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Cybersecurity Essays

The Threats Accompanied by the Changing Impact of Electronic Marketplaces

Introduction The emergence of electronic marketplaces has led to a new generation of commerce that shows how businesses and consumers operate. Even though these online platforms, such as the Internet, are efficient at offering online transactions, they also have various threats that affect consumers, businesses, and the market (Efraim Turban et al., 2018). In this ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 654
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User Perspectives on Cybersecurity: Qualitative Research Approach

Overview Issues with data privacy and cybersecurity are fast-expanding concerns that affect many different types of internet users. Cyberattacks and unauthorized data use, ranging from significant data breaches to individual account intrusions, put millions of people’s safety and privacy in danger every year. In countering these dangers, it is essential to comprehend user viewpoints, knowledge, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1365

Cloud Essential Case Study

Introduction Organizations are depending more and more on cloud computing in the age of digital transformation to take advantage of its flexibility, scalability, and affordability. But as more data moves to the cloud, security worries become critical. This essay explores the complex topic of cloud security from three essential angles: privacy, big data, and data ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 629

Summarize Two Thesis and Compare

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscapes of financial services and cybersecurity, technological advancements such as Microservices Architecture (MSA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) are pivotal in shaping industry practices. Isaiah Angweh Chig Mobit’s study, “Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Factors and the Adoption of Microservices in the Financial Services Sector,” dissects the multidimensional factors influencing the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2493

Managing Information Systems & Technology

Introduction Companies are now increasingly allowing some of their employees to work remotely. The emergency of covid 19 caused the rethinking of how work can be restructured to respond to organizational needs. This has necessitated many firms to develop IT infrastructure facilitating remote work (Korty et al., 2021). This working approach allows employees flexibility in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 744

United States Critical Infrastructure and How We Protect It

Critical infrastructure vulnerability has become a significant issue in the US that requires high protection from cyberattacks, terrorist activities, and natural disasters. Today, the US is interested in protecting its critical infrastructure at all costs. Critical infrastructure refers to systems that are necessary for a society and its economy operation. They include communication systems, transport ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1104

Mitigating Injection and XSS Threats

Introduction In the modern digital world, hackers regularly use newly improved methods and strategies, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other security control tools that fasten the cyber-attack lifecycle (Higuera et al., 2020). Therefore, as a cyber security professional, one should be able to anticipate such turbulent threats and ensure the organization’s system remains secure ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 746

The Intersection of Information Management, Cybersecurity, and Employee Data Analysis

Information management defines data collection, storage, and retrieval within an organization. As a major in this area, it is essential to understand how supply chain and cybersecurity can assist in my career growth and effectiveness in managing information resources. The supply chain is an intricate network of entities such as service and product production, distribution, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 641

Cybersecurity: Threat Modelling Report

Executive Summary Threat modeling is an important fete in the cybersecurity profession. It helps in identifying potential threats by anticipating security attacks in a given system or system by allowing analysts to visualize the system from an attacker’s perspective. Therefore, the analysts can identify potential entry points that adversaries can use in attacking a system. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2236

Cybersecurity: Perspectives on Access Control Strategy Improvements in the IT Industry

Introduction In the vast domain of cybersecurity, Access Control stands out as a pivotal component that delineates who can or cannot access resources in a network. Essentially, it is a process that helps safeguard against unauthorized intrusions, ensuring that only those who should have access can obtain it. Like a meticulous guard checking credentials at ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1749

The National Implications of the SolarWinds Breach

Overview of the Attack and Its Phases The SolarWinds breach became public in late 2020, a recent most serious cybersecurity incident. It reflects a complex and detailed attack against a variety of institutions, including both government entities and commercial businesses. The breach can be divided into several stages. The intrusion began with a covert invasion ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1669

Reflecting on the Journey: Unravelling the Dynamics of Cybersecurity in Digital Banking

Undertaking research to improve Barclays’ cybersecurity for digital banking has been an enlightening experience. This paper summarizes the complex and evolving process, the valuable insights uncovered, the difficult challenges overcome, and the profound personal growth throughout the research project. The path involved careful planning, data collection, and analysis to understand the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1161

Genworth Financial Cyber-Attack

Overview/Case Summary On August 10, 2023, [Your Name] started the digital forensics investigation into the Genworth Financial Cyber-Attack. Global insurance behemoth Genworth Financial has disclosed an alarming cybersecurity incident that jeopardized protecting crucial client data and financial assets. The primary goals of this investigation are to determine the scope of data breaches, pinpoint the attack’s ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1494

Role of Block Chain in Cybersecurity: From Nakamoto’s Vision To Present

1.0 Introduction Blockchain technology was initially prototyped by pioneers such as the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto through his immortal paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” it was visioned to be the underlying framework for cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008). As Ahamad et al. (2022) observed, with blockchain technology, users can conduct anonymous financial transactions independent of third parties ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1812
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