of five friends journeying through 1200-mile-long wilds of the Texas borderlands from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico. This glossy travelogue highlights the region’s varied fauna and scenic splendor while touching on topics like immigration, conservation, and border security—as well as the then much-ballyhooed border wall. Throughout ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1394

United States Critical Infrastructure and How We Protect It

Critical infrastructure vulnerability has become a significant issue in the US that requires high protection from cyberattacks, terrorist activities, and natural disasters. Today, the US is interested in protecting its critical infrastructure at all costs. Critical infrastructure refers to systems that are necessary for a society and its economy operation. They include communication systems, transport ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1104

The Role of Censorship in Cyber Security and Freedom

The discourse surrounding the function of censorship in the digital era is complex, encompassing matters related to information control, personal liberties, and national security. One way to look at censorship is as a weapon that governments employ to keep their citizens safe online and as a way to limit people’s ability to express themselves freely. ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3028

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Abstract The study seeks to understand more about CBP’s role in defending the country against external threats on American soil. The research question aims to determine how effective current measures have been in preventing threats from entering the United States and what additional steps the CBP could take to improve its ability to detect potential ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3508

The Foreign Ownership of U.S. Airline

Foreign ownership of U.S. airlines is a complicated and frequently contentious topic that has provoked heated disputes among policymakers, industry professionals, and the general public. At its essence, it relates to how non-US persons or corporations can own and manage US-based airlines. While some urge to increase foreign investment to boost competitiveness and bring in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 630

Problems Arising From Stereotypes Ideas Linking Certain Communities to Threats to National Security

When a country’s national security is threatened, leaders seek first to protect its people above everything else. That was the case with the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” order by President Donald Trump. Despite the outlook as a security measure, this action led to widespread protests and legal challenges across ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2459
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